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Ciao a tutti... Per aiutare l'economia bitcoin ho deciso di creare un web shop che accetta questa valuta. Vendo bigiotteria fatta a mano.. Nulla di speciale.. Lo trovate sotto www.of-horse.comSono cosciente che il sito non é perfetto, peró per qualcuno che non ha mai fatto niente di simile é un successo! Se avete voglia di aprirne uno anche voi (cosa che incoraggio visto che il successo dei bitcoins dipende dal numero di negozi che li accettano) e avete domande su come fare, chiedete pure. Non é per niente complicato... Sandoz
Hallo an alle, ich will dieses Forum nicht zuspammen aber ich bin stolz! Ich habe meinen ersten online store gebaut... und somit auch gleich bitcoin-kompatibel gemacht. So kann ich der Gemeinschaft etwas nützliches und einzigartiges anbieten und zu deren Wachstum beitragen!
Ich Suche jemanden der für 20 bitcoins ein opensource Bezahlungsmodul baut welches bitcoins via die bit-Pay API akzeptiert!
Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen. Mein online-Shop ist bereit und muss lediglich Bezahlungen in bitcoins akzeptieren können... Via (die haben mir nämlich geschrieben und sponsern die Bezahlung)
Bei Interesse einfach melden!!!
Hi, I am looking for someone who can connect my zen cart based website to bit-pay using their API ( If you have some experience in building a payment module please contact me! As I said there is a bounty involved. You can use my website as a prototype and the idea is to have the module open and available for everyone else
Hi all,
I have a quick question: I want to grow the bitcoin economy by selling some goods in a webshop. Unfortunately:
1) I'm a noob 2) Confirming I am a noob: I have a hosting account on godaddy
I want to start the store from scratch.. What are my best moves? Godaddy has one-click-install for: ZenCart, osCommerce, PinnacleCart and shopsite.
Assume I cannot run bitcoind at home (which is why I chose a hosting provider in the first place). I'm not worried about using eWallets if necessary, I would regularly empty it and never keep too mutch on it.
Should I start from another hosting provider or is there ANY way I can run a bitcoin based eCommerce site with the current setup?
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!! I am aware there are many merchant solutions but I don't have the energy to install / subscribe / try them all.. I hope someone in a similar situation can simply give a working setup (not necessarily the best one)
Hallo an alle, endlich ist es soweit... anstatt immer nur mit bitcoins zu kaufen will ich auch endlich was verkaufen. Es gibt nun drei grosse Optionen: 1) : Ich schaffe es nicht ein "verkaufsaccount" zu eröffnen, vielleicht mache ich auch was falsch 2) Hier im forum unter "Biete" 3) Selber eine Webseite aufzuziehen und mit irgendwelchen Merchant Tools zu arbeiten... keine Ahnung wie das geht Gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit die mit wenig Aufwand verbunden ist? Ich will eigentlich nichts zu professionelles aufziehen... hat jemand Erfahrungen, Tipps oder Ideen? Ich will der Bitcoin community helfen und ein paar Optionen Mehr für Bitcoins anbieten Sandoz
It's ok, you got your bitcoins... and it's probably too late for the original owner to get them back.
Now that you have them, don't sell them for dollars, use them to buy physical stuff. That way you legitimize bitcoins, attract new businesses and make your remaining bitcoins more valuable.
If you sell them, you just get less.
While I admire the ideas bitcoin gave the community, I am honestly confuse by the "coin" put everywhere. I associate it with a currency, with coins. I guess this is why I had some trouble understanding namecoin..
Wouldn't bitname, bitvote, bitgame, bitwhatever be more clear?
While reading through these forums an Idea came up.
The idea is about a hypothetical program for the paranoid amongst us: it could generate plausible but randomised files simulating: - Wallet files - GPG encrypted wallets - Bitcoin encrypted wallets (as of next bitcoin version)
This could go even further in that through some modules it could generate some web traffic (randomised google searches, invalid but apparent bittorrent traffic).
That would induce so much noise that hackers and governments would not be able to discern valid wallets / files / traffic from invalid and random one.
If you encrypt your wallet with GPG (as proposed in another thread) you could plausibly argue that you actually don't have an encrypted wallet but the noise software must have generated it...
I want to get away from all these price discussions and try to understand whether someone has a good answer to this: is there some kind of good encryption (file or volume) that is usually supported out of the box on linux/unix LiveCD's? Maybe some command line tool usually available?
I would love to use bitcoin from a random LiveCD (fear of keyloggers) and know I could decrypt my wallet (delivered via USB stick or downloaded from a server) without the need to burn my own customised LiveCD.
Truecrypt is not an option for instance, as most LiveCD's don't ship with it preinstalled. Booting from USB is not an option as I want a relatively tamperproof CD.
(And, the less bloated the linux distro, the better)
I hope you can help me, in fact I am sure there are plenty of linux/unix experts on this forum!!
Ich rate jedem der 50 Minuten Zeit hat folgenden Film anzuschauen. Er erzählt in einfacher und nett bebilderten Sprache die Geschichte vom Geld. Von seinen Anfängen bis zu heute. Wenn ihr euch schon immer gefragt habt wie eigentlich alles zusammenhängt findet ihr hier die Antwort! Für mich gab es mehrere "AHA" Momente!!! Und dann seht ihr auch gegen was sich Bitcoin stemmt, und warum es garantiert ein Verbot geben wird.... Spass
To everyone hoarding. I think it is fine to keep your stash. Keep it and forget about it. But I ask you to do as I am doing: get some fresh bitcoins now, price doesn't matter, and use them to buy stuff.
Keep the incentive for sellers!
Actually I am going to get some new BC's now, choose some online store who accepts bitcoins and buy me something nice!! I don't know what yet, I only know in what currency I will pay for it. That's a gift I do to myself and an investment in the whole BC community!
Hi guys,
I wonder whether you have some tips for this scenario. I am scared of keyloggers and other spyware, thus I am thinking of accessing my most valuable bitcoin wallet from a secure environment. The plan:
1) Boot from a liveCD with my physical signature on it (this makes sure the OS is not tampered with, no persistence) 2) Load an encrypted USB stick (safe encryption makes sure I can backup images of the stick without worries) 3) Decrypt it with an on-screen keyboard to fool any hardware keyloggers 3) Run bitcoin from within the stick
Now, that's the theory. However is such a setup possible? Can anyone help me/us with the needed tools?
More specifically: -Which linux livecd is best suited? I assume the more stuff there is on it, the less you can trust it -What encryption for the stick? The liveCD must support it out-of-the-box. I don't care if I can read it only on linux, in the end I will ONLY access it from there (I was able to create a LUKS partition on a stick and I could decrypt it and see the contents but I am unable to run any executables on it. No idea how)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I assume other people would like such an environment too!!