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1  Other / Beginners & Help / How to Separate Authentic Airdrops from Airdrop Scams on: February 13, 2020, 12:20:25 PM
Establishments and governments have started to come down hard on ICOs, and it has created an environment where airdrops flourish. Airdrops provide a great way for new crypto projects to gain traction, and for interested parties to gain coins. But unfortunately, this symbiotic relationship has attracted a few parasites…

What’s the Point of a Fake Airdrop Anyway?

That’s a good question! The creation of a fake airdrop could benefit the creator in many ways. The creator could gain access to your sensitive information and use it in a sinister way, or simply gain free advertising for their project with zero intention of ever rewarding you for your hard work.

Things to Look Out For

When signing up to take part in airdrops, there are a few things to look out for to ensure you’re not being scammed. These include:

- Well known coins – scammers play on newcomers’ nativity by advertising an airdrop of a coin that you may have heard of before. Chances are that famous coins don’t need your help when it comes to marketing.

- Grammatical errors – We hate to be the grammar police, but all legitimate airdrops should put their content through grammar and spell checks before releasing it to the public. Spelling errors should set off alarm bells in your head.

- Don’t donate – While airdrops may ask you to do menial, social media orientated tasks for them, legitimate airdrops should never outright ask for donations. If they do, be afraid.

- Big promises – be wary of big promises of massive rewards. No authentic airdrop can afford to pay users large amounts for the minimal tasks that they do. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

- No website – If the project you’re thinking of becoming involved in only works with Google forms and social media accounts, you may want to rethink this decision.

Remember that your gut instinct is usually right! If something feels off, it may pay to do some more research into the project before getting involved.

Only Use Trusted Directories

One of the easiest ways to avoid scams is to ensure that you are only finding airdrops through trusted directories that have been around for enough time to garner great reviews!

At, we do all the research so you don’t have to! We only list authentic and trustworthy airdrops.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / New Airdrop available from Freecoins24! on: February 12, 2020, 08:33:14 AM
TranslateMe Airdrop is live!

TranslateMe is a AI decentralized translation blockchain-based, hybrid AI algorithm of man and machine that has the ability to translate any website, device or application connected to the internet. Benefits include up to 90% reduction in cost to the user, complete privacy options and no restriction of use.

TranslateMe Airdrop  is worth 1000 TMN tokens (~$10). TranslateMe are already listed in Coinmarketcap!

Visit: and follow the steps.

There are more airdrops available for your choosing with reliable ratings!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / - High quality and verified crypto airdrops! on: July 05, 2019, 11:05:18 AM

Welcome to the official Bitcointalk thread of Freecoins24

About us:

Here on you will find the best selection of quality and free crypto airdrops. We do all the hard job for you and select the legit and quality airdrops, bounties and giveaways for you. Just join Freecoins24 and never miss the best airdrops again. All airdrops are rated by us for more informations please visit our FAQ. We are happy to help to earn your own free cryptocurrency, let's find the financial freedom together.

What is an airdrop?

It’s an easy way to earn free token by upcoming ICO’s. Many ICO’s run airdrops to increase their awareness and build a big community. If you perform an airdrop you will get the coins to your wallet when the event is over. Another kind of airdrops is a fork. For example Bitcoin Cash is a fork of Bitcoin. This means at a specific time they do a snapshot of the Bitcoin blockchain and than they get the same amount of Bitcoin Cash like you hold Bitcoins. Please follow our step-by-step FAQ to learn how to join airdrops.

How to join?

It’s easy! Just follow our step-by-step guides to earn your free cryptocurrency. You will need some different social media accounts like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram and more, we are recommend not use your main accounts and main email to join the airdrops.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via Telegram or

Enjoy and have fun, thanks for joining Freecoins24!

Stay safe!

Never ever share your private key with anyone or spend money to get free tokens!
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / 🌟🌟 Free Airdrops daily updates!!🌟🌟 Best Airdrops!!🌟🌟 on: May 21, 2018, 09:40:37 PM
Airdrop: Atlantis Blue
Estimated value: 50 ABDT / $30
Rate: ⭐️⭐️(2/3)

Never miss an airdrop, join our Telegram:

The first thing Atlantis Blue aims to do is build and establish the AB Warehouse (Atlantis Blue Warehouse) which will be the single point of receivership of the stones from the mines. This will make sure that there are no leakage into the black market and prevent the illegal exportation and smuggling of the rough stones. The stones will be brought in, weighted and graded before they take their next journey, on to the artisan camp. Absolutely no sales will be made from this locale.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / 🌟🌟 Free Airdrops daily updates!!🌟🌟 Best Airdrops!! on: April 03, 2018, 03:42:52 PM
Hello together,

I would like to introduce my new project to you here.

On our website you could find daily the newest and best airdrops.
We try to put together only the best airdrops!

Check out our new airdrop site:
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