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1  Economy / Currency exchange / removed on: January 05, 2014, 08:05:54 PM
2  Other / Beginners & Help / how to deal with the post lockdown timer other than doing many posts on: January 05, 2014, 05:56:10 PM

i have very low post count and get this block message all the time (The last posting from your IP was less than 360 seconds ago)
often i forget that i searched and triggered the countdown by doing so, so i get the message and if i hit the back button, my message is gone.

can i stop this? can i get un-newbied by staying online a certain amount of time or buying PREMIUM service or some trickery?
i dont want to spam much posts all over the forum just to be able to use the search feature to find out of what i wanted to say has been said before  Cry

halp pls!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / PTS owners get FREE BTC in here on: December 17, 2013, 02:54:30 AM
Since some were not aware of that before, MEMCoin 2.0 (MMC) is premined for PTS owners, all PTS owners of PTS Block 32000 do have some MMC waiting for them, tied to the same public keys as they were on in the beforementioned PTS Block, accessable with the same private key which can be moved fom PTS to MMC walled on the Debug console

So were is the free BTC i announced? Well Since you got the MMC balance for free, selling them to me for BTC will equal getting free BTC (well, neglecting the hassle of launching up PTS and MMC wallet).

step 1) in PTS client look up the <publickey> of the addres you have/had balance on
step 2) in PTS console insert: dumpprivkey <publickey><enter> which outputs key (copy it)
step 3) in MMC console: importprivkey <private key>
(wait a little, this forces a rescan)
step 4) MMC balance should be available then. check how much you have, if necessary repeat steps for other PTS keys.
step 5) send PM including BTC addres and MMC amount you would like to sell -> receive BTC -> send me MMC

step 1 as image

step 2 as image

step 3 is opening the same console in MMC client and using the similar command the other way round
step 4 is just like sending btc, ltc, etc..

LINKS / Sources
get the MMC client here (no need to fear viruzzed, the mmc code has very few, quite obvious differenced from PTS, not much review needed)
Original thread announcing the PTS owners bonus in MMC
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [MMC/BTC] Trade WTS WTB - Google Spreadsheet Exchange - Post-Fork offers on: December 16, 2013, 02:28:15 PM
--> SEE
fully automatic escrow trading there, no need for this anymore. i consider bter trustworthy.
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