XTRABytes use the Proof-of-Signature (PoSign) consensus algorithm.
But which one is better?
Proof of work
Proof of stake
Proof of Signature
Proof of signature looks good but it this true?
In all other existing blockchain technologies, transactions are verified and blocks created by only one randomly selected node in the network. Common consensus algorithms such as Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake, and Proof-of-Importance attempt to ensure that the node selected is not malicious or faulty, but they cannot guarantee that this is the case.
PoSign comprises a radically different approach. Transactions are verified by a network of what are called STATIC nodes—importantly, each of these nodes must sign off on a transaction before the associated block can be appended to the chain. Should a malicious node repeatedly attempt to compromise the chain, it will be blacklisted automatically.
See also