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1  Local / Mining (Italiano) / Consigli e considerazioni shaba's RIG on: February 09, 2014, 05:47:05 PM
Vi posto la conf. che ho in mente:

MB: ASRock H61 PRO BTC 1155
CPU: Celeron Processor G1620 - 1155
GPU: 5x r9 280x DUAL-X  downvoltate a 1.100v
ALI1: Corsair AX860 (6x PCIe)
ALI2: Corsair AX860 (6x PCIe)
HD: Crucial M500 2,5 SSD 120GB
RAM: DDR3 8GB/1600Mhz
SO: win7
UPS: Nilox Ups Line Inter 2800Va Server (1600W) - 17NXGCLI21002
CAVI: 1x riser da 16x-16x non alimentato
CAVI: 5x riser da 1x-16x non alimentato (1 di scorta)
CAVI: sdoppiatore per alimentatore
CASE: Autocostruito

I riser non servono alimentati visto che la ASRock H61 PRO BTC prevede 2 molex direttamente sulla mobo
Con ALI1 AX860 vorrei alimentare 2 VGA e la MoBO + i 2 MOLEX
Con ALI2 AX860 vorrei alimentare 3 VGA
Come ALI sono a posto o sono tirati?
E l'UPS?

Thanks Smiley

2  Local / Mining (Italiano) / Usare 5 GPU su windows 7 on: February 07, 2014, 09:49:46 PM
Ho trovato questa guida e ve la incollo
Cosė se qualcuno vuole puo' provarla
Io purtroppo non ho il materiale per testarla :/

Seguendo questa guida si possono usare 5 GPU (e forse 6?) anche con Windows 7

Mi sembra di capire che il nocciolo dell'installazione č fare questo:

8 ) Control Panel -> System -> Device manger-> GPU -> update -> browse -> let me pick ->
c:\AMD\Support\13-1_vista_win7_win8_64_dd_ccc_whql\Packages\Drivers\Display\W86A_INF\ -> install

Ecco il resto della guida:

Forum user lbr helped me out with this part and here is a step by step tutorial on how you can use up to 5 GPU on windows 7 64 bit:

Note: If you have not installed AMD drivers before you can skip the cleanup steps.

1) Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall all AMD crap

Yes, yes all AMD crap, Catalyst, SDK, and whatever else you have installed ; )

Your screen may start flickering at this step - this is normal - AMD driver gets uninstalled, standard Microsoft driver gets installed - hence the screen flickering.

Also, sometimes, if you have several AMD driver versions installed on your system, it will cause installation of another AMD driver - it will take some time, why - explained on step 8 )

Sometimes properly written and excellent software like AMD Catalyst won't even uninstall - it will keep saying that it is uninstalling for a long time --- this is when you know, that you need to help this shit to uninstall.
Control Panel -> Adminstrative -> Services -> Stop all AMD services
Device Manager -> right click on any your AMD GPU -> Uninstall and tick 'delete driver' -> uninstall
Catalyst uninstall will finish shortly ; )

2) reboot

3) AMD Catalyst Un-install Utility, reboot <-- dont use on Windows 8

It will hide into tray and do it's dirty work, its normal, relax it may take a while, it will tell you once it is finished and will ask for reboot.

4) Device Manager -> View -> Show hidden devices -> Non-Plug and Play Drivers -> Uninstall "AOD" crap and "amdkmdag" - right click on them and choose to uninstall, then reboot

You must reboot, if you don't you won't be able to complete step 5)
If there are no such things - u are good and can skip this step.

5) Delete
from /Windows/ Windows/System32/ and /Windows/SysWow64/
only from those folders!

Meaning - delete all files which start with "ati" or "amd" from the specified folders.
*Be carefull if you have some other AMD/ATI equipment in your rig, tho all my rigs are AMD based and I didn't have any issues.

You can use following commands typed in "command prompt", launched "as administrator"

Code: [Select]

del "c:\windows\ati*.*"
del "c:\windows\system32\ati*.*"
del "c:\windows\system32\amd*.*"
del "c:\windows\SysWOW64\ati*.*"
del "c:\windows\SysWOW64\amd*.*"

6) ccleaner -> Registry -> Scan for Issues -> Fix selected issues -> backups for cowards! -> repeat scan/fix until no errors -> reboot
!!CAREFULL!! it will install Google Chrome and Google Chrome Toolbar for IE by default!!

7) Download 13.1 from techpowerup, run it, press INSTALL, once it unpacks - press CANCEL-> OK
* If you have 7950 in your rig - 12.6 from AMD works better for me than 13.1

13.1 from techpowerup or 12.6 from AMD are required for 6GPU rigs.
13.1 supports 280x, they will be installed as 7900 series.

8 ) Control Panel -> System -> Device manger-> GPU -> update -> browse -> let me pick ->
c:\AMD\Support\13-1_vista_win7_win8_64_dd_ccc_whql\Packages\Drivers\Display\W86A_INF\ -> install

c:\AMD\Support\12-6_vista_win7_64_dd_ccc_whql\Packages\Drivers\Display\W76A_INF\   <==== 12.6

Better to choose video card without asterix. But if they all are - choose any one of them.

Some more flickering. Also this can take a lot of time, max I saw ~1h.

To confirm that it is actually doing something - open Task Manager, check or press "Show processes from all users" go to "Processes" and check if "drvinst.exe" is there.

Or open "Event Viewer" and check "System" and "Application" logs. There should be a lot of messages about installing stuff.
The reason for taking a lot of time - AMD driver keeps re-installing the driver for each GPU when it is installing on each GPU.. so it makes N*N number of installs where N is the count of your GPUs.. "ONLY ONE CAN SURVIVE" - AMD driver logic ; )

9) Control Panel -> Administrative -> services ->


'AMD External Events'
'Desktop Windows Manager'


to do it - find the service with that name -> right click -> Properties -> select Disabled in Start Type -> Apply

10) smile

11) Confirm all cards are working in Device Manager - no yellow signs, no other bs

12) GPU-Z, confirm all cards are showing clocks and OpenCL is not ticked

13) run - c:\AMD\Support\13-1_vista_win7_win8_64_dd_ccc_whql\Packages\Apps\OpenCL64\OpenCL.msi
By "run" I mean.. go to that folder and double-click OpenCL.msi with your mouse ; )
c:\AMD\Support\12-6_vista_win7_64_dd_ccc_whql\Packages\Apps\OpenCL64\OpenCL.msi    <====== 12.6

14) GPU-Z, confirm OpenCL is ticked

15) cgminer --ndevs, confirm all GPUs are there

Thats basicly how you cleanup and allow more 4 GPU on windows 7 64bit.
3  Local / Mining (Italiano) / Come si possono minare i BTC da solo? on: February 04, 2014, 10:28:58 AM
Come da topic
Come si possono minare i BTC senza passare per le Pool?

Ho provato anche a cercare, ma trovo tutto tramite pool
Tnx Smiley
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