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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] Official Vectorspace AI Launch on: June 23, 2018, 12:57:27 AM
Welcome to Vectorspace AI.
Private Sale is now live

Smart Baskets for Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing Powered by Context-Controlled Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Deep Sentiment Analysis Algorithms


TL;DR Summary:
Using a biomimetic approach, the Vectorspace AI platform will leverage advanced approaches in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) in order to create dynamic smart "token baskets" based on trends rising in context-controlled sentiment, search, social media, and news

TL;DR VXV Token Utility:

VXV can be used to purchase subscriptions to the platform, purchase API calls, queries or transact token baskets in the future.

The Vectorspace AI platform enables dynamically generated smart “token baskets” based on user-selected trends that exist in search, social media and news. The reason we’ve included the word ‘smart’ is based the ability for these baskets to determine for themselves whether or not to include additional cryptocurrencies or components from related baskets that may increase overall returns. Baskets that interact this way with one another will conduct these kinds of transactions between one another using the Vectorspace utility token, VXV which is also required to dynamically generate baskets.

Components within the dynamically generated baskets can be made up of cryptocurrencies along with other new innovations for stores of value in the cryptocurrency space that may arise in the future. Traders, investors and funds can optimize basket returns by applying unique filters that provide ranking based on capital rebalancing combined with basic options related to indicators and custom algorithms. Human researchers and curators of baskets are allocated VXV for their work in this area. The VXV utility token can be used to purchase blocks of dynamic basket generations in addition to subscriptions to higher level features offered by the platform including transacting baskets as trades on exchanges. VXV utility tokens are awarded to creators of top performing baskets which are displayed on a leader board each month.

Why VXV?:

VXV is inherently designed to be in front of the face of every trader and fund every day; it will provide volume and liquidity to an exchange as it's built for traders to expanding trading activity along with exchange APIs. As the cryptocurrency market matures, Hedge funds, institutional algo desks, research firms, and data merchants will want to gain an edge. Anticipating this flight to quality from traditional markets into crypto, it’s our intention that VXV be a gateway by providing valuable custom triangulated dataset driven (e.g. context-controlled sentiment scores, hidden relationships etc) relationships between all cryptocurrencies.  

Furthermore, growing number of organizations offer the ability to trade a basket or group of cryptocurrencies with a single transaction. Similar to a traditional ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund), “token baskets” as they’re more commonly called, enable a fund or individual investor to spread their risk, diversify and lower volatility while maximizing gains with more safety and stability.

This approach is valuable but incomplete. For example, taking the top 20 best performing cryptocurrencies and placing them in a basket or fund minimizes gains compared to enabling fine-grained custom creation of token baskets. Which groups of cryptocurrencies are beating the market? Why? What do they have in common? How strong are those relationships? Are those relationships well known and obvious or are they hidden relationships? Are the relationships numerical or nonnumerical based on concepts, context and sentiment or a combination of both?

These are the questions Crypto Discover is designed to answer. Vectorspace AI’s Crypto Discover platform is an advanced cryptocurrency discovery engine that enables a user to automatically generate a token basket or “mini-index fund” made up of cryptocurrencies that are related to trends in news, global and local searches, concepts, context, keywords, hashtags, social media, URLs and other dynamic content.

Traders, investors and hedge funds can engage in quick information arbitrage using the platform. For example, if a cryptocurrency spikes up 50% in one minute, you can insert its symbol, a trend, concept, keyword, hashtag, URL or news story related to the cryptocurrency that ran up and then, in seconds, have an automatically generated token basket of related cryptocurrencies, a tradable targeted token basket of cryptocurrencies that all have sympathetic, symbiotic and parasitic relationships with one another. This can be done faster than any manual research effort can uncover these connections. A rising tide lifts all boats or a lowering tide lowers them.

Token Utility:

•   Baskets are smart or intelligent in that they have the ability to determine for themselves whether or not to include additional cryptocurrencies or components from related baskets that may increase overall returns. Baskets that interact this way with one another will conduct these kinds of transactions between one another using the Vectorspace utility token, VXV which is also required to dynamically generate baskets.
•   Tokens enable incentivized processes such as manual human curation, algorithm development and unique basket constructions.
•   To secure ownership and auction-based relevant advertising rights within certain baskets which can be resold
•   The VXV utility token can be used to purchase blocks of dynamic basket generations in addition to subscriptions to higher level features offered by the platform including transacting baskets as trades on exchanges.
•   VXV utility tokens are awarded to creators of top performing baskets which are displayed on a leader board each month.

In short, cryptocurrency research analysts and curators get awarded Vectorspace (VXV) tokens for mining relationships between global trends, local trends, news, URLs, keywords, hashtags and cryptocurrencies. In turn, Vectorspace (VXV) can then be used to purchase subscriptions to the platform, purchase API calls, queries or transact token baskets in the future. Other utility oriented actions we intend to implement include ongoing bounties for assembling optimized baskets which provide returns that outperform all other baskets.

•   General Baskets
•   Smart Baskets
•   Interactive cryptocurrency charts
•   QuantBot, Google tech partnership
•   Smart Basket telegram bots - send it a trend and get a basket
•   API - popularity scoring, sentiment scoring, basket generation, TA filtering, global trends

Token Metrics:
Symbol: VXV
Max Supply: 50,000,000
Total Supply: 50,000,000
Current Circulating supply: 3,000,000
Team: 25,000,000 (4 year vesting periods)
Rewards & Bounties: 2,000,000 (reserved)


Short Term:
Q4 2017  
--Public release of Vectorspace crypto Discover platform for dynamically generated Smart Token Baskets and Interactive Cryptocurrency Charts, accessible via
Q1 2018
--We’ve released Trending Cryptos in News, Blogs and Social Media
Q3 2018
--QuantBot Tech Partnership Phase 1
Q3 2018
--QuantBot Tech Partnership Phase 2
Q3 2018
--DEX Listing – Phase 1: IDEX
Q4 2018
--Smart Baskets x/TA indicator filtering API
Q4 2018
--Subscription layer to higher level features offered by the platform including transacting baskets as trades on exchanges
Q4 2018
--APIs for Exchanges, Developers and Partners along with 1-click Smart Basket Execution.


•   Vast experience in ML and NLP
•   Team has a continual flow of traders ready to onboard from the traditional markets based on our exposure to founding and running reputable public companies along with being long-time traders and hedge fund advisors.
•   Team has 30 hedge fund customers through distribution channels

Public Sale:

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