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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Personal Digital Assitant(PDA) PoS Pool/masternodes? on: August 15, 2019, 09:27:09 AM
Hi Guys. When I was a  student, PDA  was a Personal digital assistant. I know that pda now means something else (public display of affection) but does anyone still use these gadgets? Wanna try a POS pool made in LabviewPDa. Managed to create the wallet, now testing with send/receive functions.

I am testing with a Dell Axim X50v (win mobile 2003) and a HTC Touch Diamond( Windows Mobile 6.1).

I am not sure if there are many pdas out there, but out of curiosity, what do you thing about this? Smiley)
2  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Proximus- Utility token pentru Service laptop, GSM, tablete- Iasi on: June 17, 2019, 01:23:22 PM
Suntem Proximus Computers Iasi si de curand am decis sa folosim tehnologia blockchain in scopuri de marketing. Mai exact, am folosit infrastructura Waves pentru a crea moneda Proximus in scopuri de marketing.

Proximus este  discount token folosit exclusiv in promovarea serviciilor oferite pe site-ul: . Acest tip de moneda digitala se numeste utility token (token utilitar) — un tip de criptomoneda care ofera utilizatorilor discount de 10% pentru serviciile companiei: service laptop, GSM, tablete, calculatoare, telefoane, display-uri.

 Un like sau share la pagina iti aduce in wallet 10 Proximus, ce poate fi folosit ca discount de 10% la orice interventie de tip service. Cum poti castiga token-ul Proximus?

Dupa ce ai dat like la pagina, contacteaza-ne in privat, trimite adresa wallet-ului tau iar noi iti trimitem 10 Proximus in wallet-ul tau. Ca sa beneficiezi de reducere, cand te prezinti in Service, inainte de plata, pur si simplu din wallet-ul tau( din aplicatia iOs sau Android de pe telefon) scanezi Codul Qr afisat la ghiseu si trimiti cei 10 Proximus. Beneficiati de diagnoza gratuita pentru orice laptop, telefon, tableta.

Va asteptam la sediul nostru din Iasi: Str. Vasile Lupu nr. 85, Bloc V3, Parter.

Orice Feedback e binevenit.

Echipa Proximus-Computers Iasi
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