A little help and I'll send a 1/4 of a bitcoin. That's all I've made so far on my terrible mining gpu, gtx 580, but much much better IMO as far as gaming. This is why I need a independent mining rig
Been studying up on the forums, and I found this previously recommended hardware.....on this thread here. http://forum.bitcoin.org/index.php?topic=14166.0
Depending on what you mean by "light gaming" this may work for you and be much cheaper:
Much cheaper, if you think you need more power, substitute the Fusion motherboard for:
Which you may be able to unlock.
I like this list, but even lighter on the gaming if possible, would be preferred if it saves me some cash
Swap out the gpu in this setup for dual 5830s (for $150 you can get a diamond 5830 which seems to average between 250-300 m/hash...or is that the sapphire only? the chart does not specify. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_hardware_comparison#Nvidia) and I think that's a pretty cheap yet efficient rig (anything that can pay itself off in a month is efficiency IMO, I've seen some people pay off in 3 weeks). Is there any improvements I could do here, as far as cost/hash efficiency? I'm open to any suggestions. I'm going to purchase just 1 set of hardware for now to see how I like it, but if its the most cost efficient I'll probably set up a couple others.
Thanks everyone