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Dear Group: I want use my Block Erupter tube to solo mining, in first I direct point my Erupter to wallet RPC port but failed. I use Windows system, This is my configuation:
daemon=1 server=1 listen=1 rpcuser=rpcuser rpcpassword=123456 rpcport=3333 rpcallowip= (my pc's IP is, Erupter is
I use this walllet configuration with CGMiner is works well, but Block Eruputer tube only support getwork protocol, I think the wallet not support it, am I right?
And then I trying use the Mining_proxy.exe be my proxy program, I run it like this:
mining_proxy.exe -o localhost -p 3333 -cu rpcuser -cp 123456
mining_proxy.exe -o localhost -p 3333 -sh localhost -sp 3333 -cu rpcuser -cp 123456 -oh localhost -gp 8332
It doesn't work, the Mining_proxy output these message:
2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO proxy mining_proxy.on_connect # Subscribing for min ing jobs 2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO proxy mining_proxy.on_disconnect # Disconnected fro m Stratum pool at localhost:3333 2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO stats stats.print_stats # 0 peers connected, state changed 1 times
I did some research and not sure wether the wallet support Strutum protocol or not. Did I missed something, and no what is a way to use my Block Erupter to solo mining. Any information will be appreciate.
Dear group: I bought a ASICMiner Block Erupter, I use BFGMiner program with Silicon Labs CP210x driver, it works very well, I used follow command to start my BFGMiner:
bfgminer.exe -o pool -u username -p 1 --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --icarus-timing 3.0=100
But someone told me this rig should use WinUSB driver, so I download a Zadig tools, I uninstalled my CP210x at first and I installed WinUSB (v6.1.7600.16385). It worked. I can saw a Universal Serial Bus device in my computer's device manager (Windows XP).
But I can't saw any com port in my PC. I understand WinUSB won't need a port. But my BFGMiner or CGMiner can't running anymore. Did I missed something? Anyone can help me? Thanks a lot!
Dear Group: I have a question about SOLO Mining, when I use CGminer to SOLO Mining, I found the output message about "network diff" is very high, usually over 100k, but in the pool or Wallet I can saw the difficulty only less 10,But if I solo mining other crypto coin the CGMiner's diff same with wallet and pool. why there have two different difficulty at same time?
Hello Dear Group: I want collect the output message from running CGMiner, which is simple way to do it? I need store the output data to a text file, if it can output to redirection to serial port is better. Any information will be appreciate.
Does anyone have detail infomation about CGMiner's paramter configruation, like as what's relly mean of "I" value..... The readme docment only point few infomation about these.
Thanks a lot!