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1  Local / Обменники / - выгодный обмен BTC (QIWI, сбер, нал и т.д.) on: April 08, 2019, 10:47:59 AM
Доброго времени суток, уважаемые форумчане!!! Предлагаем Вашему вниманию наш обменный сервис

Здесь вы можете онлайн приобрести/продать наиболее выгодному курсу Bitcoin (Сбербанк, Тинькофф, Яндекс Деньги, Qiwi), также вы можете это сделать за наличные, поскольку компания имеет два удобно расположенных офиса в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге.  Сервис  простой и удобный в использовании.  Через наш обменный пункт вы можете произвести  обмен по выгодному курсу, оперативно и безопасно.

Наши преимущества:

  • Оперативная обработка заявки.
  • Техподдержка: к вашим услугам онлайн менеджер, который всегда может ответить на любые ваши вопросы.
    • Конфиденциальность личных данных.
    • Выгодная партнерская программа.

    При обмене на наличные:

    • Профессиональное счетное оборудование
    • Офисы в шаговой от метро доступности в Центре города
      • Безопасность и комфорт, офисы охраняются
      • Курс фиксируем по Binance, комиссии оговариваются отдельно и зависят от суммы сделки.

      Вот наш офис, где вы можете произвести обмен на наличные, надежно, безопасно и по выгодному курсу:

      Время работы:
      Пн-Пт с 9:00 до 21:00
      Сб-Вс с 9:00 до 18:00
      Адреса офисов: Москва -метро 1905 года, СПБ - канал им Грибоедова
      Телефон 8 (800) 302-72-70

      Попробуйте наш сервис и Вы не пожалеете!
      Удачных и выгодных обменов!
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / I just did the most retarded thing... btc<=>tether on: January 04, 2017, 04:00:39 AM
Was experimenting with tether (usdt).
Happily transfered btc to my new tether address, which has a compatible format.

A bit like depositing canned tuna into your bank vault i guess..

Hope this does not make tether blow up in our faces :-)

If I could get the private tether address out of the wallet would that mean I could reverse the transaction?
3  Local / Skandinavisk / Betal-SMS eländet i Sverige on: February 24, 2013, 08:39:51 PM

Jag försöker att förstå hur det nu skall gå till att köpa en läsk i en automat, gå på toa, köpa ringsignaler till telefonen eller plus-medlemskap på vissa webcommunities.

Det verkar vara så illa att man kan behöva teckna avtal med ett godtyckligt stort antal tillhandahållare beroende på vad man vill göra.

Som en bieffekt av allt detta kan man inte heller längre röra sig fritt, åka buss, gå och skita etc. utan att det registreras att just du köpt en cola i Fagersta.

Kanske nån kunde sätta upp en betaltjänst brygga så man kan enhetligt betala med bitcoins?

Intressant läge att göra något nu när förvirringen är så total och alla letar efter en enkel lösning...

4  Economy / Services / .pcb file conversion into gerber help - 5 BTC on: July 31, 2012, 03:12:53 PM
Hi guys.

I want to make some pcb's from an old drawing. Unfortunately the file I have is an old .pcb file, probably Tango, Protel or Cadint but I am not certain.

The file starts with "PCB 3.0 Binary File" and then goes on with unreadable binary chars.

If you happen to have the right cad program available I want the top and bottom layers, soldermask, silkscreen and drill file as gerbers.

You can download it here:

There is a rough picture of what it should look like on the project page::

If you don't feel like sending me the whole file(s) before payment, you could perhaps delete half the board or convert to bitmap and pour some electronic ink over part of it :-)

5 BTC to the first sucessful attempt!

N.B. This is not a pcb related to anything bitcoin mining, its a video circuit that I want to play around with, but it seems the page owners email is out-of-date. I'm convinced that the idea was to make this project public domain.
5  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Carambola, possible new platform for wallet prototypes, vending machines etc. on: December 27, 2011, 01:32:39 AM

Yawn, Yes I know, Yet Another Wireless Networkdevice.

Another Linux SoC module (Yawn again)

The thing here is the price, at around 22 Eur for the core module it is close to Arduino prices.

It contains a mips processor of about 200-300 MHz and a 32 MB RAM + 8M Flash.

What got my interest is also that it got Wifi, ethernet and USB (think 3G dongle!) also some general purpose I/O legs are available.

It just might be possible to squeeze the bitcoind into it, making it a very cheap autonomous bitcoin interface.

The main reason for being affordable is probably that its based on the RT3050 chip, used in large volumes in cheap wifi routers.

6  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / asic miners creating conflict of interest? on: June 13, 2011, 11:27:19 AM
Just read an interesting post on the topic of large orginisation trying to take out the bitcoin network.

A multi-mega-dollar industry could develop an asic similar to what is discussed in other posts here, than flood the network with hashes and either corrupt it with 51% majority or pick most of the coins making miners go bankrupt.

Another scenario: a public open asic chip is developed and everybody seems happy with ever increasing hash rates.

Now suppose there are indications of weaknesses in sha256 algo, with the current gpu path one could switch to another algo and make some kind of transition.

With a dedicated asic, the majority of the network would be very reluctant to changing into another crypt algo since their miners can not be reconfigured.

This would lock the bitcoin network into a corner where we are stuck with an obsoleting platform waiting for final disaster when the laptop-toy/iphone-app of sha256 cracking is published.

What do y'all think?
7  Economy / Economics / Alternate use of your GPU's on: June 09, 2011, 12:24:30 PM
My first poll ever, but I'm really curious of your answers to this!

Comments and other answers but the ones I stated are more than welcome!

8  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / ORSoC to develop open openrisc processor asic with community support on: May 31, 2011, 11:35:24 AM

They went up to $15000 in donations quite quick..

Could the bitcoin community do something similar for its asic?

9  Economy / Trading Discussion / service with bitcoins? on: May 16, 2011, 07:16:33 AM
As a non-US resident I have for a number of years enjoyed the great service of In essence it is a proxy shopping service. I can order stuff from merchants that either don't ship abroad or charges a fortune to do so because of the bureaucrazy involved. It is also possible to have them pay for an item or an auction on ebay with their credit card and then bill me for the stuff. then sends the goods anywhere in the world with DHL or similar, making all customs declarations go smoothly.

Now something is screwing around with my credit card, though I can still use it here in Sweden, it seems to bounce when they tried it last time.

I don't think it's the great, service minded people at that are incompetent. I more think of this as an international money conspiracy of the evil credit card buissneses (tm).

So in order to startup a service like this I filled in something called a usps 1583, my guess is that this is so that they don't get the blame if I send something I shouldn't via their service.

A subscription is about $130 a year and I pay something like $10 to get the paperwork done, then there is a small charge for storage if I choose to delay my shippings more than a month.

Right now I feel it would be tremendously more easy to pay this with bitcoins than trying to call up my bank or sending them an international wire-transfer (which usually ends up costing about twice as much as the actual services I pay for :-)

disclaimer: I do not work for nor do I promote them in any way other than as a private individual blablabla... etc.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / How much work is a "share" ? on: March 16, 2011, 11:00:59 AM
In the pools they often refer to something called a "share". Is there an exact correlation to the amount of work (i.e. hashes) done?

11  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Lazy guide if behind a proxy on: January 11, 2011, 01:53:16 PM

I borrowed an FX380 card today, just to see if I could get it all running.

I compiled a howto, based on Ubuntu 10.10 and Syke's excellent previous post.

I spent only 3-4 hours this time, as compared to 3-4 days doing it by myself.

I added the complication of being behind a proxy that allows for outgoing ssh.

I create a vpn tunnel that enables a "public" bitcoin machine to run in the frontend.

It might also be useful if you want to run several miners behind one public ip adress, (in that case you don't need the tunnel :-)


** XXX ** - Put YOUR stuff here!!!

// Comment (do not type :-)

0) Install Ubuntu 10.10 (use user: local)

1) Make machine useful:

sudo bash
create apt.conf:

Acquire {
Retries "0";
Proxy "http://****.sg:8080";

apt-get update
apt-get install openssh-server
apt-get install vnc4server

python --version  // should be 2.6.6

ifconfig -a  // check your IP: ** x.y.z.w **

apt-get install emacs

Change the /home/local/.vnc/xstartup
x-window-manager &
gnome-session &


Log in to ubuntu machine (via vnc):

firefox & 
// (fix proxy if needed)

Install updates from window manager...

2) Install propertary nVidia drivers (haven't tried ATI)

// I google for nvidia  NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.06
// For some reason I always have to restart firefox here :-/

// This driver I used:
// It MUST be 260.19.06 for the rest to work with this howto
// You need to shut down your X-server, the installer is also stupid since
// it wants you to shut down your vnc session as well :-(

sudo bash
/etc/init.d/gdm stop   // For the physical X-server
vnc4server -kill :1    // Silly installer...

// From a separate login:
sudo bash
chmod a+rx

// Failure again, instruct the driver to permanently disable the "noveau" whatever that is


// ...........................

// Again stop the gdm...

/etc/init.d/gdm stop // (you didn't put vncserver anywhere in autostart did you? :-)

// and again:

./ // Ignore whining about startup script failure, but it should say "success" at the end of installation :-)

/etc/init.d/gdm start

(start vnc4server as local)

3) Follow this excellent instruction (slightly modified from Syke's)
// google: syke bitcoin

export http_proxy=http://myproxyip:myproxyport
export https_proxy=http://myproxyip:myproxyport

sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl subversion
tar xvf bitcoin-0.3.19-linux.tar.gz

// Subversion proxy is set in:
// ~/.subversion/servers
// Add this to end of file:
http-proxy-host = ** MY proxy ip **
http-proxy-port = ** MY proxy portno **

svn checkout
cd python-jsonrpc/
sudo python install
cd ..
mkdir .bitcoin
echo "rpcuser= ** un **" > .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
echo "rpcpassword=** pw **" >> .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
~/bitcoin-0.3.19/bin/64/bitcoin -server&
python -d 0 --user ** un ** --pass ** pw **

4) If you need to tunnel via ssh, this is a good lazy

google for: "howto poormans vpn ssh"

// There are two small typos: replace "VPN" with "VPNkey"

// Test the tunnel via ping and also you can do a "telnet serverip 8333" to see that you get a response

5) Running the client
// as above in 3, but with a proxy and tunneled to a server outside, you need to run :
** whateverpath **/bitcoin -proxy=ipaddress:port -server &  // ipaddress must be ip, not hostname!!!

12  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Block non-convergence soon? on: December 26, 2010, 10:36:49 AM

am I rightly informed that the nonce is only 32 bits?

Does this in turn mean that there are "only" 2^32 or about 4 billion (4E9) combinations to try for each block?

If so, then when network hashing capacity reaches 4 000 000 kHash/sec the block would be solved in one second on average?

This contradicts the onlïne hash-rate calculator, which states about 4 hours, at present difficulty.

Sorry if this has been up before, but I'm really puzzled..

13  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / An estimate of fpga performance on: December 19, 2010, 03:39:46 PM

I converted the sha256 available in into vhdl, just to see what to expect.

I got an xc3s500E about 1/3 full on the logic gates, so with a shoe horn one could maybe fit 3 cores into one of these. That does not include the communications with the host, nor the "less than" compare if the result is below the current threshhold.

 (I used an antique ISE (8.something) so maybe newer versions will compute better).

Assuming a maximum of 300 MHz and about 80 cycles to read in, process and output the result (8 + 64 + Cool

You'd get 3*300/80 ~= 11 Mhash/s

This device can be had on a nice DIP socket (GOP modules) at about 60 EUR.

If you want to run this simulation (only tried on Linus), you need ghdl and gtkwave packages (and probably some more stuff that I forgot).

The tar in the attachement contains the synthable file sha256.vhd and the test_sha256.vhd and a simple Makefile.

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