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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Why the latest there no more new coin in Announcements boards? on: April 10, 2014, 12:04:33 PM
Did I miss something?
2  Bitcoin / Mining support / Need Help, Block Erupter Cube, Solo, Stratum_proxy connect to Wallet QT on: March 18, 2014, 01:54:07 PM
Dear Group:
    I want use my Block Erupter tube to solo mining, in first I direct point my Erupter to wallet RPC port but failed. I use Windows system, This is my configuation:

rpcallowip= (my pc's IP is, Erupter is

I use this walllet configuration with CGMiner is works well, but Block Eruputer tube only support getwork protocol, I think the wallet not support it, am I right?

And then I trying use the Mining_proxy.exe be my proxy program, I run it like this:

mining_proxy.exe -o localhost -p 3333 -cu rpcuser -cp 123456


mining_proxy.exe -o localhost -p 3333 -sh localhost -sp 3333 -cu rpcuser -cp 123456 -oh localhost -gp 8332

It doesn't work, the Mining_proxy output these message:

2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO proxy mining_proxy.on_connect # Subscribing for min
ing jobs
2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO proxy mining_proxy.on_disconnect # Disconnected fro
m Stratum pool at localhost:3333
2014-03-18 21:58:39,467 INFO stats stats.print_stats # 0 peers connected, state
changed 1 times

I did some research and not sure wether the wallet support Strutum protocol or not. Did I missed something, and no what is a way to use my Block Erupter to solo mining.  Any information will be appreciate.

3  Bitcoin / Mining support / WinUSB problem on: March 11, 2014, 03:50:56 PM
Dear group:
    I bought a ASICMiner Block Erupter, I use BFGMiner program with Silicon Labs CP210x driver, it works very well, I used follow command to start my BFGMiner:

bfgminer.exe -o pool -u username -p 1 --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --icarus-timing 3.0=100

   But someone told me this rig should use WinUSB driver, so I download a Zadig tools, I uninstalled my CP210x at first and I installed WinUSB (v6.1.7600.16385). It worked. I can saw a Universal Serial Bus device in my computer's device manager (Windows XP).

   But I can't saw any com port in my PC. I understand WinUSB won't need a port. But my BFGMiner or CGMiner can't running anymore. Did I missed something? Anyone can help me? Thanks a lot!
4  Bitcoin / Mining support / Two difficulty on: March 09, 2014, 02:57:31 PM
Dear Group:
    I have a question about SOLO Mining, when I use CGminer to SOLO Mining, I found the output message about "network diff" is very high, usually over 100k, but in the pool or Wallet I can saw the difficulty only less 10,But if I solo mining other crypto coin the CGMiner's diff same with wallet and pool.   why there have two different difficulty at same time?  
5  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Need a simple way to log the CGMiner's output message. on: March 07, 2014, 02:02:18 AM
Hello Dear Group:
    I want collect the output message from running CGMiner, which is simple way to do it? I need store the output data to a text file, if it can output to redirection to serial port is better. Any information will be appreciate.
6  Other / Beginners & Help / About CGMiner's parameter on: December 27, 2013, 04:35:55 AM
Does anyone have detail infomation about CGMiner's paramter configruation, like as what's relly mean of "I" value..... The readme docment only point few infomation about these.

Thanks a lot!
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