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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / cloudflare warning on: October 26, 2018, 06:06:15 AM
I was going to try out since the official Ethereum 'mist' client seems to be riddled with bugs, based on scripts and 'go' programs which use 'curl' to download binaries straight from github repos without asking for user confirmation.

I had serious doubts about since it is a web based wallet, but before even creating a new wallet I noticed the website uses Cloudflare which is a service providing DDOS protection and caching, it is also a HTTPS "man in the middle" (MITM) by definition which had serious information leaks in the past. You can read more about it here:

Many forums uses Cloudflare, and I get why they do that, but it's a bad idea when it comes to a wallet service.

Is there any decent lightweight Ethereum wallet out there?
2  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Bitcoin v0.4.0 (Linux) stale connections handling on: October 26, 2011, 04:49:38 AM
I use an ISP which forces a new IP address via DHCP every 24 hours, and they are pretty big, roughly 2 million users in Thailand total.

When the IP address changes the Bitcoin client slowly drops all stale connections above 8 connections. This means I have to restart the Bitcoin client to make it go above 8 connections once every day.

If I skip restarting the client, the effect is probably worse for the network as a whole than me personally, since having lots of connections active benefits the Bitcoin transaction system.

Is there any way to fix this in the Bitcoin client to handle stale connections after IP address change better?


Forgot to mention I use Bitcoin v0.4.0 for Linux.
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