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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [CLOSED][ICO FULLY SOLD]Lightchain|Double-Layer Structure|100,000 Query/sec on: January 12, 2018, 05:42:46 AM
Thanks for the great respond. The telegram airdrop and referral program has came to an end. Do stay tune in the telegram to be eligible for the airdrop. In the mean time, read out more on Lightchain. It is an amazing token that you dont want to miss out on. Cheers.

Website  -  Whitepaper -  Instagram  -  Twitter  -  Telegram  -  Facebook  -  Github  -  Wechat  -  QQ

We will be giving away 0.001eth for joining our telegram.
In addition, you can refer your friends to join the telegram with your referral link and you can even gain 0.001eth for each referral.
Invite 100 friends = 0.1eth!!

How to get ETH for the Telegram airdrop??
Visit here : ENDED and follow the instruction.
Share your referral link and get 0.001 ETH per friend invited! Unlimited Referral.

Note : The ETH will only be distributed after the end of ICO sale. You have to stay in there until the token distribution.
Note : The ETH airdrop will stop when there are 10,000 participants in the telegram.

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][ICO FULLY SOLD]Lightchain|Double-Layer Structure|100,000 Query/sec| on: January 11, 2018, 10:07:55 PM

Website  -  Whitepaper -  Instagram  -  Twitter  -  Telegram  -  Facebook  -  Github  -  Wechat  -  QQ

Problems in Real World
The emergence of blockchain technology brings us enormous benefits, but the performance and scalability issues makes it difficult for blockchain technology to be widely adopted. We can truly embrace the benefits of blockchain technology only when we solve the performance and scalability issues.

We propose a solution to the performance and scalability problems. Light Chain (LIGHT) is designed to be the world’s first double-layer chain. The LIGHT network is composed of one prime-chain and numerous sub-chains. The prime-chain works like bitcoin to provide an immutable and transparent super-ledger while sub-chains provide a fast network under the prime chain, it syncs up with the prime-chain on a regular basis.

LIGHT’s double-layer structure keeps the benefits of immutability and transparency of information, while providing a performance level of 100k QPS (query per second), which is enough for even the high-frequency transactions of 2017. LIGHT’s double-layer structure is composed of a prime-chain and numerous sub-chains. The prime-chain is the mother chain, and there is only one prime-chain in LIGHT’s network. Sub-chains are independent from each other, and the number of sub-chains can be expanded when necessary. The prime-chain is a decentralized and distributed network that is immutable and transparent to the public. Sub-chains are based on a PoM (Proof of Machine) validation model, combined with an in-memory database, to achieve substantial improvements in performance.

Token Sale
Due to popular demand, ICO has been over subscribed and tokens have been fully sold.

3  Economy / Services / [Signature Campaign][ICO] Project Pai|Small Signature Campaign| **[FULL]** on: December 31, 2017, 08:27:54 AM
Project Pai is having a small Signature Campaign
Calculation has been done.
The payout has been sent. Please check if you have received. I will leave this thread active for 40hrs before locking it.

Welcome to Project Pai! We’re thrilled to have you on board with us to help us advertise Project Pai. Project Pai is a decentralized platform for intelligent avatars made from our online personalities.

Telegram Airdrop : How to get free Project Pai tokens??
- Join and stay in the Project Pai Telegram :
- The wallet will be available to download at a later stage and the team will collect the addresses by then.

Website  -  White Paper -  Facebook  -  Twitter  -  Reddit  -  Discord  -  Medium  -  Telegram  

How to join??
Bitcointalk username
Current post count (including this one)
BTC Address
Wear appropriate signature
You have to wear the avatar and signature code when you apply. You will only be selected after being confirmed by me.

Payout for 10 days
Legendary.Members - 0.012 BTC
Hero.Members - 0.01 BTC
Senior.Members - 0.008 BTC
Full.Members - 0.006 BTC
Members - 0.003 BTC

Looking for around 3 participants for each rank.

- Minimum 20 constructive posts after you have officially joined and before 10th Jan 2359 Forum Time.
- Avatar and Signature Code must wear throughout the campaign until 11th Jan 2359 Forum. Time unless otherwise stated. You will be disqualified from the signature campaign if you are caught not wearing the signature code before 11th Jan 2359 Forum Time.
- Posts made in the following sections (and all their child boards) will not be counted as valid posts: Marketplace; Off-topic; Archival; Marketplace (Altcoins); Local Boards; Beginners and Help.
- Unsubstantial posts or posts with less than 80 characters will not be counted as valid posts.
- Must wear our signature code and avatar
- No red trust score.
- No multiple accounts/farming accounts.
- If you leave half way, you will not get paid for the campaign.
- I, lorylore, reserved the right to remove any participants from the signature campaign if they are not following the rules and regulations or disrupting the community. No warning or issue will be given and any decision made by me will be final.


Jr. Member:


Full Member:

Sr. Member:

Hero/Legendary Member:


Jr. Member:
[center][url=]◤ ──────────────── [b]PROJECT PAI[/b] ──────────────── ◥

[center][url=][font=Bahnschrift]◤ ─────────────── [b]PROJECT PAI[/b] ─────────────── ◥
[url=][font=Bahnschrift]◣ ─── JOIN [b]PROJECT PAI[/b] TELEGRAM TO GET FREE TOKENS ─── ◢[/font][/url][/center]

Full Member:
[center][url=][font=Bahnschrift][color=#04E0FC]◤[/color] ─────────────── [color=#052938][b]PROJECT PAI[/b][/color] ─────────────── [color=#04E0FC]◥[/color]
[url=][font=Bahnschrift][color=#04E0FC]◣[/color] ─── JOIN [color=#052938][b]PROJECT PAI[/b][/color] TELEGRAM TO GET FREE TOKENS ─── [color=#04E0FC]◢[/color][/font][/url][/center]

Sr. Member:
[center][table][td][url=][size=2px][tt][color=#04E0FC]                   ▄████▄
      [color=#2585D9]▄[/color][color=#228BDB]█[/color][color=#2092DE]█[/color][color=#1D99E1]▀[/color][color=#1BA0E3]▀[/color]    [color=#0FC3F1]▀[/color][color=#0CCAF4]▀[/color][color=#0AD1F6]█[/color][color=#07D8F9]█[/color][color=#05DFFC]▄[/color]
     [color=#2585D9]▄[/color][color=#228BDB]█[/color][color=#2091DD]█[/color]          [color=#09D3F7]█[/color][color=#07D9FA]█[/color][color=#05DFFC]▄[/color]
    [color=#2585D9]█[/color][color=#238ADB]█[/color][color=#218FDD]▀[/color]            [color=#08D5F8]▀[/color][color=#06DBFA]█[/color][color=#04E0FC]█[/color]
    [color=#2585D9]█[/color][color=#238ADB]█[/color]              [color=#06DBFA]█[/color][color=#04E0FC]█[/color]
    [color=#2585D9]█[/color][color=#238ADB]█[/color][color=#218FDD]▄[/color]            [color=#08D5F8]▄[/color][color=#06DBFA]█[/color][color=#04E0FC]█[/color]
    [color=#2585D9]█[/color][color=#238ADB]█[/color][color=#218FDD]█[/color][color=#1F95DF]█[/color]          [color=#0AD0F6]█[/color][color=#08D5F8]█[/color][color=#06DBFA]█[/color][color=#04E0FC]█[/color]
    [color=#195B94]█[/color][color=#1F5697]█[/color][color=#25519A][/color][color=#2585D9]▀[/color][color=#228BDB]█[/color][color=#2092DE]█[/color][color=#1D99E1]▄[/color][color=#1BA0E3]▄[/color]    [color=#0FC3F1]▄[/color][color=#0CCAF4]▄[/color][color=#0AD1F6]█[/color][color=#07D8F9]█[/color][color=#05DFFC]▀[/color][color=#04E0FC]██[/color]
    [color=#2C4D9D]█[/color][color=#3248A1]█[/color]  [color=#2585D9]▀[/color][color=#218EDC]▀[/color][color=#1E98E0]█[/color][color=#1AA2E4]█[/color][color=#17ABE8]█[/color][color=#14B5EC]█[/color][color=#10BFEF]█[/color][color=#0DC8F3]█[/color][color=#09D2F7]▀[/color][color=#06DCFB]▀[/color]  [color=#04E0FC]██[/color]
    [color=#7917C5]█[/color][color=#7F12C8]█[/color][/tt][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=17pt][font=Bahnschrift][color=black][b]PROJECT PAI[/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td]
██[/color][/tt][/size][/td][td] [/td]
[td][center][url=][size=10pt][font=Bahnschrift][color=black]A DECENTRALIZED PLATFORM FOR INTELLIGENT AVATARS
MADE FROM OUR ONLINE PERSONALITIES[/color][/font][/size][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td]
██[/color][/tt][/size][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=10pt][font=Bahnschrift][color=black][b]JOIN [color=#052938]PROJECT PAI[/color] TELEGRAM
TO GET FREE TOKENS[/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td][td][url=][size=2px][tt]

              ▄▄█▀▀  ██
          ▄▄█▀▀      █▌
      ▄▄█▀▀   ▄▀    ██
 ▄▄▄█▀▀    ▄█▀     ▐█
██      ▄██▀       █▌
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     ██▀▀█▄▄▄     █▌
      █▄  ██▀▀▀█▄██

Hero/Legendary Member:
[center][table][td][url=][size=2px][tt][color=#04E0FC]                   ▄████▄
      [color=#2585D9]▄[/color][color=#228BDB]█[/color][color=#2092DE]█[/color][color=#1D99E1]▀[/color][color=#1BA0E3]▀[/color]    [color=#0FC3F1]▀[/color][color=#0CCAF4]▀[/color][color=#0AD1F6]█[/color][color=#07D8F9]█[/color][color=#05DFFC]▄[/color]
     [color=#2585D9]▄[/color][color=#228BDB]█[/color][color=#2091DD]█[/color]          [color=#09D3F7]█[/color][color=#07D9FA]█[/color][color=#05DFFC]▄[/color]
    [color=#2585D9]█[/color][color=#238ADB]█[/color][color=#218FDD]▀[/color]            [color=#08D5F8]▀[/color][color=#06DBFA]█[/color][color=#04E0FC]█[/color]
    [color=#2585D9]█[/color][color=#238ADB]█[/color]              [color=#06DBFA]█[/color][color=#04E0FC]█[/color]
    [color=#2585D9]█[/color][color=#238ADB]█[/color][color=#218FDD]▄[/color]            [color=#08D5F8]▄[/color][color=#06DBFA]█[/color][color=#04E0FC]█[/color]
    [color=#2585D9]█[/color][color=#238ADB]█[/color][color=#218FDD]█[/color][color=#1F95DF]█[/color]          [color=#0AD0F6]█[/color][color=#08D5F8]█[/color][color=#06DBFA]█[/color][color=#04E0FC]█[/color]
    [color=#195B94]█[/color][color=#1F5697]█[/color][color=#25519A][/color][color=#2585D9]▀[/color][color=#228BDB]█[/color][color=#2092DE]█[/color][color=#1D99E1]▄[/color][color=#1BA0E3]▄[/color]    [color=#0FC3F1]▄[/color][color=#0CCAF4]▄[/color][color=#0AD1F6]█[/color][color=#07D8F9]█[/color][color=#05DFFC]▀[/color][color=#04E0FC]██[/color]
    [color=#2C4D9D]█[/color][color=#3248A1]█[/color]  [color=#2585D9]▀[/color][color=#218EDC]▀[/color][color=#1E98E0]█[/color][color=#1AA2E4]█[/color][color=#17ABE8]█[/color][color=#14B5EC]█[/color][color=#10BFEF]█[/color][color=#0DC8F3]█[/color][color=#09D2F7]▀[/color][color=#06DCFB]▀[/color]  [color=#04E0FC]██[/color]
    [color=#7917C5]█[/color][color=#7F12C8]█[/color][/tt][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=17pt][font=Bahnschrift][glow=#052938,2,300][color=#04E0FC][b]PROJECT PAI[/b][/color][/glow][/font][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td]
██[/color][/tt][/size][/td][td] [/td]
[td][center][url=][size=10pt][font=Bahnschrift][glow=#052938,2,300][color=#fff]A DECENTRALIZED PLATFORM FOR INTELLIGENT AVATARS
                      MADE FROM OUR ONLINE PERSONALITIES                     [/color][/glow][/font][/size][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td]
██[/color][/tt][/size][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=10pt][font=Bahnschrift][color=black][b]JOIN [color=#052938]PROJECT PAI[/color] TELEGRAM
TO GET FREE TOKENS[/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td][td][url=][size=2px][tt][color=#052938]

              ▄▄█▀▀  ██
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██      ▄██▀       █▌
 ▀▀██▄███▀        ██
     ██▀▀█▄▄▄     █▌
      █▄  ██▀▀▀█▄██
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [END][ICO] Project Pai|Airdrop for Telegram|FREE ETH on: December 30, 2017, 05:10:00 PM
Project Pai Telegram Airdrop is now CLOSED. Thanks for the tremendous support for our ICO. Our telegram has grown to a size of 7.8k members.

Website  -  White Paper -  Facebook  -  Twitter  -  Reddit  -  Discord  -  Medium  -  Telegram  

Welcome to Project Pai ICO! We’re thrilled to have you on board with us as we break new ground in the digital/crypto/AI worlds. As we are moving towards our launch of our ICO, we want to welcome committed, passionate users and investors just like you to journey with us in the telegram as we share our progress and exciting news/updates.

- Join and stay in the Project Pai Telegram :

1. Stay on telegram group until the end of the ICO.
2. Please be an active member on Telegram chat.
3. Spammers will be banned

5  Local / 대체코인 Alt Coins (한국어) / [한국어][ANN][ICO] Project Pal - 온라인기반 고지능 아바타를 위한 선진 플랫폼 on: December 26, 2017, 10:05:05 AM

어울리다 Kakao :

Website  -  White Paper -  Facebook  -  Twitter  -  Reddit  -  Discord  -  Medium  -  Telegram  

6  Economy / Services / [ENDED][Signature Campaign][ICO] AiDoc | Small Signature Campaign | FULL on: December 24, 2017, 09:13:18 AM
Ai Doc Signature Campaign has ended. All 15 participants have met their requirements and they qualify for the signature payout.
The payment will be sent out. Thanks for all the participation..

Welcome to AiDoc! We’re thrilled to have you on board with us to help us advertise AiDoc. AIDOC uses medical data and smart doctor AI technology to provide you constant health and wellness insight.

How to get AIDOC Telegram airdrop??
- Join and stay in the AIDOC Telegram : to get 7 AIDOC tokens
- Private message @AIDOC_bot and type /start
- Invite friends to telegram and earn 3 AIDOC tokens each, capped at 50 invites.

How to join??
Bitcointalk username
Current post count (including this one)
BTC Address
Wear appropriate signature
You have to wear the avatar and signature code when you apply. You will only be selected after being confirmed by me.

Payout for 10 days
Legendary.Members - 0.012 BTC
Hero.Members - 0.01 BTC
Senior.Members - 0.008 BTC
Full.Members - 0.006 BTC
Members - 0.003 BTC

Looking for around 3 participants for each rank.

- Minimum 20 constructive posts after you have officially joined and before 3rd Jan 2359 Forum Time.
- Avatar and Signature Code must wear throughout the campaign until 4th Jan 2359 Forum Time unless otherwise stated. You will be disqualified from the signature campaign if you are caught not wearing the signature code before 4th Jan 2359 Forum Time.
- Posts made in the following sections (and all their child boards) will not be counted as valid posts: Marketplace; Off-topic; Archival; Marketplace (Altcoins); Local Boards; Beginners and Help.
- Unsubstantial posts or posts with less than 80 characters will not be counted as valid posts.
- Must wear our signature code and avatar
- No red trust score.
- No multiple accounts/farming accounts.
- If you leave half way, you will not get paid for the campaign.
- I, lorylore, reserved the right to remove any participants from the signature campaign if they are not following the rules and regulations or disrupting the community. No warning or issue will be given and any decision made by me will be final.

The crowdsale is happening on December 25, 2017 12:25 PM to January 10, 2018 10:01 AM.


Jr. Member


Full Member:

Sr. Member:
AIDOC ██████
              ▄▄█▀▀  ██
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      ▄▄█▀▀   ▄▀    ██
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██      ▄██▀       █▌
 ▀▀██▄███▀        ██
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      █▄  ██▀▀▀█▄██
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██      ▄██▀       █▌
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     ██▀▀█▄▄▄     █▌
      █▄  ██▀▀▀█▄██

Hero/Legendary Member:
AIDOC ██████
              ▄▄█▀▀  ██
          ▄▄█▀▀      █▌
      ▄▄█▀▀   ▄▀    ██
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██      ▄██▀       █▌
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██      ▄██▀       █▌
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     ██▀▀█▄▄▄     █▌
      █▄  ██▀▀▀█▄██


Jr. Member
[center][url=]✚✚✚ AIDOC ✚✚✚
✚ AI Doctor on the Blockchain ✚[/url]

[center][url=]✚██✚██✚██✚██   [b]AIDOC [/b]  ██✚██✚██✚██✚
✚██✚██  AiDoctor on the Blockchain  ██✚██✚[/url]
[url=]✚█ Join AiDoc Telegram to get free TOKENS █✚[/url]

Full Member:
[center][url=][color=#fff][color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██   [color=#000][b]AIDOC[/b][/color]   ██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]
[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██  [color=#0066BF]AiDoctor on the Blockchain[/color]  ██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]██[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color][/color][/url]
[url=][color=#fff][color=#1E90FF]✚[/color]█ [color=#000]Join AiDoc Telegram to get free TOKENS[/color] █[color=#1E90FF]✚[/color][/color][/url]

Sr. Member:
▀▀██▀▀[/color][/tt][/size][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=15pt][font=century gothic][b][color=#000]AIDOC[/color][/b][/font][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td]
[color=#1E90FF]██████[/color][/size][/td][td] [/td]
[td][center][url=][size=12pt][font=Century][b][color=#0066BF]               AI Doctor on the Blockchain               [/color][/b][/font][/size]
[size=8pt][color=#000][color=#0066BF]✚[/color] [b]Constant Insights[/b]   [color=#0066BF]✚[/color] [b]3D visual[/b]   [color=#0066BF]✚[/color] [b]24-hour Analysis[/b][/color][/size][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td]
[color=#1E90FF]██████[/color][/size][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=2pt][tt]                  ▄▄▄▄▄
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██      ▄██▀       █▌
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      █▄  ██▀▀▀█▄██
[/tt][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td][td][center][url=][font=Century][b][color=#0066BF]Join AiDoc Telegram
to get free tokens[/color][/b][/font][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=2pt][tt]                  ▄▄▄▄▄
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██      ▄██▀       █▌
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      █▄  ██▀▀▀█▄██

Hero/Legendary Member:
▀▀██▀▀[/color][/tt][/size][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=15pt][font=century gothic][b][color=#000][glow=#fff,2,300]AIDOC[/glow][/color][/b][/font][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td]
[color=#1E90FF]██████[/color][/size][/td][td] [/td]
[td][center][url=][size=12pt][font=Century][b][color=#fff][glow=#0066BF,2,300]               AI Doctor on the Blockchain               [/glow][/color][/b][/font][/size]
[size=8pt][color=#000][color=#0066BF]✚[/color] [b]Constant Insights[/b]   [color=#0066BF]✚[/color] [b]3D visual[/b]   [color=#0066BF]✚[/color] [b]24-hour Analysis[/b][/color][/size][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td]
[color=#1E90FF]██████[/color][/size][/td][td] [/td]
[td][url=][size=2pt][tt]                  ▄▄▄▄▄
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[/tt][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td][td][center][url=][font=Century][b][color=#fff][glow=#0066BF,2,300]  Join AiDoc Telegram  
   to get free TOKENS   [/glow][/color][/b][/font][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td]
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7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / 🔏🔏[ANN][ICO] Project Pai - Decentralized Intelligent Avatars 🔏🔏 on: December 21, 2017, 11:16:45 AM

Website  -  White Paper -  Facebook  -  Twitter  -  Reddit  -  Discord  -  Medium  -  Telegram  

8  Economy / Services / (CLOSED) Super Bitcoin - Small Signature Campaign - (FULL) on: December 09, 2017, 05:41:48 AM
Super Bitcoin Signature Campaign is now CLOSED. I will be locking this thread.

Payment has been sent out. I have checked and you all should have received your btc already(64 confirmed at the point of posting). Thanks for all the participation in the Signature Campaign. Participants can change their Signature Code already.

Welcome to Super Bitcoin! We’re thrilled to have you on board with us to help us advertise Super Bitcoin. The fork will happen at the Block Height of 498888.
Please read our ANN Thread :
before deciding to take up our Signature Campaign. If you're interested in wearing the signature, please apply below.  Feel free to make posts on the ANN thread with positive/useful comments or questions for the team.

The fork has already happened but the signature campaign will still carry on and end as the timeline given. Cheers.

 -  Website  -  Facebook - Twitter  -  Telegram  -  Github  -   Medium  -  Dev Ref  -

How to join??
Bitcointalk username
Current post count (including this one)
BTC Address
Wear appropriate signature
You have to wear the signature code when you apply. You will only be selected after being confirmed by me.

Payout for 10 days
Legendary.Members - 0.012 BTC
Hero.Members - 0.01 BTC
Senior.Members - 0.008 BTC
Full.Members - 0.006 BTC
Members - 0.003 BTC

Looking for around 3 participants for each rank.

- Minimum 20 constructive posts after you have officially joined and before 17Dec 2359 Forum Time.
- Avatar and Signature Code must wear throughout the campaign until 18Dec 2359 Forum Timeunless otherwise stated. You will be disqualified from the signature campaign if you are caught not wearing the signature code before 18Dec 2359 Forum Time.
- Posts made in the following sections (and all their child boards) will not be counted as valid posts: Marketplace; Off-topic; Archival; Marketplace (Altcoins); Local Boards; Beginners and Help.
- Unsubstantial posts or posts with less than 80 characters will not be counted as valid posts.
- Must wear our signature code and avatar
- No red trust score.
- No multiple accounts/farming accounts.
- If you leave half way, you will not get paid for the campaign.
- I, lorylore, reserved the right to remove any participants from the signature campaign if they are not following the rules and regulations or disrupting the community. No warning or issue will be given and any decision made by me will be final.

Tentatively, the fork is happening on 15 dec. You have to wear Signature Code till 18Dec 2359 Forum Timing. Payout will be given out after 20Dec.


Jr Member:

[center][url=]◎ ═════════ [b]Super [btc]itcoin[/b] ═════════ ◎
[font=century gothic]◎ ═══ Make Bitcoin Great Again ═══ ◎[/font][/url][/center]


[center][url=]◎ ══════════════ [b]Super [btc]itcoin[/b] ══════════════ ◎
[font=century gothic]◎ ═══════ Make Bitcoin Great Again ═══════ ◎[/font][/url]
[font=Ebrima][url=]◎ ═════ [b][size=9pt]Telegram[/size][/b][/url] [size=9pt][b][url=]Facebook[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url] [url=]Github[/url] [url=]Medium[/url] [/b][/size][url=][size=9pt][b]API[/b][/size] ═════ ◎[/url][/font][/center]

Full Member:

[center][url=][color=#FF8C00]◎[/color] [color=#4605A6]══════════════[/color] [b][color=#4605A6]Super[/color] [color=#FF8C00][btc]itcoin[/color][/b] [color=#4605A6]══════════════[/color] [color=#FF8C00]◎[/color]
[font=century gothic][color=#FF8C00]◎[/color] [color=#4605A6]═══════[/color] [color=#4605A6][b]Make Bitcoin Great Again[/b][/color] [color=#4605A6]═══════[/color] [color=#FF8C00]◎[/color][/font][/url]
[font=Ebrima][url=][color=#FF8C00]◎[/color] [color=#4605A6]═════[/color] [b][size=9pt][color=#FF8C00]Telegram[/color][/size][/b][/url] [size=9pt][b][url=][color=#FF8C00]Facebook[/color][/url] [url=][color=#FF8C00]Twitter[/color][/url] [url=][color=#FF8C00]Github[/color][/url] [url=][color=#FF8C00]Medium[/color][/url] [/b][/size][url=][size=9pt][b][color=#FF8C00]API[/color][/b][/size] [color=#4605A6]═════[/color] [color=#FF8C00]◎[/color][/url][/font][/center]

Sr. Member:
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Make Bitcoin Great Again
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Smart ContractsLightening Network
Bigger Block ④  Zero-knowledge proof
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[td][center][size=15pt][url=][b][color=#4605A6]Super[/color] [/b][color=#FF8C00][b][btc]itcoin[/b][/color][/url][/size][/center][/td][td] [/td][td][tt][size=2px][color=#4605A6]███
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[td][center][size=12pt][font=Century Gothic][color=#4605A6][b]Make Bitcoin Great Again[/b][/color][/font][/size]
[size=8pt][font=Ebrima][color=#FF8C00]◉ PRIVACY   ◉ SCALABILITY   ◉ BIG BLOCK SIZE[/color][/font][/size][/center][/td]
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[td][size=9pt][font=Ebrima][color=#FF8C00]① [color=#4605A6]Smart Contracts[/color] ③ [color=#4605A6]Lightening Network[/color]
② [color=#4605A6]Bigger Block[/color] ④  [color=#4605A6]Zero-knowledge proof[/color][/color][/font][/size][/td]
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...Make Bitcoin Great Again...
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① Smart Contracts ③ Lightening Network
② Bigger Block ④  Zero-knowledge proof
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[td] [/td]
[td][center][size=15pt][url=][color=#fff][b][glow=#4605A6,2,300]Super [/glow][/b][glow=#FF8C00,2,300][b][btc]itcoin[/b][/glow][/color][/url][/size][/center][/td][td] [/td][td][tt][size=2px][color=#4605A6]███
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[td] [/td]
[td][center][size=12pt][font=Century Gothic][glow=#4605A6,2,300][color=transparent]...[/color][color=#fff][b]Make Bitcoin Great Again[/b][/color][color=transparent]...[/color][/glow][/font][/size]
[size=8pt][font=Ebrima][color=#FF8C00]◉ PRIVACY   ◉ SCALABILITY   ◉ BIG BLOCK SIZE[/color][/font][/size][/center][/td]
[td] [/td]
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[td] [/td]
[td][size=9pt][font=Ebrima][glow=#FF8C00,2,300][color=#4605A6]① Smart Contracts ③ Lightening Network
② Bigger Block ④  Zero-knowledge proof[/color][/glow][/font][/size][/td]
[td] [/td]
[td][tt][size=2px][color=#4605A6]   ███
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[td] [/td]
[td][size=9pt][font=century][glow=#4605A6,2,300][b][url=][color=#FF8C00]Twitter [/url]
[url=][color=#FF8C00]API      [/url][/b][/glow][/font][/size][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / 💲💲[CLOSED][ETH]💲💲Super Bitcoin - FREE ETH for Telegram & Twitter on: December 08, 2017, 02:44:25 PM
Super Bitcoin has reached maximum participation rate and the airdrop is now closed.
Bounty/airdrop of ETH has also been given out. Thanks for all the participation and the warm welcoming for SBTC. This thread will be locked.

Welcome to Super Bitcoin! We’re thrilled to have you on board with us. We will be having Smart Contracts, Lightning Network, Zero-knowledge proof and bigger block size all in Super Bitcoin. The fork will happen at the Block Height of 498888. Find out more at our ANN Thread :

 -  Website  -  Facebook - Twitter  -  Telegram  -  Github  -   Medium  -  Dev Ref  -

How to get FREE ETH??

1) Follow Twitter: Super Bitcoin Twitter to gain 0.002ETH!
2) Join and stay in the Super Bitcoin Telegram to gain 0.002ETH!
3) In Telegram, find @superbitcoin_bot and type /start.
4) Refer more friends (using the 'Add members' function) to earn MORE ETH! (Max 10 friends)

Tentatively, the fork is happening on 15 dec. ETH will take a few days after the fork to be distributed. You have to stay in telegram and still following twitter until you get the ETH!

10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][SBTC]Super Bitcoin:Bitcoin Fork|Smart Contracts|8MB Blocks|Privacy|Scalabi on: December 08, 2017, 07:17:55 AM

Welcome to the official announcement thread of Super Bitcoin!

**Please do not follow any link here given by any members. It has came across some of them are giving fake links and website. You may lose your SBTC or even BTC.**

The fork had happened at the Block Height of 498888.
Feel free to join the Telegram Channel :
We talk about mining, technical details and anything under the sun.[/size]

Exchanges that support the fork: Okex, huobi, BigONE, Bitfinex, Binance,,, coinut,, bibox, coinegg, coin900,,,, coincoming,, kkex, biex, coinbene,, HitBTC.

 -  Website  -  Facebook - Twitter  -  Telegram  -  Github  -   Medium  -  Dev Ref  -

What is SuperBitcoin(SBTC)?
The expansion war in the past three years has severely hindered the development of the bitcoin technology. Bitcoin has lost a tremendous share of the cryptocurrency market given aggressive competition coming from the likes of ethereum and Zcash. The bitcoin community has therefore gathered a group of enthusiasts and developers who share the goal to revitalize the bitcoin dominance. The fork will take place at block height 498888, after which, new functionalities will be added to the forked chain. The original bitcoin holders will be compensated with one super BTC for every BTC held.

What is the total supply of SBTC?
SBTC will have a total supply of 21,210,000, of which 210,000 will be pre-mined.

What is the purpose of pre-mining?
The 210,000 pre-mined tokens will be managed by the Super BTC Foundation and are mainly used to encourage early developers, invest in the super BTC ecosystem and ensure the operation of the Super BTC Foundation.



11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / [CLOSED][Pre-ICO] DATAVLT - Welcome Giveaways - Get your free DVTs on: November 23, 2017, 06:28:34 PM

Airdrop has came to a closed! Thanks everyone who has joined us. Do take note that you have to wait until the end of the ICO and the token distribution event then you will receive your tokens. Cheers. Stay tune in the telegram for more information.


DataVLT is having an airdrop now! Join our Telegram to claim your free DVTs.
[Refer your friends and get even more DVTs.

How to get DVTs Airdrop?
1. Join our Telegram ( and stay there till the end of ICO.
2. Fill in the google form: CLOSED
3. No more.

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [CLOSED][Pre-ICO] DATAVLT - Welcome Giveaways - Get your free DVTs on: November 23, 2017, 06:25:41 PM

Airdrop has came to a closed! Thanks everyone who has joined us. Do take note that you have to wait until the end of the ICO and the token distribution event then you will receive your tokens. Cheers. Stay tune in the telegram for more information.


DataVLT is having an airdrop now! Join our Telegram to claim your free DVTs.
[Refer your friends and get even more DVTs.

How to get DVTs Airdrop?
1. Join our Telegram ( and stay there till the end of ICO.
2. Fill in the google form: CLOSED
3. No more.

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][ICO] DATAVLT - Affordable Smart Data Analytic Tools Secured by Blockchain on: November 23, 2017, 06:13:18 PM

What is DATAVLT?
DATAVLT is a company that aims to develop smart affordable data analytic platforms that serve various purposes for businesses/entities who are looking to future-proof themselves.
DATAVLT is an on-demand, self-service, data analytics platform, secured by Blockchain technology, that has been designed to provide users with an integrated overview of their state of their business. Backed by artificial intelligence and learning capabilities, this platform aims to track, gather, analyse and correlate different types of data, e.g. Enterprise data, online marketing performance data, third-party reports, and information, etc., onto a singular smart dashboard that can empower businesses, especially small medium enterprises (SMEs) that are looking to grow their internal capabilities cost efficiently, regardless of industry, Essentially, DATAVLT is an end-to-end data/information management platform.

What market challenges or problems or unmet needs does it resolve?
The world is running at a speed where technological adoption far exceeds the digital capability growth of economies. Businesses, especially SMEs which make up a large percentage of the ecosystem in many nations, have yet to fully grasp and leverage on the advantages of performance tracking, let alone keep up with advancements.
Whilst governments may offer aid, mostly in the form of grants, to help willing entities improve their business intelligence skills, there is very little middle ground. Instead of diving into the deep-end of developing their own infrastructures and analytic tools, which entails heavy investments, businesses should be given the opportunity to choose more palatable and friendly ‘stepping stones’ that provide similar if not equivalent or better results.
Currently, most affordable ‘off-the-shelf’ data analytic tools provide partial perspectives to a business or have limited scope functions. This potentially means that any business that may want a more holistic view of their progress will need to procure a bevy of different tools and spend a large amount of time correlating results – ironically, businesses, like SMEs, are almost always strapped for time and resource because of their constant focus on the bottom-line.
Sense of security is a real-world challenge today as it is not uncommon to read about enterprises being held hostage against their own data and infrastructures.
There are only a handful of platforms out there that aggregates information, not necessarily correlate. Below are a few reasons why, we feel, companies have yet to resolve this gap in the market:
a.   Technological developments – up until recently, data analytic capabilities meant the need for superior computing requirements simply because of its volume and processing intensity. This was a challenge from a processing cost perspective as backend infrastructures are not easily affordable.
b.   Funding – traditionally, entities with such ambitions would have required heavy investments which means a high probability of skewing original intentions to manage investor expectations with faster go-to-market and ROI strategies.
c.   Talent pool – the is a real shortfall in the number of data science talents previously, as compared to today. Most would have been hired by large corporations (not necessarily in the data science field) which can offer above market salaries to fulfil and manage internal business intelligence requirements.
Today, with the disruption in the funding and advancement in technology and its offerings, there is a real ability to provide a robust platform to the regular business in any market.

DATAVLT has been created with these challenges in mind – to help budding entrepreneurs and current business owners manage, grow and sustain their ambitions.

How does the product work?
In summary, the platform works as described below:
i.   Initial parameters must be set together with the client.
ii.   Enterprise/research data and other identified data sets are then directly drawn from sources, e.g. via APIs or our backend platform, etc. Other data sets can include native analytic tools, third party reports, trending news, listening results, etc.
iii.   The Blockchain technology will be activated to ensure data transaction integrity and security.
iv.   Data is then processed and sent into the DATAVLT cleaning, tracking, tracer modules.
v.   To ensure quality and consistency of the data, metadata of the cleansed data is fingerprinted and distributed across the blockchain repository.
vi.   The artificial intelligence component is then activated to learn the user’s data sets.
vii.   After which, clean information is flowed back to the users via secured Blockchain technology and sent to an integrated smart dashboard.
viii.   Artificial intelligence will also be activated to learn user habits via the smart dashboard, adjusting information displays per usage preferences with time.
ix.   Users can collate reports on-demand and customise their dashboard to suit their needs.
The potential to apply this process to various product verticals are endless.
For more information, refer to the DATAVLT whitepaper.

What parts of your product are centralised vs decentralised?
DATAVLT is backed by hybrid of layered decentralised systems and in specific, as the tools are developed on Ethereum, DAPP will be decentralised channelling clean dataset via the Blockchain.

Why do you think your team can build this product?
There are a few reasons why we can build this product:
i.   Together, the core team has a collective of more than 60 years’ worth of professional experience in different industries. This wealth of experience will ensure a pragmatic and sustainable approach to business and product growth, viability and stability.
ii.   DATAVLT has already begun developments on several modules within its analytics process and to date, has proved to be functioning and producing positive results. At present, the team is working on optimising the integration of Blockchain, artificial intelligence and predictive learning with the correlation module.
iii.   Additionally, the core team is supported by collaborative expert teams in the areas of research, development and implementation. These partners hail from reputable innovation centres housed in Singapore-based institutions.


14  Other / New forum software / You have been mentioned in this "post" on: September 03, 2015, 11:44:57 AM
What's up guys,

I have a suggestion for the forum
Is it possible to be added a feature that alert if someone mention you in a post
For example in a post that include our nickname ".. lorylore ..."

Pretty same as the facebook mention notification. "You have been mentioned "here""

Thank you.
15  Economy / Trading Discussion / Removed. on: July 09, 2015, 07:43:28 PM
16  Economy / Digital goods / WTS 10$ Amazon Gift Card on: July 09, 2015, 12:52:40 AM
10$ Amazon Gift Card.

Just received 10$ Amazon Gift Card can show all the details through teamviewer.
100% Guarantee.
I Accept escrow.

Price 0.032 BTC
17  Local / Konu Dışı / BitClicker - Eğlenceli Bitcoin Oyunu! on: April 14, 2015, 02:57:53 PM

Mining için cihaz alıyorsunuz, elinize geçenleri exchange ile satıyorsunuz... Oyunda risk ve fiyat da var.
Tıklayarak da mining yapabiliyorsunuz.

Ben elimde 2.5M bitcoin tutuyorum şu an Cheesy

Açtığımdan beri (30dk oldu) aralıksız oynuyorum, henüz bir bağımlılığını görmedim aman dikkat! Smiley
18  Local / Servisler / Advcash - yeni, anonim, ön ödemeli kart [Bitcoin ile yükleme] on: April 12, 2015, 09:36:16 AM
Merhaba. BIT-X'in kartındaki kesintileri beğenmedik. Bu sefer kesintileri diğer kartlara göre daha az olan bir ön ödemeli kartı tanıtacağım:
Advcash card.
  • Bu kartı kullanmak için mobil, kimlik vs. doğrulama işlemi gerekmiyor. Bu doğrulamaları yaparak sadece kısıtlamalarınızı azaltabilirsiniz.
  • Kartın ücreti 5$. Karta bitcoin ile para yükleyebilirsiniz, kesilecek ücret 0.99$ değerinde bitcoindir.

Limitler, kesintiler tablosu:

Alttaki resimde görüldüğü gibi iki seçenek var, plastik ve sanal kart. Sanal kart 1$, plastik kart 5$.

Alttaki yöntemlerle yükleme yapabilirsiniz.
Bitcoin - Kesinti: 0.00% (hesaba geçmesi için 6 teyit gerekiyor)
Paxum Kesinti: $0.50
Payeer - Kesinti: 3.00%
OkPay - Kesinti: 1.50%
Yandex.Money - Kesinti: 1.50%
Qiwi wallet - Kesinti: 4.50%
Ecoin - Kesinti: 2.00%
19  Local / Servisler / Bit-X imza kampanyasına katılanlara Debit Mastercard Dağıtıyor! on: April 08, 2015, 08:06:56 PM
Aramızda ihtiyacı olan faydalansın.
Dağıtımda "Card Issuance" ücreti alınmıyor ancak aktivasyon ücreti olan 0.05i ödemelisiniz. Kargo Türkiye'ye bedava.
Kart ömür boyu (lifetime) imiş.
Kartın özellikleri şöyle:

Kesintiler ise biraz yüksek.

İlgili adresler:
Kartın görünümü:

Karttan USD değil, Bitcoin harcıyorsunuz. Miktar sizin için otomatik olarak dönüştürülüyor.

Verdiğim bilgiler marcotheminer dan alınmıştır.

Birkaç gün sonra imza kampanyalarına geçip kartı istemeyi düşünüyorum. Elime geçince (tahminen kargoladıktan 15gün sonra) yorumlarımı detaylı olarak sizlerle paylaşacağım.
20  Local / Konu Dışı / Haftada 0.035 BTC'ye kadar İMZAN İLE kazan *Yeni Kurallar on: April 04, 2015, 12:29:52 PM
17 Aralık 2014'den itibaren yeni kurallar

- Mesaj başına 0.0007 BTC ödüyoruz (maksimum 0.035/hafta).
- İzin verilen kullanıcılar:
Full Member, Senior Member, Hero Member, Legendary Member, Staff
- Minimum haftalık mesaj yok

- Negatif feedback'iniz olmamalıdır.
- Sadece yapıcı mesajlar! Eğer mesajların çoğunluğu konu dışı bölümlerindeyse, bump, spam, birkaç kelime, resim - sonsuza dek yasaklanacaktır.
- Bununla birlikte başka imza kullanmaya izin verilmez.
- Bütün bir hafta boyunca forumun birçok bölümünde yazmalısınız. 50 günde tek mesaj atanlar sonsuza dek yasaklanacaktır.

- 75 sembolden daha az yazılara ödeme yapmıyoruz.
- Off-topic / Games and rounds / Alternate cryptocurrencies bölümlerindeki mesajlara ve bu konuya yazılan mesajlara ödeme yapmıyoruz.

Nasıl başvurulur
1. Profilinize gidin ve kodumuzu imza olarak koyun:

Code: (Full Member'lar)
[url=][color=#0044ef]█████[/color][color=#ecedf4]     [b]B I T M I X E R . I O[/b]     [/color][color=#0044ef]██[/color] [color=#fb6b02]██     [color=#ecedf4][b]H I G H   V O L U M E   B I T C O I N   M I X E R[/b]     [/color][color=#fb6b02]██[/color][color=#0044ef] ██[/color][color=#ecedf4]     [b]B I T M I X E R . I O[/b]     [/color][color=#0044ef]█████[/color]
[color=#0044ef]█████[/color][color=#0044ef]     [b]B I T M I X E R . I O[/b]     ██[/color] [color=#fb6b02]██     [b]H I G H   V O L U M E   B I T C O I N   M I X E R[/b]     ██[/color][color=#0044ef] ██[/color][color=#0044ef]     [b]B I T M I X E R . I O[/b]     █████[/color]
[color=#0044ef]█████[/color][color=#ecedf4]     [b]B I T M I X E R . I O[/b]     [/color][color=#0044ef]██[/color] [color=#fb6b02]██     [color=#ecedf4][b]H I G H   V O L U M E   B I T C O I N   M I X E R[/b]     [/color][color=#fb6b02]██[/color][color=#0044ef] ██[/color][color=#ecedf4]     [b]B I T M I X E R . I O[/b]     [/color][color=#0044ef]█████[/color][/url]

Code: (Senior Member'lar)
[size=16pt][url=][color=#0044ef][b]▓▓▓ BITMIXER.IO ▓▓▓[color=#fb6b02]▓▓▓ High Volume Bitcoin MIXER ▓▓▓[/color][/b][/color][/url][/size]

Code: (Hero, Legendary Member'lar ve Staff)
[size=16pt][url=][color=white][b][glow=#009CD9,10,100]  BITMIXER.IO [/glow][glow=#F77B00,2,100]  High Volume Bitcoin MIXER   [/glow][/b][/color][/url][/size]

2. Bitcoin adresinizi profilinize ekleyin.

3. Buraya gidin:, bitcointalk uid numaranızı girin ve haftalık ödeme alın.

Bitcointalk uid numarası nasıl bulunur
Herhangi bir yazınıza gidin ve kullanıcı adınıza tıklayın. Buraya yönlendirileceksiniz:;u=XXXXX , XXXXX sizin bitcointalk uid numaranızdır.

Kayıt olduktan sonraki bir hafta içinde otomatik olarak ödeme yapılacaktır. (eğer imzamızı bulundurursanız ve yeni yazılar yazarsanız).
İmzayı değiştirir veya kaldırırsanız, birkaç saat içinde bile, yeniden başlamanız gerekir: bir sonraki ödeme için bir hafta bekle, yeni yazılar yaz vs.
45+ gün yazı yazmazsanız hesabınızı yeniden aktif etmeniz gerekir.

Ana konu:
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