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1  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Crypto Currency Calculator untuk Android on: February 16, 2018, 12:13:02 PM
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) / Pertanyaan Yang Sering Ditanyakan

Halo Forum Bitcointalk Indonesia,

Saya mau share project saya Crypto Currency Calculator dari Nerd Studio Indonesia jangan salah download

Versi saat ini 1.2.54

Update - 28 Maret 2018
Versi 1.2.54

Halo teman-teman forum bitcointalk Indonesia, saya baru saja melakukan rebranding aplikasi saya menjadi Crypto Currency Calculator dari Nerd Studio Indonesia,
Ada beberapa pembaharuan yang saya lakukan, diantaranya

- Beberapa perbaikan karena sering terjadi crash di smartphone tertentu (khususnya paling banyak Samsung Galaxy S8+)
- Selain itu, sekarang aplikasi ini juga sudah di dukung dalam bahasa Indonesia

Saya baru saja melakukan rebranding, dan saya mohon bantuannya kepada teman2 bitcoiners dari forum bitcointalk subforum Indonesia yang sudah mendownload untuk mendownload ulang aplikasinya supaya bisa tetap mendapatkan update terbaru Smiley

dan untuk belum mendownloadnya, jangan lupa download dan reviewnya ya Smiley


Update - 4 Maret 2018
Version 1.2.51

Kemarin ada yang minta fitur untuk liat harga bitcoin secara realtime, saya buatkan Cheesy

- Fitur baru, pantau harga crypto currency secara real-time.
- Bisa minta notification juga kalau harga bitcoin udah menyentuh harga tertentu. (Marketnya tidak ada VIP)
- Fix bug kadang crash ketika buka berita kalau settingan hapenya bukan bahasa inggris.
- Fix bug juga kadang angkanya aneh di kalkulator kalau setting hapenya bukan bahasa inggris.

Monggo segera di update

Halo semua bitcoiner Indonesia,
sebelumnya saya mau terimakasih sama semua agan2 yang udah download aplikasi dan review aplikasi ini, dan yang ngasih saran dan masukan buat fitur berikutnya.

Saya baru aja release versi terbaru dari Crypto Currency Calculator (Versi 1.2.43)
Terdapat beberapa fitur utama yang baru yang sebelumnya belum ada, beberapa diantaranya,

Agan2 semua bisa baca berita terbaru dengan bitcoin dan altcoin disini, ada juga tombol share yang bisa agan pake supaya gampang bagi2 beritanya ke temen2 agan Smiley
Tampilannya gini kira2

Mohon maaf ya, sementara kontennya masih bahasa inggris, saya belum nemu penyedia berita tentang cryptocurrency yang bahasa Indonesia

Sekarang agan udah bisa itung berbagai maca altcoin (ga cuma bitcoin aja), jadi dari jumlah deposit agan terhadap crypto tersebut, akan agan jual pas harganya berapa bisa keliatan kira2 profit yang di dapet berapa, ada berbagai altcoin yang bisa agan pilih, defaultnya (yang datanya pasti ada) ini aja ETH, BTC, XMR, ZEC, AIX, LTC, BCH, ETC, XRP, WAVES, DASH, DOGE.

Yang lain crypto curerncynya ada, tapi belum tentu datanya ada, soalnya yang paling banyak digunakan emang ini kan.
Kalo mau nambah crypto lain bisa langung buka aja halaman Dashboard, disana bisa milih banyak banget crypto lain (kalo ga salah jumlahnya ada 1700an)

Sekarang currency converternya juga bisa buat convert mata uang crypto, bisa dari crypto ke crypto, crypto ke mata uang biasa, dan sebaliknya

Nah sekarang saya ada beberapa ide buat apa yang akan dikerjain berikutnya, ini beberapa diantaranya:
1. Daftar Peralatan Mining
    Saya akan buatkan daftar peralatan mining yang bisa dipake buat pertimbangan aja mana yang cocok dipake, dengan info seperti abis listrik berapa, dan berapa hash per second yang bisa di hasilkan

2. Tuyul Crypto Calculator
    Untuk tuyul calculatornya kan masih bisa untuk bitcoin aja, saya buat gitu soalnya saya perhatikan kebanyakan faucet itu ngasihnya satoshi, bukannya bitcoin, kalo ane sediain crypto aja kemungkinan ga bisa masukin sub unit nya bitcoin kaya mBtc, mBits atau satoshi. Menurut agan2 sekalian enaknya gimana ya?

3. Crypto Miner Calculator
    Nah saya juga tau ga semua orang mining nya BTC, ada yang mining ETH, XMR, dll, dan setiap crypto itu kan difficultynya beda2, algorithmnya beda2, block reward, juga beda2, Ane nanti buatin beberapa crypto yang bisa di pilih buat itung2an minernya

Kalau agan2 sekalian ada saran satu fitur itu harusnya gimana, atau ada sesuatu yang agan butuhkan tapi belum ada di aplikasi ini, langsung comment aja, bisa contact langsung di email atau lewat forum ini juga gapapa.

NB: Jangan lupa, kalau ada yang ga suka iklan nya, atau nganggep iklan nya kebanyakan (saya sendiri juga ga suka sama iklan nya soalnya agak menggangu), bisa nonton video iklan singkat (yang ada di halaman About) buat dapet versi yang ga ada iklannya.

Kalo merasa aplikasinya sangat membantu mau donasi langsung juga gapapa
Berapa aja ga masalah, nanti saya buatin versi yang ga ada ads nya khusus buat agan, langsung email saya aja Smiley

Buat yang belum download appsnya bisa langsung download disini

Buat yang udah download, jangan lupa update ke versi terbaru 1.2.43 Smiley
Semua fitur yang sebelumnya ada masih ada kok.
Terimakasih atas semua dukungannya dari komunitas bitcointalk indonesia ini.

CATATAN: Harga yang muncul cuma estimasi aja, hasilnya harusnya ga beda-beda jauh  Grin Grin.
2  Bitcoin / Project Development / Crypto Currency Calculator for Android on: February 16, 2018, 12:02:03 PM
Hello bitcoin talk community

I just want to present you the project I've been working on for quite a long time.
This project is Crypto Currency Calculator by Nerd Studio Indonesia

I've got the idea for this project when I try to calculate how much I can get if I buy bitcoin for an amount of money. It was kinda complicated, especially when my currency denomination is pretty big (I'm from Indonesia, and 1 btc is around 100m IDR). I need to check it on the website frequently.

Current version 2.5.1

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Question: What is this?
Answer: This is an android application called Crypto Currency Calculator from Nerd Studio Indonesia

Question: What is it for?
Answer: So far this app can help you to
1. Read latest news about crypto currencies
2. Track bitcoin market chart
3. Calculate profit from your deposit to any kind of crypto currency
4. Calculate profit[ for faucet claimer
5. Calculate proft in which you can get as profit from the calculation of mining tool hash/second and power consumption
6. See list of mining equipment by company, hash / second, power consumption
7. Track crypto currencies price from various markets in real time.

Question: What about ios version?
Answer: For the time being I only support android app 😇

Question: How to use this app
Answer: profit calculator,
    - Choose your currency (e.g. USD)
    - Input how much you're going to deposit, for example, 1k
    - Choose the crypto currency that you're going to buy, (misal ETH)
    - Input how much it cost per 1 coin, or you can just press the refresh button to get the current pricee
    - You can see how much crpyto currency you're goin to get from your deposit
    - Input how much your coin will cost when you're going to sel it
    - Input how much fee does it cost to withdraw (for example 1%)
    - Put how much is the minimum your fee (the bitcoin wallet service in my country, it cost around 2 dollars)
    - Press calculate, you can see how much profit you're going to get from your 1k deposit

Question: Can I ask you to add this... feature?
Answer: Probably yes, you can just ask me, through google play review, by posting here, or email me at Smiley

Question: The app is lagging/crashing.
Answer: Can you please elaborate what you're going to do that cause the lag or crash? What kind of android smartphone you're currently using? Because the app works fine on my phone, so I can't just fix it right away. And don't download the wrong app my app is called Crypto Currency Calculator by Nerd Studio Indonesia

Question: Where can I download the app?
Answer: Right here

Hey guys, firstly
I want to thank you all for everyone who has downloaded, rate the app and gave me suggestion and give me the ideas for the new features.

Now I have just released the latest version of Crypto Currency Calculator (Version 1.2.43)

You can read the latest news about cryptocurrencies here, you can also easily share it with your friends via the share button. Smiley

You can count how much you can make from your deposit, now this feature supports other cryptocurrencies as well, such as ETH, BTC, XMR, ZEC, AIX, LTC, BCH, ETC, XRP, WAVES, DASH, DOGE.

That’s just the default cryptocurrencies that we support. You can also add new cryptocurrencies on the Dashboard page,
but we can’t guarantee you that we have all the data of the price, unlike the default currencies that we have chosen for you

The currency converter now also support the cryptocurrencies where you can convert the price between cryptocurrencies, world currencies back and forth, vice-versa.

I also have some ideas in mind about what I’m going to develop next. Here’s some of it:

1. Mining Equipment List
    I will make a list of mining rig equipment that you might like to buy with some information like power consumption and hash per second

2. Crypto Faucet Calculator
    But, if I do this, you won’t have the subunits like mBtc/mBits and satoshi anymore, should I make a new menu instead, please I’d really love to hear your feedbacks

3. Crypto Miner Calculator
    I know not everyone mining BTC, there are some who mines ETH, XMR, etc and each of it has different difficulty, algorithm, and hashes/second

If you have any suggestion about how the feature should have work, or maybe you have something that you need that hasn’t been supported by the app just contact me immediately, I’d love to hear your feedback.

PS: and also, if you don’t like the ads (which I myself find it annoying) you can always watch a short ad video to get free ads version of the app for a certain amount of time (at the about page).

If you think this app is helpful and you want to support it, you can donate me here.
It doesn’t matter how much it is, anything is fine, I can create no-ads version just for you, you just need to contact me at Smiley
I also will always try to answer any of your questions if you have one, just ask me Smiley

If you haven’t downloaded the app you can download it here.

If you have downloaded it, don’t forget to update to newest version 1.2.43 Smiley
All the previous feature still there, you can just change the menu.
Thank you for all the support from this community.
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