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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Google Authenticator help on: March 03, 2015, 08:20:37 PM
Hey guys struggling to find any kind of support for Authenticator so thought I would ask here, my app suddenly wont allow to me scan a barcode.  I goto set up a new account, press scan barcode & nothing happens.  This is on Andriod, been working fine for years, anyone come across a similar problem or can find some kind of support for it?
2  Economy / Currency exchange / WTB about $1000 AUD of BTC, meet in Melbourne, CBD on: October 05, 2014, 08:34:27 AM
Hi anyone available during office hours in the CBD tomorrow willing to sell about $1000 worth?

3  Economy / Service Discussion / user Anykeywhy not active here anymore? on: September 03, 2014, 04:19:15 AM
Hi i took part in a Titan group buy but it seems that the organiser has gone AWOL from here (no replies to PM's either), anyone know what is going on?  He seemed to come with a good reputation so hoping it wasn't yet another scam?

this was the the GB -
4  Economy / Computer hardware / (Aus - Melb) 2 x Asus Top 280x & 1 x Sap Vap X 280x on: May 15, 2014, 04:57:36 AM
Hi I have the following 3 280x cards for sale, located in Melb all boxed & with receipts.

2 x Asus Tops - 3 slot edition - Hynix Mem

Modded bios at 1075v

Purchased from MSY & Scorptec in Dec/Jan

$285 per card


1 x Sap Vap X - Hynix Mem

Modded bios at 1075v

Purchased in Dec from MSY


Pickup from CBD or 3040, happy to post $20 5kg express satchel, please PM if interested

I also have various types of Risers if anyone needs let me know what & i'll probably have some.

5  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Anyone using NZXT Kraken on a r9 290? on: February 28, 2014, 05:58:12 AM
HI I am tossing up the idea of buying the ref stupid & loud & hot but cheap 290's & using the Kraken or going for the Trix-x ( I believe that's the coolest & quietest 290?)

Would love to hear from anyone running a 290 as to temps & noise, VRM temps are a concern?
6  Bitcoin / Mining support / asrock z87 fatality killer, more then 3 gpus on: January 03, 2014, 04:41:03 AM
Hi just got this board & cant get it past post with more then 3 cards installed, anyone got this board or can offer advice...I have 5 cards in total, plenty of Power & all powered molex connectors?

7  Other / Beginners & Help / CGwatcher issue on: December 12, 2013, 09:13:07 PM
Hey..i'm loving CGwatcher, however just tried setting up a 2nd rig which works fine when I manually run my bat file, however when launching through CGwatcher I get a load of HW errrors on one card.

Any ideas?
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