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1  Economy / Service Discussion / BitVPS: Rebooting Cal2 server tonight on: January 12, 2013, 04:09:17 AM

Hey everyone, we're still having some trouble notifying everyone individually, and completely forgot to post here.

We've been having some issues with our California #2 node and are going to have to perform an emergency reboot tonight. We already posted about this hours ago in #bitvps on IRC but it should probably be said here too.

We'll reboot CAL2 at 09:00 PST on 01/11/13.

Sorry for the late notice here, we're still working on getting all our ducks lined up to make BitVPS the best hosting provider in the Bitcoin community.

Thanks all!


2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / I made a status bar ticker for Tmux on: February 24, 2012, 08:15:01 AM

I love to spend time in the terminal and since I only have one screen I wanted to have the MtGox ticker data displayed. I switched from using Screen to using Tmux and have come up with a quick way to put the ticker data in the status bar.

Check it out:

In case anyone else wants to do this, here is how it is accomplished. You only need to install one Perl module, WebService::MtGox.

How to add a neat-o MTGox ticker to your Tmux status bar:

Write the following script to ~/getMtgox, replace the shebang path to the perl binary if you need to.

# Returns MTGox ticker output to shell

use warnings;
use strict;
use WebService::MtGox;

my $m = WebService::MtGox->new;
my $t = $m->get_ticker;

my $last = $t->{ticker}->{last};
my $vol = $t->{ticker}->{vol};
my $high = $t->{ticker}->{high};
my $low = $t->{ticker}->{low};
my $buy = $t->{ticker}->{buy};
my $sell = $t->{ticker}->{sell};
my $spread = $buy > $sell ? $buy - $sell : $sell - $buy;
my $pspread = sprintf("%0.5f", $spread);

print "MtGox: Last:" . $last . " :: Bid: " . $buy . " :: Ask: " . $sell . " :: Spread: " . $pspread . "  ";

## End of script

Run these commands:

tee -a ~/.tmux.conf <<EOF
set -g status-fg green
set -g status-bg black
set -g status-attr bright
set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg green
set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black
set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr dim
set -g status-right '#[fg=cyan,bright]#(perl ~/getMtgox)'
set -g status-right-length 75

Now install the perl module. You may or may not use sudo, Ubuntu does:

sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install WebService::MtGox'

Sometimes the perl package installation process can take awhile. You don't need to install all of the test modules if you don't want to. It does speed things up for future module installations though.

You can change the getMtgox output fairly easily. I've also modified the default tmux color scheme because I found the green background hard to read properly.

By default the refresh time is 15 seconds. You can change this by setting a variable in .tmux.conf:

set status-interval 15

Cheers everyone. I hope someone finds it useful. I really love tmux. The code is supposed to be much nicer than screen and they've maintained some compatibility, at least in some of the keybindings.

3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / 20,000 BTC Selloff on MTGox -- hacked bitcoins? on: July 11, 2011, 01:20:21 PM
Apparently a lot of coins were dumped on MtGox just awhile ago.

Is it related to this?

It's just speculation of course, but the timing of it after allinvain's hack, the number of coins involved, and the reckless way they were dropped on MTGox leads one to think... :-)

4  Economy / Services / Professional System Administration by 16yr veteran on: June 25, 2011, 08:22:41 PM
Available for hire: Professional System Administration for bitcoins.

I have professional, corporate experience with all of the following technologies, meaning, I have implemented, managed and maintained them in production for real businesses in the United States :

GNU Linux (Ubuntu, RHEL) - Microsoft Windows Enterprise Architecture - Sun Solaris - FreeBSD

Cisco Network Engineering & Design - Cisco AAVID (Call Manager / Unity) - Telco / Internet Engineering

VMware Cloud Infrastructure - Storage Area Network Engineering (SAN) & Design (Fibre Channel, NAS, DAS)

Security Assessment - Firewall Configuration (PIX/ASA, ISA Server, Sonicwall, Kernel) - VPN - Crypto

Microsoft Exchange - Internet Protocol Support (SMTP, DNS, Anti-Spam, Domains) - LDAP - RADIUS

LAMP (Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Perl/Modperl|Python|PHP) - Tomcat - Oracle & Oracle Apps Administration

Microsoft Sharepoint - Microsoft SQL Server - High-Traffic Site Engineering (HW/SW Local & Global)

I've been CCNP certified in the past. I have been using Linux ever since my first Slackware 1.0 CD.

I entered my first professional System Administration role in 1995 managing a small ISP. From there I expanded to, Financial Consulting, Retail, Web Hosting, Datacenter, SaaS, Education, Small and Medium Business. I bring years of experience to the table for any project.

In recent years I moved away from the city and far out into the wilderness, yet I've still got a high speed internet connection. I'm attempting to live a more peaceful life with my family. Since I'm not in the active meat-space market anymore, I'm willing to be flexible on my hourly rate. I am willing to negotiate payment terms for any project, please PM me.

I'll throw out an average hourly rate of 5BTC for the forum here but that could vary based on partial hours or multiple-hour engagements. That is a current market price of $15USD per BTC, so $75/hour.

Payment terms are negotiable. Please PM.

I'm easy to work with and pay attention to what I do. I follow best practices and am continually honing my skillset and operating methods. I have strong communication skills and will make sure to keep your best interests in mind with any project.

PM me and let's talk!

5  Economy / Marketplace / All these games are awesome. This changes the world! on: June 24, 2011, 01:51:37 PM

Think about how much entrenched power that the casino industry and the feds have over gambling, offline and on. Aren't they talking about trying to legalize commercial online gaming by making the industry host it in gambling-legal states? They see all the money being made and everyone wants a piece of the pie. With bitcoin, we all have the pie and we're baking more every minute!

The odds are more in my favor here by playing these silly Ponzi schemes or chance games because I can be very choosy about who I play with based on how they write English, how they respond to inquiry, etc. I know nothing about casino CEO goons or their customer service record. :-)  We all have the power to promote the individual games (or just the Marketplace) and thereby increasing the odds that lots of people walk away happy. The stakes are not that high and the pressure is very low. You don't have to pay Vegas it's due ($$$ for meals, hotels, rides, or lots of $$$$ at the table).

I don't understand why people even find Vegas (or other gaming cities) fun. The whole place is designed to slowly rob you of both your money and your health while convincing you you're having a good time. Is there clean, organic, pesticide, GMO-free food in the casinos yet? Don't they pump chemicals/oxygen into the air supply? I know people will disagree with me, but the times I've been there (for Defcon/BlackHat, usually), I walked away feeling a little more cheated than before. I didn't ever gamble more than $5 during a trip because I was so put off. I felt the same way about Louisiana and other areas too.

Here, you just have to scan forums or IRC channels and play and the fact that you can start with your free .02BTC from the BitFaucet means that anyone can do it, and you can probably always get a fresh start if you wind up empty. :-)

All of this is world changing. I'm not sure exactly to what extent yet but I'm pretty sure it is going to be for a lot of people. :-)

I agree with the other posts that it probably needs to be it's own section.

Even if you think some of the games are silly, remember, in Vegas the house always has the edge. Who has the edge here? Those people that actually play.

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