Please stay on topic. no random rants as these tend to happen with these power/riser threads.
IF YOU CAN - please answer back with number indication. Ex 1. ect. 2. ect 3. ect ect ect..
1. dual 8 pin adapter off gpu. how many watts ? 150 or more. no one has a clear answer. i know that 150 watts per single 8pin is standard and it's well below it's max. but does the dual adapters that psu's come with just hanging on that same 150 watts (however it can go more because it's just the specification?)?
2.dual 8pin on 1060 are safe (going off question 1's answer 1060's - two should be hitting your 150 watt rail not hard as it's maximum is higher much anyways). how about 1070. i guess it depends on card? thoughts?
3a. dual sata female to 6pin. does it pull power equally off each sata port? can i use 1 sata string cable from psu with 4 male connections and use 2 connections of 54 watts(per sata adapter specs) to get a total of hopefully 100+ish draw. or do i need 2 separate sata cables. from what i understand the sata plug (just the tip not the wiring) is only able to allow 54 watts within it's limitation but if i use multiple plugs (***on the same cable***) does each plug have it's own rail is what im saying. if so that would make all those 4 port sata plugs useful in some sense.
3c. if 1 molex string from psu can power usually 2 1080ti's. or 1 if u overclocking. then technically if 3a. is true and it equally pulls. and 3b is true separate rails. then can't a single 4 string sata cable from psu, with 2 y adapters of sata going to a 6pin, be possible??? my main point is im lacking molex plugs on my psu. how can i use the sata's effectively. now i wouldn't run 2 y adapters on a single string, but if molex can run 2 on a single string. why can't sata, im guessing it matters about gauge wire at that point? im assuming the equal pulls and different rails and gauge all factor in to this. but this is advanced knowledge that is hard to find and only real people deep in the mines who messed with adapters know and i would love some info...
4. My problem is i got 4 dual pci rails off psu and 3 1080ti's plus 2 1060's. the 3 1080 ti's using dual pci express 8pin adapters. the the 1060's sharing the last dual 8pin. the peripherals that came with my psu are 2 molex strings and 5 sata. how should i power my 5 cards, best options???. my opinion would be all 5 cards get there own 4 pin molex but i do not have that. more or less. can i use 2 risers per molex string for 1080ti? should i do the y adapter from dual sata to 6pin on the 1080ti's.. (i got some crappy unsafe sata risers but 1060s draw such little power that it's ok to use them on them .1070's can be a different story however).. regardless that 3rd 1080ti how should i go about powering it if i only got 2 molex strings. Now it's obvious if i had the equip in front of me i'd be trying out stuff. i got a grasp of being safe with 1060's and 1070s. i just wanna make sure without blowing money on all different adapters i just get the info i need for 1080ti's and be done with it.. you guys know whats best. and it's obvious my answer should be a simple do this as i know whats up
5. F it all , if adapters don't work and 3abc all is shit. how do i just buy more pata's for my psu. the website sells hx wires but not separately for the higher watts versions. me please. i will be building six (3 1080's ti's and 2 1060's) rigs in the coming days and just want this riser power question out the way.
any info in what i should do would be appreciated.
Lets keep this page informative, as there is a lot of bs info out there on this very subject and others are in the same exact boat with me as to questions on how to go about the lack of PATA 4 pin molex cables in their below 1500 watt psu's. the question is what do i do. what is best. all these dam sata strings. are they all literal trash or can we retrofit them to 6pin or .... again. what do i do.