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1  Other / Politics & Society / St. Louis hammer attack possibly "not a hate crime" on: December 03, 2014, 06:20:33 PM

So here we have a Bosnian (legal) immigrant who was attacked by a group of young savages and beaten to death with hammers. The victim was white skinned and the perps were dark skinned, but as of yet, the St. Louis police have refused to call it a hate crime. Why not? Had the roles been reversed, it certainly would have been called just that, whether there was any evidence to support it or not. I am so sick of the double standards in the media!

But of course, I had to go to Fox News to even read anything about it because, as per usual, the left-leaning news sources want nothing to do with it. They are still too busy fanning the flames of racism in the Mike Brown and 12-year old kid cases. A white skinned person being brutally murdered is just not newsworthy I reckon.

But hey, I'm sure that any minute now Obama, Holder, and Sharpton are going to go on record to denounce this terrible crime. I'm sure that any minute Sharpton is going to organize a march to protest this horrific murder enacted by a bunch of teenaged monsters. I'm sure that any minute the president and AG are going to go on record calling for calm and saying that it will be investigated to the fullest. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting......
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