When I plugged it in, cgminer displays it as around 1.6 Ghash/s. I thought the default is 2.0 Ghash/s? Yes, I realized I could just overclock it to 2 Ghash/s, but the point is that I think this is somewhat false advertising.
This is where I got it from:
http://www.amazon.com/BITMAIN-ANTMINER-U2-Bitcoin-Overclockable/dp/B00ITD5NV6Also, on the PCB, it says version 1.2, but on the forums, I read from somewhere that someone had a ver 1.3.
So, did I get a bad chip or is this how it works, that I need to overclock it to achieve the 2.0 Ghash/s?
(I know I won't get the ROI; I'm just doing this to learn more about bitcoin and virtual currency)