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1  Local / Presse / Bitcoinupdate 36 - der deutsche Podcast on: July 29, 2013, 08:50:07 AM
Wieder mal gibt es eine neue Folge des Bitcoinupdates. Andreas+Andreas unterhalten sich ca 38 Minuten darüber was sich in der Welt von Bitcoin getan hat - und streuen dabei eine gute Portion persönliche Meinung ein.

Wie immer freuen wir uns über eure Mails an feedback -a- Danke an Levin Keller für das wertvolle Feedback.
Wenn ihr automatisch über neue Folgen Bescheid bekommen wollt abonniert unseren RSS feed. - Link auf der Homepage

Die Themen diesmal:

- SEC verklagt Pirateat40
- Troubles mit Mtgox
- Troubles mit Bitinstant
- Paypal verbietet Bitcoin Hardware
- Block erupter billiger
- O'Reilly Buch über Bitcoin
- Gavin schlägt 2-Faktor für Wallets vor
- Interview mit Fidor Bank * mit erratum
- Währungsbalance im Wandel
- Inside bitcoins conference
2  Local / Biete / [Gruppenkauf] ASIC USB Sammelbestellung Bitcoin Austria [ausgeliefert, ende] on: May 11, 2013, 10:17:56 AM

Hast du Interesse an den USB ASIC Minern? Wir machen eine Bestellung zum Selbstkostenpreis.

Trage dich einfach in diesem Formular ein:
Die Liste ist nicht öffentlich, da sie email-adressen enthält.

130-161 der 300  Geräte von 13 Bestellern sind schon eingetragen.
Das Ziel ist es sie auch gleich anzuschließen und das nur funktionsfähige Geräte mit nach Hause genommen werden.

Primär sprechen wir Leute an, die das Gerät selbst abholen.
Derzeit mögliche Orte: Wien, Graz, Bratislava.

Möchte jemand per Versand daran teilnehmen, erhöhen sich die Kosten entsprechend (Material, Versand). Das Mindestlimit für Versand sind außerdem 10 Geräte.
3  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Will the new dust rule 0.8.2 make it trivial to double spend 0-conf? on: May 06, 2013, 03:10:17 PM
lets assume the following scenario:

attacker connects to all miners directly.
constructs transaction with very healthy fee (0.01 btc) and 1 dust input + multiple fat inputs. outputs all back to him.
now he sends those directly to all miners. they may or may not relay it. but they will propably accept it to their memory pool to collect the fee on the next block.

now Mr. Attacker goes and pays at a merchant or digital download / vending machine.
the merchants sees the 0-conf TX and thinks it is ok. but in fact the inputs are conflicting with the 1st transaction.
previously this fact would be known quite fast because the original transaction would have flooded the network already and all merchants would have rejected it instantly. but now, he has no way of knowing that the conflicting transaction is already sitting in all miners memorypools and on the next block he will have a bad surprise!
4  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Neue Marktnische für Bitcoin: Menschen in Konkursverfahren, und deren Verwandte on: March 14, 2013, 08:55:52 AM

Frau geht pleite. Das 10000 euro sparbuch ihres 32 jahre alten Sohnes wird vom Finanzamt leergeräumt.
5  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-09 Slashdot: DNS Hijack Leads To Bitcoin Heist on: March 09, 2013, 10:05:06 AM

about the 333 BTC stolen from Bitinstant.
6  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-06 BitCoin Ponzi Scheme by Chris Duane (Truthnevertold) on: March 07, 2013, 01:20:19 PM
With Bitcoin up to $48 I think it is time to separate the hype from reality.
This is a Part 1 of a two part series on the Bitcoin.
Listen to all.
Follow none.
7  Other / Meta / vulnerability on SMF forums on: January 25, 2013, 03:27:34 PM
i have not looked in-depth into this, but this might be relevant:
8  Local / Presse / Wöchentlicher Podcast - Beitrag / aktuelle EP 35 on: October 11, 2012, 12:35:13 PM
aktueller link:

Quote from: old
Bitcoin-Austria hat nun ein festes Segment mit Bitcoin News von einigen Minuten im wöchentlich erscheinenden Biertaucher-Podcast.

letzte folge hier:

Episode 73 hat sogar 2 Bitcoin abschnitte,

Bei Minute 15 philosophiert Lukas wie man mit elektronischer Währung Geld umverteilen könnte. (nur rudimentär bezug zu Bitcoin)
Bei 1:07:17 beginnt der eigentliche Insert, mit den Themen Bitcoin-kurs, GLBSE, BAFIN wortmeldung, SEC, kleiner Pressespiegel

Sound sollte verständlich sein aber wir arbeiten auch an besserer Audioqualität Wink
9  Other / Off-topic / Romney 2008? on: September 28, 2012, 12:18:18 PM
I just searched Bitocoin on youtube and this link came up:

i don't know what this is. but some people seem to be interested in this stuff.
10  Bitcoin / Meetups / Bitcoin Hackathon Location; in search for a place to get together tomorrow,13th on: September 12, 2012, 05:37:24 PM
Our stroke of bad luck continues.
 I just checked the Mozilla Location and they are closed down totally (the lady at the reception told me)

So our options for tomorrow are:
Get an official slot at the London Hackspace
the tourist agency recommended to us:
Pubs have sometimes larger rooms willing to give away during the day if we consume something
get a conferernce room at a hotel

pascal and i will do a pubcrawl looking for a possibility.

if you know any place in london for up to 9 bitcoin people who want to code for a day and maybe a halv please let us know.
11  Other / Politics & Society / Ben Bernanke: "Explain to your kids what a bankrun is." on: August 08, 2012, 12:54:04 PM

Q: Do you see any events on the horizon that teachers should be aware of and ready to talk with students about?
Ben Bernake: ... You can explain what a Bankrun is.

The whole show the FRB uploaded to youtube is really awkward. Ben Bernanke is posing with teachers to give him some kind of down-to-earth reputation.

A minute later at 29:00 you can see listeners sleeping while BSB goes on with his speech.
12  Other / Meta / increased necromancing? on: August 06, 2012, 01:49:13 PM
is something going on? why is there so much thread necro'ing?

conspiracy theory: is there something important that someone wants not attention on? thread necroing is a common technique when trying to control a forum
13  Local / Deutsch (German) / Bitcoin Hackathon Berlin - audio zusammenfassung on: July 18, 2012, 09:03:51 AM
Der wöchentliche Biertaucher-Podcast - diesmal mit einem 20 Minuten Bericht vom Berliner Hackathon - beginn Minute 16 bis 36.

freue mich über Feedback Smiley
14  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Bitcoin Hackathon - join the Hangout! on: July 13, 2012, 03:19:16 PM
We are starting the Bitcoin Hackathon soon, everyone who is interested to join can do so at

we have set up beamer+loudspeaker so everyone can hear and see you.
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Kim Dotcom looking for suggestions on payments on: July 11, 2012, 07:16:29 AM

Quote from: KimdDotcom
The world needs online payment alternatives to US based Credit Cards & Paypal. Send me your suggestions and ideas:
Rick Falkvinge and others already pointed him to Bitcoin.
Given that he has some issues with frozen funds he has a lot of incentive to see Bitcoin grow.
16  Economy / Speculation / A Theory on what pirateat40 is doing on: July 04, 2012, 09:02:58 AM
So here is my guess:

Pirate was approached by "big players" that they want to invest USD in Bitcoin, but without moving the market.

They are committed to buy whatever amount he offers them, as long as the price stays low.

Pirate needs Bitcoins for two reasons:
1 - he sells them for a defined rate to the big players most likely at a high premium
2 - he uses bitcoins at strategic moments when the rate goes too high to create askwalls to push the price down gently. hopefully for him he does not actually sell them.

then he uses his USD to cover his expenses to pay the interest

their hope may be to aquire a significant amount of bitcoins without overpaying. and doing it that way it may actually work.

So my guess is, as long as the bitcoin rate stays relatively low his lending scheme will go on. once the price reaches his pain point (maybe 10 USD/BTC) he will start to unwind the loans and maybe even repay the lenders (or keep all the precious bitcoins himself). in my theory it could very well end with a drastic bitcoin rate increase which could spark another mania.

is this a possibility? is there any evidence which falsifies this theory?
17  Bitcoin / Press / 2012-06-20 Detlev Schlichter: The Death of Banks and the Future of Money on: June 20, 2012, 10:34:41 PM
A somewhat gold-centric blog/site featuring a Bitcoin-laden Article by Detlev Schlichter, our beloved austrian economist and author of "Paper Money Collapse".

That book is sitting right here on my desk waiting to be read.

A very good take on bitcoin from a macroeconomic viewpoint, full of praise. Go read it !
18  Bitcoin / Press / 2012-06-12 The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks, Part 2 on: June 18, 2012, 09:52:48 AM
With Julian Assange, Jacob Appelbaum, Andy Müller-Maguhn, Jeremie Zimmermann

The discussion ist for a large parts about the dominance of the payments industry.
Quote from: Jacob Appelbaum
at 8:05 [...] just the same as the architecture of the financial system. and what the Cypherpunks wanted to do was to create systems where we could compensate each other in a truly free way where it was not possible to interfere - and with financial issues it is the most dangerous thing to be working on. I mean there is a reason the creator of Bitcoin did so anonymously.
19  Economy / Speculation / Next sudden volume increase: Bitstamp on: June 13, 2012, 08:51:40 AM
Bitstamp, a nice solid exchange located in europe was having a solid steady growth. recently this happened:

apparently some bitcoiners are switching to this exchange. i can understand why. very low fees and good legal standing in europe. what is still missing is some more market depth.
20  Bitcoin / Legal / Write your own ideal Lex Bitcoin coming into effect 1.1.2014 on: May 23, 2012, 07:26:19 AM
We are preparing a position paper regarding bitcoin which we plan to distribute to european politicans.

one of the reasons for this was :
currently only industry expert from banks, credit cards are represented in this forum, and we hope that the opinions from the bitcoin community will also be heard there.

so please tell me your ideas.

we will let you know when we have finished the first draft of this document.
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