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1  Bitcoin / Meetups / Looking for 3 tickets for BTCmiami on: January 14, 2018, 06:05:18 PM

We need 3 tickets for BTCMiami. We tried getting last minute tickets but we couldn't get them on time.

We are willing to pay a premium if we can have them.

Let me know by PM.

2  Economy / Computer hardware / SOLD! Thanks Bitcointalk on: November 12, 2017, 07:40:40 AM

Hello all.

We are pulling out some Antminer D3's from our farm to make place for new devices we have recently received.

500 units producing 17 GH/s are currently available. We aim to sell them for 1500$ USD a piece negociable. The more you buy the more we can negociate.
Minimum order should be 100 units. We will have them tested and packed in original packaging. NO PSU INCLUDED IN THIS PRICE; however we could sell you PSU at the retail price that bitmain offers.

We can provide proof of miners (pictures of units mining in the racks) upon demand for serious buyers.

Serious inquiries by PM please.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Edit: confirmed, fee is accurate on: November 15, 2016, 06:17:31 AM
Please verify this for yourself before making any accusations. A few of us have been wondering if the dev fee charged by Claymore is really 2.5% on his Zec miner releases.
We were able to isolate the fees charged by Optiminer, and did indeed verify that the fee was 15% as announced. We used the same method to isolate the fees charged by Claymore. For reference, we used version 4.0 and 5.0 to confirm this behavior. What we found is very surprising.
During (and after) the 90 seconds where it mines for the developer we do notice serious inconsistencies:
 - We counted 111 submitted shares in 90 seconds per hour (2.5%) that the claymore mines for himself.
 - We counted 15 submitted shares in the immediate 90 seconds after the fee period.

Here is a brief extract of logfiles for the two periods of 90 seconds we referred to. See for yourself:
Using various methods, we redirected the "dev fee" workers to Nicehash. We set up static difficulty on the workers and noticed that during the 90 seconds the amount of stale shares increased.
What can we conclude from this? User shares outside of the dev fee period could be used inside the dev fee period. This means that claymore's fee could be as high as 5% (or more).
Because a new block can appear at any time during the "accumulation" period, this would explain why we've been seeing stale shares. They are being gathered from the previous block.
We invite other users to verify this behavior and confirm this theory.

Edit; confirmed wrong. Nicehash ports on Zec aren't working as we assumed for preferred diffs, the miner does mine its dev fee at a lower difficulty.
4  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Nagios check scripts for Antminer S7/S9 on: October 23, 2016, 09:14:09 AM
Greetings everyone.

Here is a couple of scripts I made back then to add the ability to nagios infrastructures to monitor antminer devices. It's been tested on a large deployment of S7's without any issues. Basically any device that has similar outputs to cgminer-api running on port 4080 will be compatible.

Those scripts are perfdata enabled so everyone out there who generates graphs from their nagios instances (either through custom graphite environment or pnp4nagios) will be able to generate graphs for the statistics colleted by these scripts.

In order to generate multiple graphs I had made all checks as separate scripts. Also take note these scripts could be easily modified to monitor other types of cgminer compatible devices.

The scripts can check the following attributes:
- Check amount of blades detected
- Check amount of chips detected
- Check fan speeds
- Check hashrate (using the average hashrate, the hash5s (the "live" one) did fluctuate a lot on S7's)
- Check hardware errrors
- Check share rates
- Check temperature

Requirements: Those scripts rely on the use of nc (aka netcat) to poll the api port.

You can view the source and acquire these scripts on our repo:

5  Economy / Computer hardware / Sale cancelled. on: October 14, 2016, 06:35:23 PM
Sale cancelled. Offers we have received were too low.

Considering our low power rates we can still run them for a while while making decent profit. We'll instead ship those to our next facility located in an area with even lower power rates; they will likely be making profit for a lot longer.

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [FUNDRAISER] - STATUS: FUNDED - 1,471546 BTC - MUCH WOW THX! on: February 12, 2014, 06:42:29 AM

Hi fellow miners from the doge community,

Here is the story of a little sick doge:

Unfortunately, on the morning of 2014-02-11, we woke up and found our little doge really really sick. He could barely move. We had no choice there but to bring it to the vet. Max has always been a cheerful dog, but since a few days ago he really looks like he won't make it.

At the vet, we got told that our puppy ate a pork bone, and that it blocked the entry of his stomach. That bone went through his gullet, and was blocking the entry of his stomach. He could not eat no more, could harly breathe and couldn't drink either. Such sad doge. The vets attempted a tricky manoeuver that hurt our dog. He is currently recovering but will likely require a surgery.

This is where we turn out to the DOGECOIN (and other coins) community. The overall costs so far have been over 600$ for the food, diagnostic at the vet aswell as getting that pork bone into his stomach. For now, our DOGE has been healing fine. Vets were impressed by the progress. However, he could require a surgery one day. We will keep the community updated.

We kindly ask you to donate for the cause. Would be great for doge lovers to help a fellow hurt doge.

Our donation goal has been acheived for now. We have some spare for upcoming medical expenses. Details will be posted on our website listed below

Our main donation wallet is: DRCTimoFRq7jDcLVihJB9f5d5sDz9qL2bJ

Visit our website for anymore details and pictures of our puppy: http://WWW.SAVEMYDOGE.ORG

We are very thankful for those who already donated, and would like you guys to spread the word. We will keep the community informed about the status of healing of our little doge!
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [POOL] - Giveaway between blocks 23000 and 24000! Join us! on: February 11, 2014, 06:36:23 AM
SuchPool's iCoin Pool!

Looking for an interrupted mining pool? Come with us. We built all our infrastructure with user stability in mind. Many additions coming aswell!

50 iCoin Block Reward between blocks 23000 and 24000! Coins will be distributed once block 24000 is completed. This way, we can ensure everybody got paid their reward!

Following our success on other different pools that we run, we launched an iCoin pool that revealed to be successful aswell.

Trusted amongst the community, we will offer you peace of mind mining. Our servers are well maintained and our team competent. Our rock solid infrastructure and good global networking will ensure a good connectivity to our services, even under attacks.

Here are some specs about our pool:

  • 1% Pool Fee
  • PROP payout system
  • VARDIFF, Stratum Server
  • 24/7 Monitoring on Stratum, MPOS, Central Wallet, Mysql and much more
  • DDoS Protected
  • Clustered Web/DB with brand new hardware
  • Raided SSDs to ensure maximal database performance and reliability
  • Hosted in a state of the art Datacenter
  • Best bandwidth carriers, excellent connectivity and latency worldwide

Point your miners at: stratum+tcp://

Our team is knowleadgable and can help you start mining. Just ask us!

Come start mining now on

To reach us:

    IRC: - #suchpool

Thank you for your interest in our pool, we hope to see you soon!
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