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1  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoin price in December 2019 on: April 27, 2019, 03:31:46 PM
What do you think about Bitcoin price movement? What will be the year ending situation? I believe it will be around 10k to 12k USD. Let's hope for good things coming and let us know your thoughts.
Thank you.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Do you use STEEMIT? Share some tips, get followers too on: January 02, 2019, 02:39:58 PM
Hello guys, I heard people making decent amount cryptos on Steemit platform, so I wanted to try it. Since I enjoy writing, this could be a good opportunity for me. Also for you, if you enjoy writing aka blogging.
I found they key point is gaining reputation on the platform in order to make money. Everyone in the platform needs followers too. I will try posting there regularly.

Now, please give me some easy tips to earn on Steemit.

I will follow you on Steemit if you do the following things:

1. Follow me on steemit (my profile)

2. Comment in any of my post on Steemit (I will comment back on your post)

3. Also follow other users who post links in comments and Quote them to inform.
Let's help each other to make more STEEM

Post your steemit profile link and username below so I can know its you.

Best wishes.

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Useful Linux command list for expert masternode users on: December 03, 2018, 08:18:24 AM
Masternode Commands

Start a Masternode Server
masternode start

Stop a Masternode Server
masternode stop

Set to debug mode
masternode debug

See current state of your masternode
masternode current

Number of Masternodes
masternode count

List all Masternodes
masternode list

masternode outputs

Generate masternode privatekey
masternode genkey

Find Number of connections to your Masternode

Edit config files
nano coinname.conf

Run wallet

Start masternode
masternode start-alias Alias
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / [Solved] dumpprivkey on Bitcoin-Qt, shows different addresses in Electrum on: August 28, 2018, 07:10:45 AM
It's been one week since I was trying to resolve this issue but never found a proper solution or what I have found simply didn't work with me. Perhaps I can't understand the exact mechanism due to the language barrier as I'm not native in English. So, today I am seeking help from the community.

Problem: Unable to use Bitcoin from Bitcoin-qt 16.2 because of synchronization issue.
More details: I sent some small amount of BTC in my Bitcoin-qt wallet which was never synced. The issue raised when I tried to use it.

Actual problem:
I have tried various method by Googling the issue like dumping private key. But the problem is when I import the private key in Electrum or other wallets it shows zero balance and different BTC address. Got confused here, tried again and again what's wrong with me, dumped the key again, still found safe error. Used too to see wallet details but it shows what electrum shows.
Here I'm posting an example of my wallet with the dumped private key that has no fund. Copied from wallet but see yourself showing different address also try importing it will show get different receiving address.

L49YrnZPvfptpaV6ad1pw55fTBz2gdJLSzgZjYrgSyLkCQaPdZer 2018-03-03T17:05:32Z reserve=1 # addr=3JP77cLUwuwY6Rw16CZZRmZ7eDHKHQQcZA hdkeypath=m/0'/0'/8'
Kxk4dYpsLghVeTBccCNsSb5iq9ULczFjCKB3kEhrWFKFeTY9dT5w 2018-03-03T17:05:32Z reserve=1 # addr=3KBtWR5zGsGWrPxfRx6HyG7CnpqssaftdA hdkeypath=m/0'/0'/37'

What can I do now?
What I want to do: Import those funds to any other wallet like Electrum.

Device I can use: Windows 7, 32bit, Android (Note: most desktop wallet doesn't support 32bit pc, for example, Electrum itself won't run in my PC)  

Edit: The issue has been solved with the first reply with easy solution. Thanks to that amazing community member.
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