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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Help need your help to add MOONCOIN to MINTPAL Exchange on: April 14, 2014, 09:13:07 AM
Hi There,

Please help to add MOON to the Mintpal exchange, every person can give 5 votes every hour, here is the link:

You need to be a registered user and have done at least one trade on their site before you can vote

Many thanks
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Junior Miner, Need Honest Advice-Which Coins to Mine!!!!! on: January 12, 2014, 08:34:38 AM
Good Day Guys,

I know it may be a repetitive and boring question, but I really need some help here

I'm new to mining (2-3 weeks at most) and the number of coins to choose from are countless

I'm having a max hash power of 1.4 KH/S and been doing some scrypt mining

Started with litecoin and feathercoin but they were very slow and soon realized can't make any

So I switched to some easier ones (IFC, Moon, Doge, nexus, coiney, etc...) and well you know all such coins already have a high level of difficulty and Moon has no value to it (at least for now it looks like going nowhere)!

I came across and soon realized anyone can make their own coin with just a little bit of bitcoin (less than 300 dollars!)

I look at the Announcement forum and I see there are tonnes of new coins everyday,

Knowing the fact that any common person can make their own coin, and anyone with some knowledge of programming and some customizations can make an awesome new coin! (at least look awesome),


Are all these new coins or most of these new coins just a mean to dilute bitcoin market or this is a lost ground and a hype and just a game to keep people busy and continue mining as anyone with some invested money in

hardware won't be happy (definitely I won't be happy either! ) to realize it is all a game and the real winners are those who hold substantial amount of bitcoin (litecoin to some extent), and the rest of the coins are just out there

to keep others busy and divert attention !

I do appreciate some honest answers here, I'd already made some IFC and MOON and I do realize its not a good feeling to hear any bad news regarding the coins I'd already mined, but I believe the sooner I realize what is

really happening here the better it is,

Many Thanks for your help and excuse me if I'm making any mistake


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