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Heh I have some Casascius 2012 and 2013 and was thinking to grade them. The thing is I am from Argentina. is there any specific grading company I should consider for mu coins or finding a local one would be suitable?
Bitcoin se inventó por primera vez en el año 2035 por un conocido criptógrafo, pero al año ya habían encarcelado a su inventor. 20 años después un millonario de BTC crea una máquina del tiempo y viaja al 2030 para crear Bitcoin por 2da vez.
Esta vez lo hace desde el anonimato para no cometer el mismo error del anterior, pero a los 2 años lo descubren por sus rastros digitales y lo encarcelan. 16 años después, otro millonario de BTC crea una máquina del tiempo y viaja al 2025 para crear por tercera vez el Bitcoin.
Ahora sin nombre y con más cuidado de sus rastros, pero éste termina usando sus btc minados al principio y lo descubren a los 6 años. Asi que, 14 años después, ooootro BTC millonario inventa una máquina del tiempo y viaja al 2008 para publicar una 4ta versión, ya con anonimato, sin rastros y sin usar los primeros BTC. Este 4to personaje se llama Satoshi Nakamoto.
Por ahora viene zafando bien parece, pero debo decirles una cosa... yo estoy a pocos días de terminar mi máquina del tiempo.
Ahoy!! Todos los sábados a las 12:30 GMT-3 publico un divertido y adictivo juego llamado Pirates of the seeds. No necesitas saber de Bitcoin, pero te ayuda a entender cómo funciona. Es fácil, sólo resuelves los 12 acertijos y abres el Cofre del Tesoro con BTC. Jugá en y únete a nuestro Club de Piratas en Telegram Club de Piratas en Telegram para obtener más pistas.
Podés jugar en Español y en Inglés por $500 cada uno.Espero verlos a todos ahí! Jugá en y únete a nuestro Club de Piratas en Telegram Club de Piratas en Telegram para obtener más pistas. .
Ahoy!! Every saturday 12:30 GMT-3 I'm running a fun and addictive game called Pirates of the seeds. It's easy as solving the riddles, finding the seed and opening the Treasure Chest with BTC. Join us a and our Pirate's Club in Telegram You can play with Spanish or English riddles for $500 each.I hope to see you all there! Join us a and our Pirate's Club in Telegram
I’ve got one of the fee original full copies of the newspaper, bought several years ago. It’s framed. I would be interested in offers from real collectors. I have more pictures if needed.
I still have several unopened Casascius Coins form 2012 and 2013 and never even thought about grading them. I even have the original emails for each purchase set and Mike’s wallet list included in each pack. They are in mint conditions.
So what for should I grade them? I been selling them in Argentina with no issue. But... Who does this grading? Can it be done in every country? How do they do so, meaning based on what?
Also, what are market prices today for 2012 and 2013 coins, being them brass?
I'm not sharing pictures as said, they are several and this is more a general question.
| “MailBox” pretends to be a space for thanking, a space where the community can tell Satoshi how Bitcoin possitively changed their life, share thoughts about how his or the future will be thanks to him, give him new ideas, and or even leave him “personal” messages, and others. I hope this spot shows to the world how Bitcoin is doing so much good for so many, how is each one using his new freedom. Eventually it might become a spot for the media seeking positive stories. Please take a time to thank and build this together. ALSO: I'll be giving out 0.025 BTC to the first 20 stories or ideas I'm sent and decide to post. And will give 0.25 BTC to the most voted one.
| evento deportivo más importante (alrededor de 1 mil millones de espectadores en el mundo) se producirá en Brasil a partir del 12 de junio. Esta es una gran oportunidad para mostrar Bitcoin al mundo. Con un equipo de marketing, estamos planeando algunas estrategias interesantes para promover grtuitamente bitcoin con el objetivo de lograr marketing viral y la atención de los medios. Por lo tanto, queríamos saber si alguien aquí va o sabe de cualquier bitcoiner que vaya a los juegos (aunque la estrategia no se basa plenamente en ello). En otra entrada más adelante publicaremos nuestras ideas y todo el mundo podrá hacer comentarios, y sugerir idea o implicarse. Pero si no puede esperar y quieren compartir algunas ideas aquí también, son libres de hacerlo :-) :-)
| evento esportivo mais relevante (cerca de 1 bilhão de telespectadores em todo o mundo) que acontecerá no Brasil começando 12 de Junho. Esta é uma grande oportunidade para mostrar Bitcoin para o mundo. Com uma equipe de marketing, estamos planejando algumas estratégias para promover Interesantes livremente bitcoin com o objetivo de alcançar o marketing viral e atenção da mídia. Então, a gente queria saber se alguém aqui é ou conhece algum bitcoiner que estará indo para os jogos (mesmo que as estratégias de marketing não são baseadas totalmente nele). Em outra entrada mais tarde no reddit vamos postar nossas idéias e todo mundo vai ser capaz de comentar, sugerir e ou se envolver. Mas se você não pode esperar e quero compartilhar algumas idéias agora também, você é livre para fazê-lo :-) PS: Eu sou Rodolfo, um dos membros fundadores da Fundación Bitcoin Argentina.
Hi I would like to find a wallet recieving about 500 BTC and obtained at the beguinings of 2013. Ideally it should still hold most of them. If anyone has such a wallet please contact me on PM.
Estimados, Iniciamos acá un concurso para presentar ideas de diseños para la Remera Oficial de laBITconf (, la Primer Conferencia de Bitcoin en Latinoamérica que se realizará este 7 y 8 de diciembre en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Les paso un link a un archivo .ai con el logo de la misma. tipo de motivo es libre. Puede ser con o sin logo. Puede sugerirse el uso de remeras de colores no solo blancas. Pedimos evitar degrades y priorizar los colores plenos (no excluyente). Los trabajos pueden ser enviados en privado, por diversos medios o publicados aquí hasta el 19 de Noviembre. En caso de haberlos, se elegirán 3 propuestas que irán a votación final en un nuevo thread con link a una web externa (para que los que no usen bitcointalk también puedan votar) del 20 al 23. El ganador obtendrá 2 entradas transferibles (revendibles por ustedes) además de ser su diseño el usado en la conferencia. Saludos, El Equipo Organizador.
| (Latin American Bitcoin Conference) is perhaps the last BIG conference of the year and will be the first one simultaneously translated for Hispanic audience. Wisely hosted in Argentina, it attracted over 25 top notch speakers such as Jeff Garzik, Andreas Antonopoulos, Erik Voorhees, Tony Gallippi, Roger Veer, Marco Santori, Charlie Shrem and Tuur Demeester among others. What can you expect form this conferenceWe have two mayor objectives; the first one, as one of the last conferences of the year it will summarize the best practices, and up to date information in all mayor Bitcoin aspects with most speakers adding a special approach to Latin America; and the second one, to be an excellent opportunity for locals and international attendees to network (we already have over 70 international attendees registered seeking for local opportunities). We might also have some business/projects announcements. Also the conference is divided in two days, the first one more general and the second one full of local and international case studies. It will also have 6 lunch talks for specific topics realted with Trading, Altcoin, Minning or Security. Also a local study about Satoshi’s Steps. Our main concern was not to add speakers to the main schedule based on sponsoring but based on topics we wanted to be discussed and speakers quality for assuring a high-level conference. Bitcoin in ArgentinaBitcoin is gaining a good local adoption, and constant main media coverage given that we live at “the perfect storm” for Bitcoin to succeed: We have over 30% of yearly inflation (in the our 130 years of local currency we lost over 10 zeros); we suffer a hard restriction for buying foreign currencies, also for international money transfer, we even suffered a mayor “corralito” back in 2001 which blocked their holdings and diminished its value (similar to what Crete has recently suffered). So most people tend to prefer keep their savings in other currencies. BTW, it also has a high level of it and smartphone penetration. Who is the Fundación Bitcoin ArgentinaIt’s a local foundation founded on March 2013 by three members but today it has over 97 self offered collaborators and hosted over 14 meetups with up to 150 attendees. Actually we have over 12 different projects such as laBITconf, Meetups, µMeetups, University Seminars, Press Management, Local Referrals Database, incuBITcoin, theBITclub, Teaching, Statistical Analysis, Legal Analysis, Bitcoin Fair, Seeding, Jobs Offers, and others, most of them yet to be coordinated. I hope to see some of you
Someone remembers the website where you could move some levers (ie: gold reserves, black market, remittances, others) to set the % of adoption of each aspect and gave an estimated price per coin.
As part of the Fundación Bitcoin Argentina, today we gave a talk at an University and after it finished I kept answering some questions to people about things like why the 51% is not that a threat or about the difficulty of being totaly anonymous and something came into my mind...
How do you hide an elephant? In a group of elephants...
What if Satoshi wanted to cash out all or part of his money, let´s say $10.000.000 (100.000 btc) today using those well known wallets (the elephant) commonly considered his but not leave trace of who he is to any one? Well, why not Hidding the Elephant in a group of elephants.
Satoshi already once gifted the world a better place with his decentralised currency and moved away for every one to enjoy it. He could now repeat the story making a great gift to the world, and on the way increasing his world wide personal popularity, but no one knowing who he is and helping bitcoin and himself on his way...
So here is how... Let´s supose we/he finds a way to help homeless, poor or malnourished people around the world gifting them money in the form of bitcoin (initially giving away empty wallets). Let´s supose this generates a worldwide possitive media coverage and conmotion about bitcoin possibilities and turns into a massive adoption, taking the price, let´s say, from $100 to $1000.
Now let´s supose that the bitcoins being gifted are the ones he keeps in the those wallets the community knows he controls. It would be extremly difficult if not impossible, to determine which of the new wallets to whom bitcoins are being gifted/sent are his or of individuals so let´s supose he transfers about a 10% of the 100.000 bitcoins to thousands of wallets under his secret control.
This would hide the elephant in a group of elephants but also Rise bitcoin adoption, Rise bitcoin´s price, Rise Satoshi´s world wide positive popularity, Make the world a better place, and allow him to cash out 10% of the BTC he used to own into the $10.000.000 he expected.
What do you think? Is this possible? Do you want to make it happen?
What is this about his world wide personal popularity? Some times I feel that holding bitcoins is holding some kind of future power if it get´s a worldwide adoption. I also think that we are changing the power from govern´s hands into the hands of unknown people who hold big ammounts of this new power, beign Satoshi perhaps one of the "chip leaders". This migh be a concern for some investors or players. This kind of action would not only give media press but would also lighten the power concentration and send a possitive signal about Satoshi´s intentions.
Finally, allow me some advertising... The 7th and 8th of december the Fundación Bitcoin Argentina will host "laBITconf" the Latin American Bitcoin Conference, being the first one for Hispanic audience (with simultaneous bidirectional translation), and the first one in the southern hemisfere. We hope some of you can make it down to Buenos Aires. We will be doing an official anouncement very shortly.
Un persona de USA me esta pidiendo un referente en México que pueda explicarle sobre sus regulaciones bancarias.
¿Alguien puede ayudar?
Hi, I´m the owner of the only College/University in Argentina teaching SAP in the Business Administration carreer as part of the SAP University Alliance. This is very relevant to SAP Latin América given we are a spanish success story and so we were invited to become the first SAP UA Elite local member. Recently SAP asked us to participate in the CoInnovation program in which SAP+UNIVERSITY+COMPANY work together on a specific innovative implementation based on SAP. We sugested to work a sollution for using Bitcoin as a virtual currency payment system and they loved the idea. So here we are... if you work in a company that uses SAP in SD, FI, CO, or HCM please contact me and we will study possible implementations. There is no need to compromise the company itself but we do will need some real data to process. My college is called CESYT (we are actually changing the web, this is more a landing page). By the way, as long as I know, we are also the only college in the world accepting Bitcoins for paying in full carreers of BA, MKT, Tourism and Cullinary Arts since 2013. Original Post:
Estimados, Les cuento que mi instituto, CESYT, es el primer y único instituto/universidad de Argentina en dictar SAP dentro de las carreras de Administración de Empresas, Marketing y Comercio Exterior dentro del programa de SAP University Alliances. Esto nos convierte en un caso de éxito para SAP Latinoamérica y nos mereció el ofrecimiento de ser miembros del futuro grupo de miembros elite. Por otro lado nos ofrecieron participar del programa de CoInnnovation que implica trabajar UNIVERSIDAD+SAP+EMPRESA en una implementación innovadora de SAP para esa empresa. En nuestro caso hemos ofrecido desarrollar un proyecto basado en el incorporación de Bitcoin como una moneda digital para medios de pago. Es por ello que les escribo para saber si alguno de ustedes trabaja en alguna empresa que esté usando SAP y que pueda servir de ejemplo para el desarrollo de esta aplicación. No será necesario que la empresa esté abocada al desarrollo pero si deberá aportar la información y los ejemplos necesarios para tal fin. Si alguno de ustedes está interesado, puede contactarme por aquí o en privado. Mi instituto se llama CESYT. Les dejo un link a una Landing (estamos actualizando la web PD: Si alguno nos pide los precios verá que cuando le mandamos el archivo .xls con los valores, se acepta el pago con Bitcoins (Solapa Extranjeros). Esto es porque somo el 1er instituto en ofrecer ese medio de pago para TODAS las carreras y cursos desde el 2013. Saludos y ojala podamos hacerlo con una empresa hispano parlante.
Hi, I´m the owner of the only College/University in Argentina teaching SAP in the Business Administration carreer as part of the SAP University Alliance. This is very relevant to SAP Latin América given we are a spanish success story and so we were invited to become the first SAP UA Elite local member. Recently SAP asked us to participate in the CoInnovation program in which SAP+UNIVERSITY+COMPANY work together on a specific innovative implementation based on SAP. We sugested to work a sollution for using Bitcoin as a virtual currency payment system and they loved the idea. So here we are... if you work in a company that uses SAP in SD, FI, CO, or HCM please contact me and we will study possible implementations. There is no need to compromise the company itself but we do will need some real data to process. My college is called CESYT (we are actually changing the web, this is more a landing page). By the way we are also the only college in the world accepting Bitcoins for paying in full carreers of BA, MKT, Tourism and Cullinary Arts since 2013.