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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / New ICOs on Binance - anyone know on: August 16, 2017, 10:53:46 PM
Does anyone know more about this upcomming "high impact" ICOs?

Unfortunately, TRON is also some old alt, so no much help here, and those 2 left I dont even know how to tell in english. So some advice from Chinese traders here would be very appreciated if he/she can tell us more.

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / BTM BYTOM - new hot coin ? on: August 07, 2017, 10:31:52 PM
Anyone knows anything about this coin? It is pretty hot on BTER and in China, gaining like 250-300% in last week or so

It is not on Coinmarketcap and I am wondering why Smiley

Technology behind this coin looks good and it could become quite big one day.
Do you know anything about it and what do you predict for this coin? Buy or sell?
3  Economy / Service Discussion / how does bter execute orders on: January 11, 2014, 06:30:21 PM
Hi, does anyone know how bter execute orders?

I wanted to sell some WDC there today, I put it into sell order with cheapest price.. it was just small amount, like 300 WDC, I skipped some bigger order just being few satoshi cheaper but bigger seller probably got angry to see anyone above him, so he changed his order on same price as I did, but like 1 minute later.
So I supposed when I was first offering on that price, my WDC should be sold if anyone buys on that price.
But then I saw like 10 minutes later that 200 WDC was sold on that price but only 10 of them were mine. How is this supposed to work?
Seems to me if you are last with offer, you are first to be executed Cheesy which looks quite horrific..
Anyone know?
4  Other / Beginners & Help / CAT/BTC newbie trade offer on: December 27, 2013, 11:40:12 AM
Hi all, I am new on bitcoin talk, also in Crypto actually.. been mining for like one month since I first get to know what the bitcoin was Smiley

I am putting here an offer to sell 344 CATs I mined for btc.. I would say that 0.5 btc for 344 CAT is fair offer, but I will trade only if:

a) you go first and btc, then I send CAT (ok, this is not gonna work, as I am new here Cheesy, just a joke)
b) you have very good reputation, at least 50 posts, some tracked trades etc..
c) we use ESCROW from some very respected member here. Probably you would have to settle this as I am newbie and cant send PMs..

feel free to contact me here in thread if you are interested in my CATs Smiley
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