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1  Economy / Service Discussion / How to join Signature Campaign? on: July 05, 2016, 03:23:33 AM
I was not sure where to post this. I'm interested in joining a signature campaign. How do I go about this? I looked around a didn't find much. Thanks in advance
2  Other / Meta / Feature Request: Must have Minimum activity / posting history to create topics on: July 03, 2016, 07:13:01 PM
Feature Request: Must have Minimum activity / posting history to create topics

At the very least, this should be required for the speculation forum. I know it won't entirely remove trolls and shills, but the amount of "QUICK! PANIC SELL!" threads by newbie accounts are super annoying, especially now that supply issuance is about to be cut in half for the 2nd time in btc history and the first time in 4 years. Trolling activity is heating up
3  Economy / Speculation / SELL SELL! Whales need cheap Coins! on: July 03, 2016, 03:36:50 PM

These sort of thread titles are popping up all over the place. Most of them made by brand new accounts. We all know what that means. Whales are trying to shake the tree and get cheap coins.

HODL for the halvening! It may take a few months for the run up to start but we will be rewarded for our patience! We are coming out of the 2-year bear cycle. Halving starts in 7 days, Brexit, bailouts, global economy is going down the toilet, Deutsche Bank is on the verge of pulling another Lehman, Segwit is around the corner. All kinds of bullish fundamentals are converging that will make this one of the most epic rallies in BTC history. Don't forget that during all the other previous bull runs, BTC was almost entirely an underground technology. Things have changed dramatically.

This is gentleman
4  Economy / Speculation / $666 - common pit stop during mega whale price swings on: July 03, 2016, 03:09:02 PM
It seems to me like the mega whales like to have some fun as they push their weight around.
Taking pit stops at price levels like $666 during big swings is their call sign.
This volatility is just a little tree shaking. They push their weight back and forth, but eventually they have to revert back to the natural flow of the market (which at this point in the long term cycle is up)
5  Economy / Speculation / $22 difference between Coinbase price and CoinMarketcap (Please no trolling) on: November 07, 2015, 04:35:49 PM
At the time of this posting--

Coinbase: $382.34

Coinmarketcap: $360.57

I have never seen a divergence this wide between these two.  Is this a glitch or is indicative of something else?  Does anyone know how the two are calculated or averaged? I'm very curious.
6  Economy / Speculation / How to Spot Trolls and Shills attempting to influence sentiment (and Price) on: November 07, 2015, 02:35:50 PM
#1 Trolls and Shills are often seen Bloviating.

Bloviate: to talk at length, especially in an inflated or in an empty way.

Add your troll-spotting techniques below.  Who are the most notorious trolls?  And how successful do you think they actually are in affecting sentiment or influencing the direction of trades?
7  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoin Rally Song of the Day - How high will it go? on: November 04, 2015, 10:02:02 AM

And now for the ‪‎bitcoin‬ rally song of the day.  As Bitcoin rockets through $400, to show the world that the 78 fatal casualties attributed to it by the mainstream media (documented at were all premature, enjoy these 80's vibes that also relate with the living who rise from the dead. Courtesy of yours truly. It's early here in Florida, but I'm gonna start this party before sunrise.

Make your bitcoin predictions, with your reasons why, and add a song that best describes the day's or week's run to you.  Feel free to resurrect this thread for all the big future rallies to come.

Ghostbusters 2: Higher and Higher
8  Bitcoin / Project Development / First Truly Theatrical-Resolution Video in the Bitcoin Space? on: April 28, 2015, 02:28:27 PM
I realize that it could get silly real fast trying to claim new firsts in Bitcoin (first grilled cheese bought with Bitcoin in a suburb, first toga party with a Bitcoin entrance fee, etc..) however, I would like to think that this potential first might be worth expressing.

My company, Vector Interactive Group ( , just produced what we believe to be the first True 4k Resolution Video in the Bitcoin Space (for iNation), and we feel that this would be a noteworthy accomplishment for the community. When I say truly 4k, I mean not produced at a lower resolution and just scaled up to fit the frame.  

I'm posting this here as a possible milestone unless anyone can dispute this possibility.  And also to spread the word to the Bitcoin community that my company wishes to work with more Bitcoin related companies moving forward.  Projects in this space will be offered premium rates and will receive extraordinary attention. And we, of course, accept Bitcoin.

I apologize in advance if this thread should have been posted in a separate forum category. I encourage moderators to move this thread if necessary.

Lastly, please do not troll our client.  All such comments will be deleted.  

Watch the Video Here:
9  Other / Meta / The last posting from your IP was less than 360 seconds ago. on: August 11, 2014, 04:34:36 PM

"The last posting from your IP was less than 360 seconds ago. Please try again later."

I get errors like this and also errors that say I'm "searching too fast" when it has been hours or days since my last post and/or hours and/or days since my last search.

what gives with this?  So annoying not to be able to communicate
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