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1  Local / Alternatif Kripto-Paralar / HYDROGEN PLATFORM on: May 06, 2018, 08:50:29 AM

Hydrogen platform, Güzel bir proje.kamusal bir blok zinciri üzerine oturtulmuş güvenlik, kimlik yönetimi, yapay zeka ve makine öğrenimi kullanarak kusursuz bir ekosistem kurmak .Şu anda üzerinde çalıştıkları 3 ayrı uygulama  var. bunlardan en önemlisi ve ilki olan RAINDROP(2fa authentication) uygulaması son testlerinde ve 2-3 hafta içerisinde appstore’da yayınlanacak. şirketin yöneticileri yaptıkları açıklamada bu uygulamayı şu anda 50 kadar şirketin kullanacağını öngörüyorlar. Ana odağını finans kapital ve fintech olarak belirleyin şirketin diğer uygulaması ATOM ise yine fintech alanında birçok araç ekleyebileceğiniz bir sistem. sitelerine girip product kısımlarına baktığınızda tüm bunların açıklamaları var ve bu sistemler aracılığı ile neler inşa edebileceğinizi size anlatıyorlar. 3. uygulamaları  ise ION adını verdikleri, aı (yapay zeka) ve ml (makine öğrenimi) tabanlı veri düzenleme uygulama programlama arayüzü.
Bounty proğramları ise çok cömertce.tavsiye ederim.
Ekibin exchange kaygısı yok,ilk platform oluştuğunda dağıtılan token'lar uygulama geliştiricilerine test amaçlı vermişlerdi.Sonradan fikir değiştirip verdikleri token kadar airdrop olarak gönderdiler.
Şu an Mercatox ve Coinex'de işlem görüyor.
Ayrıca yeni başlayan bir bounty programı devam ediyor.
Proje olarak takipte olan arkadaşların ilgilenmesi gereken bir platform.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / HYDROGEN PLATFORM on: April 26, 2018, 11:08:09 AM

Introducing the Hydro Community Development Program

As we continue to build the Hydro community and our ecosystem, we are excited to officially launch the Hydro Community Development Program (HCDP)! On behalf of the whole Hydro team, we would like to thank all of our community members for the tremendous support they have given us so far, and we encourage everyone to become even more involved.

The Hydro Community Development Program is designed to go above and beyond typical bounty initiatives, offering a variety of ways for community members to contribute to the ongoing growth and vibrance of the Hydro technology ecosystem. Active members of the Hydro community who receive HYDRO tokens under HCDP can benefit from the additional utility that HYDRO tokens provide within the ecosystem.

We hope to create a positive feedback loop for the members of the community to continually improve Hydro!

Program Details
In total, the program accounts for a maximum of 10% of the total supply of HYDRO over the lifetime of the ecosystem. Allocations for successful contributions are given under one of the eight categories shown below. Each category has a dedicated portion of the HCDP supply based on its impact, scope, and difficulty.


The quantities shown above represent the maximum amount of HYDRO that may be given out under each category over the lifetime of the Hydro ecosystem. Over time, anywhere from 0% to 100% of these quantities may be allocated from each category, for a total of 0-1,111,111,111 tokens.

HCDP Submission Details
Members of the Hydro community may make an official HCDP submission by completing this form. Once received, the submission will be reviewed by the Hydro team.

If approved, submissions will receive an allocation of HYDRO tokens! The table below outlines the ranges that apply to successfully approved submissions across relevant categories. A single member of the Hydro community may also receive multiple allocations if he or she has multiple approved


Language Reservations
For translations of Hydro White Papers, community members may reserve certain languages to prevent the potential duplication of work. When a language is reserved, there is a 7-day period to complete the translation successfully. In the event this does not happen, we will reopen the language to the rest of the community. This post will be updated to reflect any active reservations.

To reserve a language, please make a post in the #translation-languages channel on the Hydrogen Discord server.

Here are the available languages:

Other: If you want to do a language not listed here, just ask (we will approve on a case-by-case basis)
Remember, the HCDP submission form can be found here:
All allocation amounts and program categories under HCDP are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Hydro team. Submissions that do not go through the officially sanctioned channels of communication will not be considered. Individual submissions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and making a submission does not guarantee an allocation of HYDRO. We reserve the right to forgo an allocation if a valid wallet address is not provided, or if any information communicated via the HCDP submission form is found to be incomplete or dishonest. Allocations made under HCDP are not intended to represent a monetary reward, or a transfer of monetary value of any kind. This is not an offer or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities.

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / CIBUS on: February 24, 2018, 12:54:56 PM
Rewards: Distribution of CBT will be according to user level
Junior Members 200 CBT/week
Members: 240 CBT/week
Full Members: 300 CBT/week
Senior Members: 350 CBT/week
Legendary/Hero: 400 CBT/week
70 CBT extra for avatar and personal text
Participants must at least be a Junior member (Newbies are not accepted) to participate in CIBUS bounty program.
CIBUS Signature, avatar and personal have to be kept till the end of the campaign
A minimum of 10 meaningful publications to be made each week.
Each publication by the participant from the marketing kit must be at least 150 words.
The participants can make publications in any Bitcointalk thread.
Participants cannot have any negative trust score attached to their profile.
Participants have to Fill the form to apply for your BitcoinTalk work.
Bitcointalk work have to be submitted each week via this BitcoinTalk Work Submission Form Work here.
Read our BOUNTY thread on or Medium thread
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