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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Ranking list of the oldest crypto coins still being traded. on: July 13, 2017, 11:05:24 PM
List of the oldest cryptos still being traded.

Criteria for addition to this list:

1) Coin must be listed currently on
2) Listing on CMC must show a market cap
3) 2013 is a complete list. $10 bounty offered for spotting missing coins that belong on the list or coins on the list that are no longer listed on CMC.
4) 2014 is incomplete. Post your coin and I will add it.
5) At this time,  2015+ not being added.

Launch dates

updated 20/6/18

BTC 3/1/09
NMC 18/4/11
IXC 28/4/11
IOC 16/8/11
LTC 9/10/11
XRP ?/?/12
BBQ 15/6/12
BCN 4/7/12
PPC 19/8/12
TRC 26/10/12
NVC 11/2/13
NET 9/2/13
FTC 17/4/13
MNC 23/4/13
CHN 1/5/13
BTB 3/5/13
FRC 3/5/13
YAC 5/5/13
FRK 11/5/13
WDC 14/5/13
GLD 15/5/13
BTG 16/5/13
DGC 18/5/13
PXC 20/5/13
SXC 28/5/13
MEC 29/5/13
RC  29/5/13
FST 29/5/13
IFC 5/6/13
ANON 7/6/13
ARG 12/6/13
DVC 14/6/13
EMD 16/6/13
FLO 17/6/13
QRK 21/6/13
MEC 22/6/13
CAP 23/6/13
GLC 27/6/13
CBX 28/6/13 (CGB)
RED 30/6/13
XPM 8/7/13
CSC 18/7/13
SPOT 21/7/13
ORB 30/7/13
ZETA 4/8/13
XRP 4/8/13
SRC 10/8/13
GPL 23/8/13
KED 23/8/13
NKA 26/8/13
TGC 6/9/13
TEK 7/9/13
OMNI 9/9/13 (MST)
ASC 11/9/13
OFF 14/9/13
XJO 22/9/13
HBN 27/9/13
NXT 28/9/13
BLC 7/10/13
DEM 15/10/13
UNO 18/10/13
TAG 25/10/13
SKC 1/11/13
GRC 4/11/13
BTS 5/11/13 (PTS)
DTC 5/11/13
QBT 24/11/13
DOGE 8/12/13
EMC 8/12/13
LOT 12/12/13
EAC 21/12/13
CAT 22/12/13
TIPS 22/12/13
RPC 28/12/13
MOON 29/12/13
MONA 31/12/13

CAGE 2/1/14
XCP 2/1/14
MEOW 5/1/14
PAND 5/1/14
CACH 6/1/14
SMC 6/1/14
42  7/1/14
NOBL 7/1/14
NYAN 7/1/14
PTC 7/1/14
VTC 8/1/14
DGB 10/1/14
ICN 10/1/14
USDE 11/1/14
TES 16/1/14
DASH 18/1/14 (DARK)
TIT 20/1/14
DOPE 22/1/14
POT 22/1/14
MAC 27/1/14
MRS 27/1/14
HUC 28/1/14
BELA 29/1/14
MAX 29/1/14
TTC 29/1/14
CORG 2/2/14
AUR 3/2/14
DIME 3/2/14
RIC 3/2/14
MINT 6/2/14
PND 14/2/14
RBBT 15/2/14
BLK 16/2/14
XMY 24/2/14
ZEIT 26/2/14
EMC2 1/3/14
DOT 30/3/14 (KDC)
MAZA 8/3/14
BLU 24/4/14
AC 4/5/14
VRC 10/5/14
CLAMS 25/5/14
MARS 2/8/14
ERC 21/12/14

Ripple is tough, I don't know. Hence the "??". I have difficulty even calling it a crypto really. Ripple the company can adjust the ledger any time they want which defeats the whole purpose. None the less, they definitely made their mark and deserve a place in crypto history. The best article on the long XRP story i've seen is from Bitmex:

Name changes and planned swaps are noted in brackets.

To clarify the difference between 2013 and 2014. 2013 I am doing my best to include every relevant coin, 2014 I'm only adding what people choose to send me so its missing most coins still.

New Bounty Offer!

Up to $300 for 2014 new entries. This is an offer to one person only who would like to spend some serious time on it. First person to want it gets the job, post in this thread if you are interested. I’ll send you $50 for each 50 entries you send me. Must be in same format as mentioned above. Maximum is $300 - all i can afford… So $300 for 300 entries at $1 per crypto added… but i don’t think there are that many. I guess we’ll see if someone takes this on.

Donate to this project:      DOGE:    DPrCF5mGeFxPmvHrmKixVfcLVi5GxB46hc
                                       LTC:       LUM77hzs21dvrLwMVp2eJMsoWJDrhzEZ6Q

If i get some donations i'd like to expand the research here to include github links and brief explanations/clarifications for the coins that have a hard history to follow. Ive been as accurate as possible, but sometimes ANN threads don't adequately show when a blockchain actually launched and went live.

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / I can create a WHITEBOARD VIDEO for your coin. on: October 30, 2014, 03:15:20 PM

I love cryptos, anonymity and decentralization. Here are samples of my work:




I write scripts, perform voice overs and produce video.

I'm happy to take a bounty in your coin as payment. I'm also a long term believer. I won't cash out my bounty for BTC, I'll stick around and try to help you make your project a success.

Shoot me a message, I'm open to discussions.

Thank you,
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / George Carlin Coin on: March 10, 2014, 12:55:58 PM
If someone comes out with this, I'm happy to assist with marketing and videos. Seems an obvious fit to me. Carlin was ahead of his time as a dissenting individual and is well respected among the right types of people who would back Bitcoin and decentralization.

Carlin's ideas are universal and lasting, lets have a coin that shows him the same respect.

Sorry, wish I was a dev and could actually create this.
4  Economy / Speculation / ugh. . .stop saying that something lost +100% that is impossible. on: March 06, 2014, 01:39:24 PM
Sorry, just venting. People going on about how their investment lost 200%, 300% yesterday/today etc. . .

Folks. If the price chopped in half today, it went down 50%. If it returns to the same price tomorrow, then it gained 100%. I know its harder to keep track of but. . .
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [CCL] Cold Call Coin - just an idea on: March 03, 2014, 07:26:11 PM
Sorry to disappoint, not a new coin just thought I'd throw this idea out there. I can't develop anything and maybe someone is already doing this but whatever. . .

There should be a coin that autodials and spam emails free coins constantly. Like a faucet that cold calls people to take some free coin. The email lets you add the wallet to your phone/computer and receive free CCL. This is using spam for good to decentralize. Like an airdrop to everywhere.

I have no idea how any of this could actually work. To take out the element of trust would require some sort of automation- unlike Aurora it couldn't be a giant premine being given away, but something automated in the network that keeps dispersing small amounts of new coins to many random email addresses. In time you would have millions of people all owning a bit of the supply.

"Spamcoin" is also already taken unfortunately.
6  Economy / Services / Need a great promo video for your coin? I accept your currency! on: February 24, 2014, 09:44:44 PM
Hi Coin Whales, Communities and Developers!

Don't neglect youtube and your video presence - its a major source of web traffic! 

Sifting through 100s of coins, people won't spend much time looking you over. I'll make your best features stand out, and I'll convey what you're all about fast.

2 videos I created for CENT/pennies and RIC/riecoin.

The process is very simple. I'll write a script and share it with you or your public forum for feedback and revisions. When you're happy with it, I'll make the video. Revisions are fine - I want it to be exactly what you need for your marketing.

I also produce high paced promos from live footage. Maybe you had an event or conference recently that you'd like to tell everyone about with a professional cut? A message from the founder? These types of things can also be incorporated with the whiteboard style exampled above.

Everything will be royalty free for all uses!

Here's the best part - you can pay me exclusively in your coin- just make me an offer! I'm a firm believer in cryptos and I'll be happy to take on your coin both as a videographer and an investor. Chances are, I may have some of your coin already.

I'm also happy to make any video for 0.5BTC.

Thanks so much, I look forward to working with you,

7  Other / Beginners & Help / Analogy for newbies on: December 14, 2013, 03:35:07 PM
Hey all,

New to the forum, not as new to Bitcoin, happy to be allowed on the bunny hill. I came up with a good fast analogy for conceptualizing what Bitcoin is. Its what I tell everybody now. I find many people understand decentralized online crypto-currency, but they're often left wondering what it actually is and how you can store it locally at home.

I don't know, am I off the mark here, is this a helpful way to describe Bitcoin? . . .Loving Bitcoin and want to be a positive contributor to this movement.

Here's my blog with the post

And here is the text so if you're interested you don't need to go anywhere to see it:

Bitcoin is essentially an online game. You can start unlimited new characters and the software is open source. The game is incredibly simple. There are a fixed amount of points (or coins) available. Each player only has 2 stats: a name (the wallet’s address), and BTC. When you store Bitcoin locally on your computer, you are creating a save of your online character. Your save file, like with any game, includes your stats and the state of the world around you at the time of saving. No one else is able to log into the game under your character if they haven’t got your password and your most recent save file.

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