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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / Coinman1 real thread. Erasing posts to make him look like a freaking saint! on: March 03, 2017, 10:34:43 PM
Place to post so he can not cover up his trails with self moderated BULLSHIT of his thread.
Thanks all of you who help me in this problem your support worth a lot for me
So mixan first of all remove all your negative feedback that you left for me In my threads and profile both and send 0.056992BTC at 14fsh84VQ8gWMETMrG8iyZ9Bbzi5zNFc6H
That's the total amount that you have to pay me and our issue is resolved
Once done reply here with TRX I'd so everyone can see that you really pay me
so fucking mixan run again i am going to ad more interest at the time when he decided to pay back the money
Never ran fuckhead.
I ain't paying you shit because of one of your stooges named the pharmcist opened his big mouth just like you just did and made me change my mind.
I can see you need my bitcoin to keep your rouse going with these nit wits who actually believe that you have bitcoin in your possession to give to them for paying fucking rip-off prices that only bottom feeders would pay cause they are from some shit sucking shithole like you live in.
You are very sad in your attempts to make yourself look even halfway a legitimate trader.
You will never be even half the trader of bitcoin I was. I made over two and half bitcoin in PURE PROFIT before I decided to give it up while the getting was good.
Nice job keeping two last two trades you did from getting yourself marked with red.
Great fucking job there master of manipulation of the deranged and desolate. HAHAH! Grin
2  Economy / Scam Accusations / Is there another account of Wildkens on the forums on: January 07, 2017, 12:40:49 AM
Just noticed this that was written about this member:
freebets 0: -0 / +0   2017-01-06   0.00000000      COINMAN1 is an alt of wildkens he open exchange theard like him starting to accept all reversible metod of payments and when he will have some trust he will scam with this acccount its his modus to work so be carful people i have left negative feedback to wildkens before he scam because i know it and i know all his alt

Any concurrent evidence of this?
I want to know because then I would be sending to a possibly fake paypal account to this user that I never wanted to deal with in the first place when dealing with paypal. Undecided

I don't do paypal deals from these kind of accounts so to compromise mine. Angry
3  Other / Meta / Forum is being hammered too by to many connections? on: January 06, 2017, 05:01:51 PM
I am getting this message now from trying to get to my pm inbox:
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

Why is this message coming up? It has never happened before for all the time that I have been on here.
4  Economy / Web Wallets / BlockChain having serious issues? This is what all the delayed transactions are. on: January 06, 2017, 01:35:33 PM
Just tried to log into the blockchain site to check my send and then log into their wallet afterwards but then I get this screen:
images upload

Has this been happening all night? I just got up roughly an hour ago and don't know how long the problem with the site has been going on for but after reading some posts it seems that I am not the only one having this same issue with all the sends not confirming when checking the blockchain from this site.
5  Economy / Exchanges / Which one is better CEX.IO or Quadriga? Your thoughts on both. on: January 06, 2017, 01:32:23 PM
I am looking for an exchange that I want to be able to hold my bitcoins in and not have to worry about if they will be there in the morning.
Any experienced people who have been using either of sites from the the very start of their inception can comment on their overall exchanges done on one if not both of these sites?
What are the fees to make any buys or sells and what are the comparable fees when making a withdrawal off their respective sites?
I have no experience in trading so you have to tell me in layman terms.
I am just going into it to just be able to be able to send to an saving account within North America so give me an overview for doing this on both of these mentioned sites.

Very appreciative for any advice on these sites that I would like more information on these particular subjects put forth.

6  Economy / Currency exchange / Looking for $16 worth of btc=$19PPSend now within the next 15 minutes for offer! on: January 04, 2017, 07:39:20 PM
I need $16 worth of btc sent to this btc address as payment: 13cfqjvVk4i6yiLVqoT1KhKyRohViKFR1R

I will pay you $19.50 in paypal right after it is confirmed by you that it has been sent.

Please respond here or in a pm.
Thank you.

7  Economy / Web Wallets / Is CoinBase getting hammered with connections? on: January 04, 2017, 07:37:20 PM
I just tried to log in to my coinbase account and it said unable to retrieve account. Resolve by reconnecting.
This error message was in red.
Is this because of the sudden surge in bitcoin nearing the record of it's worth?

Getting this message now:
Don't worry, we've been notified about the issue and are taking a look. Please try again in a few minutes, or if the problem persists feel free to add a Bug Report. Sorry for the trouble!
8  Economy / Currency exchange / Neteller for sale WTB Btc 1:1 rate on: November 21, 2016, 05:32:25 PM
As I have $20 AT THE moment send me a pm and we can do this right away.
9  Other / Meta / REQUIRED FOR TRADING IN THIS FORUM! Red tag newbie that asks for exchange using on: October 25, 2016, 10:52:50 PM
Might I suggest that some one or a group of individuals red ANY NEWBIE asking to exchange in this section immediately.

It is done in the investor based games section of this forum so why not here.

I am seeing it happen far to often scamming newbies that either have an aged account (no trade histor) or just created an account the same day luring members here to exchange with them and then running off without completing the other party's exchange.
This is unexceptable and NEEDS TO STOP NOW!

These people are seeing this place to get FREE MONEY/BTC from their scam jobs/work.
10  Other / Meta / Legendary in lowest activity possible? on: October 25, 2016, 06:14:31 PM
Reached Legendary today but was 798 activity yesterday and just got it today.
At 812?  Shocked
I was kind of shocked when this occurred!

I know it was around 800+ at a random time but this was a great surprise to me! Grin

Is it the lowest of the legendary activity levels to achieve this rank?
Remember seeing a thread about the ones who reached it at the lowest level but right at 800? Hmm.. Undecided
I am definitely not complaining! Grin
11  Economy / Currency exchange / BTC For Neteller - 25% rate for newbies/20% Only for Junior-Hero members on: October 11, 2016, 12:11:15 AM
Will take exchanges of BTC for my Neteller funds.

No refunds and there is a wait time involved at my discretion when doing these trades due to high level of fraud detected in the few trades that I have done so far thus the high rate involved.
This will lower once I get use to trading in this way.

Only post if you are willing to exchange and accept these terms.

Don't ask about wait time because that varies from time to time when I have a high level of Neteller funds in stock at the time of requests.
So use common sense when putting in your order please.
12  Economy / Currency exchange / Looking for BTC for my Paypal. Need 0.05055 worth of bitcoin will pay you $37. on: September 25, 2016, 09:37:36 PM
If you have this amount I will send you the $37 by friends and family immediately.

PM me for a fast deal.
13  Economy / Currency exchange / Looking for $17 worth of btc will pay $19 paypal - Urgent! on: September 25, 2016, 05:50:05 PM
I would like someone to send me btc first(same btc address as in my profile) and I will pay the premium to them of $2 for this urgent request.
PM or post here when you have sent it and I will send the paypal to you immediately after it has confirmed 1.

Will only be available for the next 20 minutes so first come first serve.

Thank you.

14  Economy / Currency exchange / Looking for $8 Skrill have BTC 15% rate on: September 13, 2016, 04:16:26 PM
Need this done fast by a trusted member here.
No newbies please.
15  Economy / Scam Accusations / Hausmeister_Krause is scamming away with alt Giftcardtrades will create more! on: July 30, 2016, 06:04:20 PM;u=882540

This brand new alt of serial scammer Giftcardtrades is notorious of scamming people from different alt accounts.
I have given my proofs to members here and waiting for them to review and tag him with red so nobody else falls for his tricks of the next victim of an elaborate scam job.

Be very wary of this member as he will keep creating brand new accounts to attempt to scam again.

If you have recently fell victim to a scam job post below and it might be connected to this sack of excrement.
16  Economy / Currency exchange / Have BTC to sell for paypal you send first My rate for first time exchange 30% on: May 27, 2016, 02:50:56 PM
As topic states. Looking for anybody to trade with but you send first for newbie or junior members.
If Member or full member you need sufficient amount of trades done with paypal (light green trust rating) before I sent to you first.
After first successful trade then I will reduce the rate to normal 29% then down to 25%.
Pm me to have details sent to you how to make this sent first payment to paypal.

No exchanges for more than 0.1btc unless you have light green trust from previous trades.
17  Economy / Gambling / differences ? on: March 31, 2016, 12:51:15 AM
I just noticed while looking in games & rounds that there are two crypto games sites  Huh

What is the difference? Same owner and which one is better to use as I am looking for a new place to play some casino-type games.
Which one offers a better bonus for sign ups?
18  Economy / Exchanges / Russia - Bitstamp bans access to them temporarily on: January 18, 2016, 09:40:58 PM
Russian officials want to pass a bill to stop bitcoin from entering into their country:

Bitstamp seeming to do this from advisory of those officials:

"It would be better to stop the spread of bitcoin." Says Russian government:

This is disconcerting to almost all new adopters to bitcoin. It will be hard to recover if this bill does pass, then more countries will consider doing the same. China since they are communist I would see next to do this if Russia does. That is number 1 and number 2 largest countries in the world.
19  Economy / Web Wallets / Blockchain down for anyone else? on: January 18, 2016, 05:05:11 PM
When I wanted to check a transaction it goes to white screen saying:
Maximum connections have occurred.
Never seen that in my life.  Embarrassed
What is happening to blockchain? Is it too much transactions for it too handle at one time  Roll Eyes
20  Economy / Speculation / November is looking promising - up $20 for 1st day of the month on: November 02, 2015, 04:58:32 AM
 I looked at the price this morning nothing changed from last night  Cry
Still a dismal $314 when it was $325 just a couple days before on the crazy train ride going up and up and away  Grin
So after my sugar induced coma lifted from the night before of gorging on the left over candy, (Mini mars bars are great  Wink ) I thought to look at the price before going to bed.
Low and behold it is $331.3 as of this posting on bitfinex. The other exchanges still show 329.5 but I trust bitfinex because the others are slower from my bit-ticker watching for the past 5 months.

This is a great start of the month for bitcoiners who have held on to their investments.

We have had threads for October when this hell on the tracks burning locomotive started last week of that month, so lets start pumping up November as the month that will make us or break us. It all depends on this month if we will have a stellar end of this pretty bad year for our beloved coin.
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