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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Just my gripe with the bitcoin qt on: January 31, 2014, 02:45:01 PM
As mentioned, this irks me.
Installed Bitcoin QT, trying to run the full client to help the network/community.
Been running it for 1 month and still not been able to download all blocks.

Every time my system hangs, restarts, whatever, bitcoin qt fucks up the blocks database, has to re-index it. By starting over and re-downloading it.
From the fucking start. All the fucking blocks.
Why the hell does it need to re-download ALL the blocks. I mean, if something went wrong, and bitcoin exited unexpectedly with an I/O error, why is it that all the blockchain database is fucked and not only the last block.
People, we are in 2014, transactional databases were invented eons ago! DBase would lick this kind of database.

Every time it gets close, 12 weeks behind, it seems that the time needed to finish the fucking last weeks get exponentially longer.
I got some penny payments from my pool, at my wallet address in Bitcoin QT, still not being able to view them after one month.

This is getting nowhere fast!

Sorry for the tone. I'm pissed. You could see that, right? You have a very keen perception.

2  Local / Market / Deocamdata sondez interesul: Sapphire R9 290x on: January 30, 2014, 10:04:15 PM
Cat ati da pe cardul din imagine? Sapa cu 972Kh, la 980 core si 1500 memory, undervolted -10

Este BF4 eddition, codul de joc nefolosit.

3  Local / Market / Vand Sapphire HD 7950 Boost DualX 11196-19-20G on: January 26, 2014, 08:36:47 PM
Se poate inchide, vandut.

Dupa cum puteti vedea si pe , cariera mea de miner de 3 saptamani s-a incheiat.

Tot atunci am luat si un Sapphire R9 290. Poate il vand si pe acesta daca primesc o oferta buna.
7950-ul e cumparat la jumatatea lui septembrie anul trecut.
Am factura originala, garantia de 24 luni la PC garage.
E inca cea mai eficienta placa dpdv hashrate/watt.
Pentru cunoscatori, are memorie Hynix.

Vreau 1000RON pe ea, accept si LTC, BTC la cursul Bitstamp + 5%.
Bucuresti face to face sau Cargus cu tracking si escrow.

Happy mining!
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