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1  Economy / Goods / [SOLD]3x 5830's for BTC on: August 19, 2011, 08:18:36 AM
All overclock steady at 965Mhz core and 215Mhz memory for 305Mhs a piece. 27 BTC shipped or best offer. 2 dummy plugs, crossfire cable and molex to PSU adapters included. I'll throw in a thermaltake tr2 rx 850w PSU for another 5 BTC. PM with offers and questions.  

I am PC Surgeon over at Anandtech:

Heatware under PC-Surgeon:

eBay under PC-Surgeons:

I don't have a lot of transactions but all are positive. Here are some pics: Flash got to it and it looks washed out.... Tried to get a closer view of my terrible handwriting. Should be able to see my name and the date today. Side view

Available for local pick up if you are in Charlotte otherwise once deal is confirmed I'll ship. Sorry about not adding this info this morning, it was early (late night) and didn't think about it. Shoot me a PM with any questions. Smiley

Oh yeah only shipping within CONUS.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Who is willing to create on: June 30, 2011, 12:46:25 PM
a BitCoin mascot? Could be as simple as the "B" coin with arms and legs? Lets see what you come up with.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Whats going on with BTC Guild? ~8hrs on this block... on: June 23, 2011, 12:38:42 PM
From the block statistics there hasn't been an 3 hour block much less an 8hr block in quite some time. What gives?
4  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Can you back up the block chain? on: June 19, 2011, 12:43:36 AM
It is the most tedious of things to watch. Hours and hours of watching the block chain add up. Can you back this up? Cause every time I switch my motherboard BitCoin client won't open and the "fix" was to delete everything in the users/appdata/roaming/bitcoin folder except for wallet.dat - is there a better way to ensure this won't continue to happen on the next motherboard switch?
5  Other / Meta / Forum issues, reading, posting and access on: June 14, 2011, 04:19:48 PM
Do you guys plan on upgrading your servers to handle the load? It seems the BitCoin community is growing fast each day and problems abound from mining pools being down to Mt Gox DDOS and this forum having access problems. You guys so far have handled this massive influx of new users very well. Just thinking a server upgrade would be of some use. My .02BTC
6  Other / Beginners & Help / Advice on increasing MHash rates on: June 12, 2011, 02:22:23 PM
Hello all,

I'm currently mining with a 4890 @100MHash/s, abysmal I know. So I am looking at expanding my setup. My current motherboard only has one PCIe slot that the 4890 is occupying. I was thinking either just replacing it with a 6970 to get 400MHash/s (my goal BTW, at least initially) or replacing the motherboard with one that has 3 PCIe's and grabbing a 6870. Use both the 6870 and 4890 to mine and I should end up with around the same 400MHash/s rate. Thoughts on which to go with? Or if you have a better idea I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!
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