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1  Economy / Computer hardware / WTB Block Erupters/Blue or Red Fury/Others on: December 13, 2013, 11:45:57 AM
hello, im looking to buy any affordable mining asics you have to offer - im in austria so you will have to offer shiiping to austria.

pls pm me with any offers! (and keep it real im not paying fantasyprices)
2  Other / Meta / Forum link on points to google on: July 23, 2011, 01:18:54 PM
has anyone else noticed that the forum link from goes to a google page instead of the forum?
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Al jazeera English showing Bitcoin piece in regular news rotation on: July 05, 2011, 06:54:02 PM
today I noticed that al jazeera english is showing a decent piece on bitcoin in its regular news show, so right in the prime position not some extra show.

cant find a video so far but the piece is being repeated every hour now, ive already seen it twice today Smiley

i think its pretty cool they try to report on this in a rational manner, not like the US media does.
4  Bitcoin / Mining support / low hash miners: large or small pool? on: July 04, 2011, 04:29:55 PM
does it make a difference for low hash miners (310mhs) if a pool has a very large hashrate or a small one? obviously blocks get solved faster with large pools, but the rewards are also smaller..
5  Economy / Services / WTB mining contract for no more than 100eur/150usd per month on: July 04, 2011, 04:23:15 PM
looking for mining contracts that cost no more than 100euro or 150usd a month and offer the most Mh/s possible of course.

looking forward to your offers!
6  Economy / Marketplace / Looking for bitcoin mining rental service on: July 04, 2011, 11:16:09 AM
im looking for a service that will rent bitcoin miners to me for a reasonable price - i have found one service but the prices are obscene!

any tips?

7  Other / Beginners & Help / PPS vs Proportional: Whats better for low-hash miners? on: June 30, 2011, 01:36:25 PM
most pool allow for pay per share or proportional payouts, which payout method is better for a miner with a small hashrate like 310Mhs?
as far as I understand proportional is worse, but PPS also gets worse the bigger the pools hashrate is?
8  Economy / Trading Discussion / Should there be a "acceptable use" set of rules for bitcoins? on: June 30, 2011, 11:31:31 AM
do you guys think it would be a good idea if the bitcoin community developed a set of "acceptable uses" for bitcoin trading, for instance banning illegal goods or certain kind of services? So basically should the bitcoin community self-police the use of bc around the net, before goverments start doing it?

maybe something like a code of honor of sorts...
9  Other / Beginners & Help / does the bitcoin mining system favor large investors? on: June 30, 2011, 11:23:53 AM
is it only me or does the whole system of bitcoin mining favor those that have the ressources to buy alot of hash-power? the harder mining gets, the more miners are being sidelined because their mining efforts are not paying off anymore, leaving only the people that have invested massive amounts for multi-g-hasrates.. isnt that sorta like buildung a monopoly or a classic case of the rich become richer?
10  Bitcoin / Mining support / idea: a bitcoin mining "botnet"- more effective than GPU mining? on: June 30, 2011, 11:17:49 AM
disclamimer: i use the term botnet to define a network of computers, i dont mean zombie pcs! nothing illegal here!

imagine a botnet of sorts or a couple thousand or even tens of thousands of pcs running a bitcoin miner in a pooled mode, each only using their cpus - lets say you could get 1Mh/s from most CPUs, how many "bots" would you need to have a decent hashrate? for example 1Ghs would require 1000 miner bots.

wouldnt that be much more effective then using expensive GPUs that use alot of power? basicalyl any recent CPU should be able to get 1Mhs easily.. you could even configure the mingers to only mine in idle mode.

I could imagine larger NGOs doing that, havng their supporters run the "mining bot" on their PCs to support a NGO or charity for instance

11  Other / Beginners & Help / Radeon 6950 loss of hashrate after driver update! on: June 29, 2011, 05:21:23 PM
my ati catalylst driver offered me to update today so I did.

after the update , my hashrate went down by almost 60Mh/s! im using a sapphire radeon 6950 flex 2gb with the -v and -w 128 flags in GUIminer under wind7.

before the update i had around 310Mh/s, not its only 240Mh/s - and all that changed is the driver version. besides that there were only a few windows update installed, but that all that has changed since yesterday when i still hab 310mhs

im using deepbit for pool mining.
anyone else having this issue?
any idea what I can do to get my lost Mh/s back?
12  Other / Beginners & Help / PC freezes while mining and trying to watch a (flash) video on: June 15, 2011, 05:17:51 PM

im having a very weird issue while mining - whenever i let the miner run and try to watch a video on youtube or ted or any other site that uses flash video, the pc freezes up the instant the video starts. i can still hear the sound, but everything is frozen, no input, screen stays the same and only cold reboot helps. happens each time i start a vid, the instant the vid loads. as soon as i stop mining, no problems.

im using win7, GUIminer and a sapphire radeon 6950 with the most recent catalyst driver and no oc

before i was using my radeon 4850 and could watch videos fine while mining.

any ideas? it seems to be connected with flash video somehow...
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