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1  Economy / Gambling / Cryptopit Cryptocurrency Gambling and Gaming on: April 23, 2016, 01:44:56 AM
Hello fellow forum members, I would like to invite you to

We are new, we have Blackjack and a wheel game for Bitcoin, C-Bit and are working on adding a third currency.

Thank you for you patience as we grow and develop our site and game selection.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to post them here or contact me.  I will be actively following this topic.

2  Bitcoin / Project Development / Bitcoin Auction Site - New, but needed service. on: January 23, 2016, 02:33:37 PM
Hello Fellow Bitcoiners

I have just opened an Auction Site where Bitcoin is the main form of payment.  I know I am not the first to try this and will not be the last.

But I believe in Bitcoin and that it is the future for global currency! I have found the options in market places lacking and I thought i would work to help change the situation.

Please feel free to share constructive criticism and it will be appreciated.  The site is active and usable, but still under development.  so look for improvements in appearance and function in the future.

Currently payment processing will be manually, until I find a good working automated solution.

Thank you
Dennis Kerley
3  Economy / Services / New Auction Site with Bitcoin as Payment method on: January 23, 2016, 03:37:45 AM
Hello Everyone

I have just opened an Auction Site where Bitcoin is the main form of payment.  I know I am not the first to try this and will not be the last.

But I believe in Bitcoin and that it is the future for global currency! I have found the options in market places lacking and i thought i would work to help change the situation.

Please feel free to share constructive criticism and it will be appreciated.  The site is active and usable, but still under development.  so look for improvements in appearance and function in the future.

Currently payment processing will be manually, until i find a good working automated solution.

Thank you
Dennis Kerley
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Next News Network - Campaign for Liberty - Now Accepts Bitcoin! on: February 06, 2014, 04:09:00 PM
I like they're news service and just received this email this morning.

"Hey Dennis,
Another quickie...
We got a great response from my last email asking for financial support for our Liberty programming... it got us just over the next hump... sort of.
But one question I kept getting was - "Do you accept Bitcoin?"
When Bitcoin came out I was skeptical - now I see it taking root and the market developing for the "crypto-currency."
The Free Market has won again!
So now if you would like to donate Bitcoin to support us here is the link:
I hope you can send some our way to keep our efforts going into the future.
For Liberty
Executive Producer
Next News Network
PS. Here's the link to donate Bitcoin to support our liberty programming - I hope you can use it:
3149 Dundee Rd #176
Northbrook, Illinois 60062"

5  Bitcoin / Press / 2014-01-17 IBTimes - HMRC to Re-Classify Bitcoin as Private Money on: January 17, 2014, 12:49:20 PM

HMRC is set to change its stance on the classification and taxation of bitcoin and other virtual currencies in the UK as soon as February.

Having spoken to a number of UK businesses who use bitcoin, HMRC is expected to change its classification of bitcoin from a tradable voucher to a private currency, eliminating uncertainties over capital gains tax and producing a reduced VAT, or sales tax, liability.

Experts say the move will give Britain's bitcoin industry "a significant competitive advantage" over that of countries like China and the US, who have a less welcoming view of the currency.

    Bitcoin Recognised as Tradeable Financial Stock Rather Than Currency
    Bitcoin Recognised by Germany as a 'Private Money'
    Singapore Open to Bitcoin Payments
    Norway Rules Bitcoin Does Not Qualify as Real Money

According to Richard Asquith, head of tax at investment advisers TMF Global, the reclassification of bitcoin to a private currency would mean owners would not be liable for capital gains tax, and although VAT would still apply, it would only be incurred when trading on an exchange, not when buying goods.

The move would bring Britain in line with Singapore and Germany, who both classify bitcoin as a private currency.

Doing away with double taxation

Explaining how bitcoin is currently treated as a voucher in the UK, Asquith told Coindesk: "If you went to Marks and Spencer for example, and bought one of their gift vouchers, you pay 20% VAT on that. When the voucher is used, the buyer has to pay 20% VAT on what they've bought. So vouchers are a form of double taxation."

Tom Robinson of Elliptic Vault, the world's first insured bitcoin storage company, told Coindesk he has met with HMRC to discuss taxation issues and knows of at least one individual who has been informed by the tax authority that it has withdrawn its previous advice that bitcoins are vouchers.

HMRC's official stance is that it is continuing to meet with the bitcoin community before implementing any change.

Bitcoin exchanges to open and flourish

Asquith said: "Whilst Europe dithers on the tax status of virtual currencies, there is an opportunity for the UK to clarify the tax risks and enable exchanges to open and flourish."

Despite the US Senate investigating bitcoin for some time, the country is yet to explain how the currency will be classified and regulated there.

"The US' Internal Revenue Service has not yet issued any guidance on its tax treatment for digital currencies, but the explosive growth of the currency, and therefore rising tax avoidance risks, will probably force some initial regulation early this year," Asquith added.

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6  Other / Beginners & Help / Frustated Miner! 50BTC Is not completing my transfer! on: December 06, 2013, 12:58:26 AM
Frustrated Miner!  50BTC Is not completing my transfer!  I remembered my old bit coins as I saw that bit coins had increased in price dramatically!  I logged in and requested my old balance and have been waiting for the payment of 38 bitcoins almost a week.  "Still processing"  it does not look good, stay away from the 50BTC pool until this is resolved, don't give them your work!!

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