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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Bitcoin Cloud ( BCL ) Forkblock : 510048 on: July 09, 2019, 04:18:48 AM
Hi Bitcointalk Community

Yes Wow, yet another Bitcoin Fork, we reinvented the wheel.

We are in fact a vehicle to be used for the purpose of innovation, whilst also ensuring a proven model for a store of value and unit of exchange.

In its current state although we are cloning the legacy BTC model, soon our wheel will turn a different direction.

Bitcoin Cloud will build upon our current model and introduce a purpose that will directly impact upon the health and wealth of our collective.

The network of Bitcoin Cloud will feature interconnected devices acting as nodes that will also provide clean filtered water.

Splitting from the BTC chain at block 510048, Bitcoin Cloud has been patiently planning and developing a vision to fit within the present blockchain future upon us.

Our interconnected water nodes will provide a new level of interactivity built upon a proven blockchain model.

Providing the world with clean water and limiting the use of "single plastic use" water bottles, Bitcoin Cloud has a vision that will impact many facets of your real life, health, wealth and will also provide a proven model for a store of value and unit of exchange.

We will be launching soon on a notable exchange and you can also expect to see BCL traded on a DEX in the near future.

Website --->

Explorer --->

We do not have a link to our white paper…why?  The answer to that is above.  In its current state, we have not deviated from the legacy model and wont put out a copy white paper making claims we have not achieved.  
We are working on a truly unique vision and in time, our project will release the finer details and strategic overview.  

We invite you to follow our progress, join our community, interact with Bitcoin Cloud and we hope to impact upon your Health and Wealth.  

Bitcoin Cloud Team
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