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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Chromebook and ASIC miner access on: September 01, 2017, 07:06:16 AM
Does anyone here know much about Chromebooks? I'm sending a D3 to a friend in Thailand, we are installing internet, and of course need to be able to access the router to get the network address of the miner so she can then access the web interface. I've simply never used a Chromebook and don't know about using one to control miners.
First I am sending her a 150mh/s Baikal so I can teach her about mining. I use Windows and will need to be able to help her if we get a Chromebook to do all the miner stuff, like pools, exchanges etc. which are internet based. My concern is accessing and making changes to her home network.
2  Economy / Goods / Innosilicon A5 group buy on: August 21, 2017, 09:36:26 AM
I have a contact and can get Innosilicon A5's at a good price and am thinking about doing a group buy. If you are interested please post here and I'll get everything set up, assuming enough people wish to participate. Price is $6000usd, immediate delivery upon payment. Payment is in btc. I have ordered one and it should arrive before the end of August as I am paying on the 25th. For transparency, I am waiting for the invoice to pay for the first unit. If all goes as planned, the group buy can commence.

If interested, post here. Please don't PM me as that will be ignored. Troll posts will simply be deleted. Order or don't, but keep your opinions to yourself.

Deadline for group order one is Sept. 1st. 500 units maximum on this order. These units are in stock ready to ship, or so I have been told.

I would appreciate an escrow to volunteer to hold the btc until the order is finalized and placed. I don't have time to keep up with all of it myself due to health issues. If my contact is full of shit, the escrow can return your funds.

The units will be palletized and shipped to me. The buyer will be responsible for customs and shipping cost from me to them.
3  Economy / Marketplace / Beware of "Antminer reseller" on Facebook. on: August 20, 2017, 03:33:26 PM
Outrageous prices, more than double Alibaba's insane prices. D3  for $3200 is just an example. Bought 3 from an Alibaba seller for $1800. I wish Bitmain would track down these price gouging scumbags and prevent them from buying.
4  Economy / Reputation / Link to the trust forum please on: June 28, 2017, 10:21:55 PM
I'm not letting these people slander me when they were trying to screw me. I just didn't allow it. Please move to the appropriate section:

I was selling cards to a buyer and I got tired of constant bitching from the escrow Lauda and kept the cards myself. There is no law I have to sell something to someone and after the buyer saw me getting stuck over $100 in extra shipping, they were like "oh well". No offer was made to make up the shipping difference since they thought there was nothing I could do about it, since the packages had already shipped. Well there was something I could and did do........had the packages returned to sender. Once the buyer saw I COULD do something, they all of a sudden wanted to pay the extra shipping. Well fook you. You should have offered the extra shipping ASAP and the deal would have gone through.. You thought you had me screwed, well, obviously you didn't.

Lauda 84: -0 / +11   2017-06-17   0.00000000   Reference   They were the seller in a deal that I was escrowing. Said that I was "constantly bitching" for telling them to use the 'Reply to all option' for transparency. Additionally, they made a sudden 180* turn and canceled everything after a few days.
Absolutely untrustworthy and unprofessional person that I would not deal with again.

5  Economy / Computer hardware / Nvidia GPU mining system on: June 11, 2017, 01:24:17 PM
Where can these be bought?  added a link for the reading impaired.
6  Economy / Computer hardware / Nothing for sale. on: June 09, 2017, 02:15:05 AM
Nothing to see here, move along,
7  Economy / Currency exchange / 6btc using Paypal(fullfilled) on: April 17, 2017, 04:49:59 PM
I'm wanting to buy 6 btc using paypal. Please PM me your rate. If you are over 5% don't waste your time. I simply have a slight delay on Coinbase that I can wait out instead of paying ridiculous fees.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / GPU's not detected [SOLVED] on: July 06, 2016, 08:54:37 PM
Today I had a lightning strike nearby that knocked out the power. Since then only one of 3 cards is detected by the ETH mining software. Windows 10 detects the card normally, but for some unknown reason ETH miners don't detect them :/

I removed the cards and tested each one by one. They all work fine. There is no apparent damage and my power strip didn't trip, so I don't believe there is any damage.

I know Windows gets pissy if not shutdown correctly, but as I said the cards are detected by Windows 10 pro 64bit, fans come on etc. Just can't mine with more than one. Anyone got any ideas?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][HOC] ★ HouseofCoins CONFIRMED SCAM! on: May 19, 2014, 05:20:45 AM
Hi all, since they have decided to close the original thread, well here we are again.

I've requested a refund of my 1 btc, and I've also said giving me my IPO coins instead of a refund will as not to be totally screwed.

They thought is was in their best interest to steal my btc and/or coins and simply ban me from their forums and close the HOC thread here...............not so fast!

There are other people that might be duped by these scammers. Scammers who claim to run a fair democracy.....unless they have your money and can vote to steal it.

Here is a warning to ALL HOC investors: Pay me my 1btc or give me my coins, or I will make it my fucking mission to keep HOC crushed. I've been buying cheap HOC and don't mind dumping them when prices rise, just to crash the market, then buy cheap...rinse and repeat until I get paid or your scam goes away.

To potential new investors: BitOffer wants ONE control the coin and pretend it is a democracy. He wants to buy himself ASIC miners using your money. If you research my posts you will see they conveniently changed the ANN to suit themselves, and came up with the brilliant plan that if anyone opposes them......they simply kick you out and steal your money. If you complain you get ignored and banned.

Tomorrow my Twitter campaign against HOC begins, as does my other social media anti-HOC campaigns. To be honest, this will give me great lulz crushing these scammers. Since their treatment of me hasn't been fair...may god have mercy on your souls. You HOC is worthless now Wink

I will be moderating this thread and give the HOC scammer the same respect given to me......which has been NONE. Game on!
10  Other / Beginners & Help / Couldn't resolve host 'stratum+tcp' on: January 14, 2014, 08:55:49 AM
Can someone please tell me how to fix this error. I get it no matter what type coin I'm trying to mine. I've tried downloading stratum proxy set-up, but it seems each one I find it already configured for a certain coin, not the coin I'm trying to mine. At the moment I'm trying to get set up on Win7x64 to cpu mine 42coin. I have the 42 client, I'm in 2 different pools, I have workers.....but can't connect. WTF am I missing?

So all I ever get is:
Couldn't resolve host 'stratum+tcp'
Couldn't connect. Please check pool server and port
json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds

TIA Smiley
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