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1  Bitcoin / Project Development / CoinStar on: October 21, 2014, 07:10:48 PM
I had this idea today - and should probably try to develop it myself but that won't really happen.  So - anyway I'm just going to leave this here and see if anyone will run with it.

You know those CoinStar machines in supermarkets etc?  (in USA afaik)  They convert small change into USD for a fee of about 9% - most of them now also have the option to buy various gift cards for the full value of your change (Amazon, ITunes, various restaurants etc...)

What if someone set up a venture to sell btc this way??  It's irreversible once the customer prints out the voucher - so no worries about chargebacks etc.  You could either print out both the public and private keys on the voucher or some redemption code valid on Coinbase or Circle or some other yet to exist site.  This would never be a way to buy large amounts of btc (or even other alt coins) but pretty much everyone has at least $50 in change laying around and a good way to get people 'on the fence' involved.

Anyway - it strikes me as a good idea.  Feel free to discuss and develop it.  I really hope one day soon it's an option to convert my spare change into btc!
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Old install of QT client version 0.6.2 not synching blockchain on: February 26, 2014, 09:22:00 AM
Ok - I use Armory client and for all my current bitcoin needs.  However I have an old wallet (QT 'satoshi' client version 0.6.2) that hasn't been synched with the blockchain since sometime in 2012.  My donation address (in my sig) is in this wallet and has a whopping balance of 0.05995btc - which is nothing earth shattering, but I would like access to it.  I also suspect there may be one or more other addresses in said wallet that may also have trivial amounts of btc.

HERE IS MY PROBLEM - When I startup the client it attempts to synch the blockchain and gets to a point where it has 77.788 blocks to go and just stalls out.  I have tried this multiple times and it keeps getting stuck.  With this being the case I am unable to open the Debug window and do a dumpprivkey command.  (I'm explaining this to show that yes I've done a bit of research and understand the basics of what I'm trying to do.)

Is there any possible way for me to obtain the private key(s) from this wallet and import them to  I really appreciate any help/advice.  Thanks
3  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoin WILL reach $8USD sometime in the next year (by 01/01/14) on: February 01, 2013, 05:39:08 PM
I don't think this prediction is all that bold - but feel free to post your opinions and either tell me how smart/stupid I am when it does/doesn't happen.
4  Economy / Currency exchange / Best/fastest way to get USD into MtGox? on: January 31, 2013, 02:53:09 PM
Ok - I'm relatively bearish on btc in the short to medium term, but long term bullish.  Bottom line, I want to move a few hundred USD into MtGox so I'm ready to buy when the crash I believe is coming occurs.  I have/used to have Dwolla account to do this (2011-early 2012) but the requirements have changed quite a bit since the last time I added money to Gox.  I have bought and sold quite a bit of btc during the original June 2011 bubble, but liquidated most of my holdings around August 2012 to concentrate on other things.  Is there a quick and simple way to move ~$350USD into MtGox where I won't get scammed or be accused of scamming someone else?  I'm guessing no - but it can't hurt to ask here.   I'm willing to buy some btc and then just sell them on Gox to get USD in that way - but it seems rather inefficient.  Thanks in advance ;-)
5  Economy / Gambling / Dragon's Tale down? any info? on: August 13, 2011, 05:25:17 AM
Just wondering if anyone knows if Dragon's Tale got hacked or what the issue is?  I love the game and really hope it comes back soon, and obviously hope I still have the few btc I had there.  Just seeing if anyone has any info?

Di/Teppy??  if you're out there, please advise - thanks.
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