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1  Economy / Goods / Resin Bitcoins SOLD OUT!! :D on: June 24, 2011, 09:24:54 AM
Looks like there's been a bit of reformatting here on the board, so I'll start another thread over in this section Cheesy
I'm a resin artist/nerd and I am producing actual resin bitcoins for purchase.  My first project was a limited edition run of 10 coins, embedded in clear resin.

This is what they look like:

HUGE thanks to everyone that purchased one,  I'm shocked at how fast they sold out!!  Smiley

So these are the coins for the first 10 orders:

Once completed, these will be shipped out in the order they were purchased, along with notification and tracking info to the new owners Wink

I've honestly been stunned at the positive reaction these have gotten, and I've been asked many times now if I plan on making any, here's your chance!!  Grin This sale will be just for the coins, not embedded in clear..

The price for 4 coins, shipped in the US with tracking is 1 BTC.
(Sorry, no paypal payments available as I'd like to keep this experiment "BTC pure" haha!!)

Each coin will be sequentially numbered; the earlier you buy, the lower the numbers.  Sorry, no requests this time around, as it creates madness with lists Smiley

These will be available for a limited time.  Once the run is closed, no more of this version will be made.

I'm not sure what the best way to do the order process, so here's the plan for now: just contact me for payment info Smiley

Purchases will be shipped out in the order they were received, (I'm estimating no more than a few days from the date of purchase Cheesy)
So that's my pitch...

HUGE THANKS again to everyone for the support and interest.. I'll keep this thread updated as I go, and please feel free to ask any questions, I'll do my best to answer them Wink

2  Other / Obsolete (selling) / Resin Bitcoins on: June 23, 2011, 12:55:46 AM
Hey all, I'm an artist/nerd who's been bitten by the bitcoin bug.  I've made many toys and collectibles, several of which have actually increased in value exponentially Grin  In an attempt to describe the idea of this technology, I've made some actual bitcoins to represent something tangible.  Figured I'd show my wares here..  

These are cast in opaque resin, and suspended in clear resin..  Limited edition of 10,  individually signed and numbered.

cost is 1BTC, including shipping in the US.  Lemme know if you're "international" and I'll figure something out...

thanks for looking!! Cheesy
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Wish I could put one in my pocket... on: June 15, 2011, 05:09:15 PM
but we all know it doesn't work like that.. so I made my own.

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