So, I'm about to have to leave home for a pretty long time. Roughly 8 months. Part of that time will be on the same continent as my rig. For the majority, I will be away from continent and unable to have any control over my rig as I will be on a secured internet, websites like this will be flagged. My wife has agreed to ensure that the rig is running and no more. WTF should I mine for 8 months straight? Any insight is appreciated.
Hello everyone, new to forum. Just curious, out of those of you who are still GPU mining, what are you mining? I'm talking about your standard desktop rig not a crazy GPU farm with 20" box fans in a basement. I'm plinking away at EAC, WDC and DOGE occasionally, but I've mined many others albeit few actual coins received. Also curious why you would be mining what you are mining. What are you looking for when you read about a new coin?