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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / City Chain , Blockchain for Smart Cities on: March 11, 2020, 04:28:30 AM
Hello I am Alexis , Community Manager of City Chain
City Chain has embarked on a journey to create a Crypto Friendly private city , The city is called Liberstad (Located in Norway).
City Coin was launched in 2018 and since it's inception it has grown a lot , Built on Stratis with Consensus Algorithm of POS making it environment friendly and stable , It's been listed on p2pb2b and Txbit.
Cool thing is you can buy a land in Liberstad using city coin.
Coin Specifications
Ticker                                                                  CITY
Consensus Algorithm                                             POS
Block Time                                                          60 sec
Block Reward                                                      20 CITY
Total Supply                                                 13,748,671,720 CITY
City coin has very vibrant team, There are many features been added constantly for instance if you open wallet you can view crypto atm and vendors shops within Merchant tab , Initial protocols of City Hub is under way , city hub is vital part of city coin where users will be able to avail services.
Encrypted messaging and identity tab will be available for users soon.
Bounty Program
City Coin has the best bounty program running every contribution is well paid , You can write articles or create a intro video and leave your link in discord channel.
Important Links

Feel Free to ask any question regarding project,we will glad to answer any question

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / City Coin | Blockchain Platform for Smart Cities and City Services on: December 19, 2018, 08:54:36 PM
City Chain is modernizing the experience of being a citizen through a blockchain powered Smart City Platform and the City Coin Cryptocurrency.

We are building the Smart City Platform and the City Chain blockchain so to enable existing cities, new cities and its citizens, access to new experiences and services powered by blockchain-technology.

The Smart City Platform can optimize and modernize how to plan, build and operate cities, enabling city operators to be more efficient and deliver better services to its citizens. It will empower its citizens, with the means to have control of their own data, financial values and identities.


City will soon be listed on p2pb2b Exchange and other exchanges to follow.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][CITY] City Chain - Blockchain for the Smart City Platform on: November 21, 2018, 09:30:37 PM
City Chain is the blockchain that powers the Smart City Platform. A decentralized platform empowering global citizens in the modern era. City Coin (CITY) is the means of value exchange, yet the Smart City Platform will be supporting multiple cryptocurrencies (including Bitcoin) as a means for payments and other operations.

Our goal is to make crypto-currencies and crypto-services available to, and used by, everyone.


Get started


City Chain Foundation








The portal into City Chain, is City Hub. It is both your wallet, and much more. It will be your portal into your financials, identities, communities, subscriptions, contracts and more.

Currently available in 64-bit version for Windows, macOS and Linux.

Get the latest version at:

When additional support for CITY (City Coin) is added by other apps and services, they will be listed on this announcement in an update.


City Chain is built on the Stratis Blockchain Platform. It will continue to adopt the majority, if not all, future improvements and modifications made to the Stratis Blockchain Platform. City Chain, and the Smart City Platform, will build on the foundations of this platform and extend it with additional functionaly and features that goes above and beyond.

By relying on the existing platform, we get the benefit of an active development community around Stratis, and we gain a large test-base for new technology and abilities, such as Smart Contracts and sidechains.

Consensus: Proof-of-Stake (POS)
Block Time: ~60 seconds
Block Reward: 20 CITY  
Coin Type: CITY (SYMBOL), 1926 (INDEX) (BIP-44)

Coin Distribution

A total 13,736,000,000 (distributed over the next 200 years) of City Coin was premined, of which all was donated to three (3) individual non-profit funds.
The amount of coins made as rewards from Proof-of-Stake, will over the course of 200 years, be 2,102,400,000 coins. 200 years is not the end-limit for staking rewards.

10,512,000 new coins are created through staking (POS) every year.

The distribution among the funds where:

  • City Chain Foundation - 20%
  • Private City Fund - 55%
  • Private Business Incubator Program - 25%

Short summary of the fund's/foundation's objectives:

  • The City Chain Foundation is a non-profit organization that develops and maintains City Chain and the Smart City Platform.
  • Private City Fund will help and support projects to establish private cities, give financial support to these projects and spread information and ideas regarding private cities.
  • The incubator program will support establishment and growth of startup-businesses that develops services or technology that is related to private cities.

The donations are given to support the foundations for 200 years. The coins will be brought into the market and economy at predefined and known cycles, ensuring that the market knows the increase in available coins.

Exchanges (BTC, ETH, USD)

Liberstad Block Exchange


List will be updated as City Coin is made available on more exchanges and services.


Liberstad is a new city under development in Norway and is an important partner and sponsor of City Chain. Liberstad will be one of the first cities to utilize the City Chain and Smart City Platform.

More partners to be announced in the future.


The goal of City Chain is not to be a competing currency to other cryptocurrencies, but to be an enabler for utilizing blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies at a broader and wider scale than exists today. It is not only about (new) private cities, the Smart City Platform can be utilized by existing cities and communities to reduce costs and improve efficiency in some of the services provided to the citizens.
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