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1  Economy / Computer hardware / Wts 6990 on: March 21, 2012, 09:04:37 PM
Selling ati 6990, used a mineing abit, mostly for games, never overclocked.

100 BTC or trade for a 5 series card plus btc.
2  Economy / Goods / Selling ATi 6990 $600 or best offer on: December 20, 2011, 05:41:09 PM
Selling GIGABYTE ati 6990, used mostly for games, some mining. Never Overclocked hard,
Got 350 mhas per each core.
Also BF 3 never dropped below 100 fps on ultra setting (everything maxed)
Bought it of newegg the day it was available.
looking for $600 or best Offer.
3  Other / Obsolete (selling) / How to turn $1.5k in to a potential $3 Million on: June 18, 2011, 06:18:25 PM
Hi, my name is ruskihitman. I came across an investment that anybody can get into,
no need for any type of wall-street accounts or trade accounts. No min. buy in.
This investment has potential to turn $1.5k in to $3 million this is on the higher end scale. On the low end
$10k, highly unlikely. I came across this investment on another forum and paid quite a high sum for the information.
This has to do with a physical item that you can buy and will receive in the mail. The investment will pan out
the only question is when, and how much of a ROI.

Now i will charge 5 btc for said information, first person to pm me will get it for .5 btc. I would really hope
this information does not get leaked since i will use the some of the btc to reinvest in the btc economy and i would think
all of you want it to succeed.

send payment to 1AY6mHm1UjvZE4F98bPDHxn7nJTuRBdTJ1, then pm me from what address you sent it.

This will be the best 5 BTC spent in your life.

Also their is an Executive Order signed by a former president of THE USA that is associated with said investment.

looking for a fourm member with atleast 250 post or a mod to do a review, free of charge of course. sendt it to 2 people

review by demonofelru

(I've actually heard of what he sent me before, and although it could legitimately make money, chances IMO are not good. Although it COULD be very profitable 200,000% just wouldn't happen if all goes well 5,000% maybe.  Most likely you would lose it all IMO but same thing with playing the lottery.  In short it's legitimate  although the risk/reward isn't worth it IMO but I'm pretty conservative when it comes to investing.  For someone who likes very high risk very high rewards things like pink sheets it might actually be something for you just make sure and do your DD first and don't bitch if you lose it all if there were a sure way to make multiple thousand percent returns reliably everyone would do it.  Lastly I won't say at all what it is he asked me not to, and I will respect that.

Edit: IMO I said IMO WAY too many times sorry about that.)post 38 in this thread

4  Other / Obsolete (selling) / | Dominating Niche Products | Make Thousands By Selling Products } EBOOK on: June 15, 2011, 08:12:19 PM
Dear Friend,

After hitting huge profit by selling Niche Products I have decided to go ahead and create an eBook for others to follow along and earn from this method too.

~~ The Price ~~

The price of my eBook; Dominating Niche Products is 0.25 btc to this adress:1AY6mHm1UjvZE4F98bPDHxn7nJTuRBdTJ1
~~ The eBook ~~

My eBook is about how to sell Niche Products efficiently, consistently and how to generate a large profit from selling Niche Products. You won't have to think of any niches yourself or create any products yourself either; everything you will need to do will be covered in the eBook in detail so you won't have any problems.

~~ How Much Can I Make? ~~

This really matters. Most of the methods explained in the eBook vary on how much time you spend working on the method. Once the methods are set up you can be earning $200 per day autopilot; but this may take some time (about 1 month). On the first day you probably won't earn anything because you have to set everything up but, in the first week you will most likely get a sale (probably more then a sale though) if you follow the eBook correctly.

Pages: 38 - 13,000+ Words

PM me if u want to buy, Link for the download will be sent after payment is recieved.
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