THE TABLE OF NEW BOUNTIES for bounty hunters №1.
I have created this list in order to help you find and choose new bounties suitable for you.
I add to the table those new companies that posted in the our forum in the thread: Bounties (Altcoins). Excluding only AirDrops.
Additionally, I provide you such information about the bounty programs: Campaign Name, Bounty End, Budget...
If for the analysis of companies you need other information, write here, and if it be possible, I will add.
I usually update the table twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Please, use my table at any time convenient for you.

Disclaimer: I'm not a team or bounty manager of this projects, I just create a table of new bounties & I hope this information helps you earn more tokens.
If you find out that one of these companies is a SCAM, let me know, and I will remove such a company in order to protect the members of our forum from fraudsters.
IMPORTANT! Dear moderator, before you take any action, please let me know so that I can fix it. Thank you in advance. I count on your understanding.
For donations BTC: