After a few failed attempts I have decided to liquidate my remaining bitmine A1 25 GH/s chips. This endeavor ended up taking to much of our time and we made the choice to move on. To those with working boards or under development this could be a great way to get a few extra mining chips fast.
So we have 35 untouched bitmine chips These were purchased from Zefir a few months back. At $3.5 per GH we are asking $3050 for them or OBO. It would ship same day payment is received. If you are local to the United States I would ship them overnight. We also have 15 chips that were soldered on at one point, but have since been removed. They didn't receive voltage spikes, it was mainly just bad board design. Given the condition and buyer beware on these 15, if you are interested we could give them to you for $2 per GH so $750.
If anyone is interested please reply and we can set up payment details. If you in the United States I can give you a call for verification and peace of mind.
Here's the chips:

And here is one of our failed designs:
Thanks all.