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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin on Climate Change on: November 08, 2018, 04:20:10 PM
Bitcoin needs electricity to exists and demands a massive amount of it.

How can we solve that problem ? will the people take good care of the earth to prevent the climate change? or will take good care of their bitcoin because of investments?

After bitcoin changed our lives and lifestyle what will be our biggest contribution to prevent the global warming?

Upon reading news they say 11 to 22 years in the future 2 degree celsius will be added as per international climate scientists. Its very alarming.

Will the next generation benefit to see the beautiful earth? or benefit on using the cryptocurrency?

Lets talk about it, share your thoughts.

2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / How Phillipines adopting BITCOIN on: October 23, 2018, 07:30:28 AM

Negative impact on the economy as per the past government.
The remittance market is increasingly $26 Billion annually which is rank no. 3 in the world.
Charities has limited reach internationally because of high transfer fees.
Unqualified merchants to accept digital currency.
10% transfer rate from fiat money.


You can now purchase goods using a bitcoin in some small online merchants.
Availability of Bitcoin Atm located in Salcedo Street, Makati Philippines.
Bitcoin as donations given to the charities reaches internationally
Pay services using bitcoin.
Buy foods and drinks in the fastfoods in the philippines.
Lastly, increasing and growing numbers of people using bitcoin in the philippines.

This is how our country adopting a new technology, How's yours? Please share with us.
3  Economy / Economics / Philippines starting to accept and adopt cryptocurrency. on: October 20, 2018, 03:00:23 AM
Cryptocurrency transactions has been on the rise in the philippines.

They are already accepted 5 cryptocurrency company in the country and approximately planning to give license for atleast 25 companies to operate in the philippines.

With the current government administration they are starting to adopt and build even in the technological infrastructure.

In more years to come the country will be more open to blockchain technology like japan and other countries.
4  Other / Off-topic / Marijuana Legalization : Good or Bad ? on: September 02, 2018, 04:13:12 AM
For me, there are some aspects that marijuana can treat diseases like cancer, and can relax the shaky muscles.

How about those using marijuana as a vices ? and others using it to be cool?

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