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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Shibaswap speculations on: May 27, 2021, 08:47:32 AM
Hi there - i've been reading a little about the theories about shiba inu and its upcomming shibaswap, and which kind of impact it could have on the coin.

My question is for you guys - do you think the price will rise if/when they release the shibaswap? i read that alot in the shiba community expect people to stake their coins on shibaswap and earn "interests" in terms of "Bones" Therefore alot of the coins would not be available on the market and so the coin should rise??

Lmk your thoughts. Cheesy
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Lost coins? on: April 09, 2019, 07:31:19 AM
Hi guys

First of all - i haven't been sending anything to a wrong address, I Always Double check the addresses if not tripple check  Grin

I've been thinking about all those post about people sending their coins to a wrong address - isn't there a way to fix this?  Smiley

What happens if you type in a wrong address and send it? - You probably just lost your coins. Someone might be lucky enough to have this address, otherwise your coins would be stuck in wallet controlled by no one.
Im not sure how the delegation of addresses works, but could i end up with a wallet with x amount of a coin in it just by creating new wallets?

Wallet addresses is a hexadecimal number, which cointains more possible addresses, than humans existing on the earth - Of course not 100% correct beacuse a coins address whould be same lenght +-
which will restrict the possible amount. Why? Because of safety? Or maybe the posibilty to scale the network?

is there any coins with some kind of function that checks if the recieving wallet address has ever been active? If not - Why? would it ruin any kind of privacy/anonymity?

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Stablecoins? on: March 15, 2019, 09:51:25 AM
This might seem like a stupid question But.

I've been wondering whats the benefits of a Stable-coin?

I haven't seen any places where you can pay with lets say Tether - so what makes people "invest" in this coin?

From my point of view the only rational reason to invest in Tether - is to trade for other Cryptocurencies. But then again i might've missed something  Grin

Enlighten me
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Heeeeelp - biosmod rx 580 8gb on: January 23, 2019, 07:40:16 AM
Hi guys - i've spend the last 2 days watching videos and read articles about how to biosmod and how to get 30 mh/s each card.

I just started building my mining rig and im at the point where i need to mod my gpu's -

i chose to follow vosk' video on youtube, but now matter what i only reach 28 mh/s.


OS:      Windows 10 ent
Gpu:     Rx 580 8gb Sapphire pulse GDDR5 (Hynix if u ask gpu-z but in polaris i got both samsung and hynix)
Driver:  Beta blockchain
Trixx settings 1130/2150
core voltage -125

i've tried different drivers and different biosmods but i cant get past the 28 mh/s.

Any suggestions?

None of my biosmods were wrong or faulty - neither was the driver..
I reached 28 mh/s without tweaking any settings in either Trixx or Afterburner.
After i tweaked my settings to 1130/2150 (1stminingrig suggestion) i retrieved nothing but the same hashrate. After that i got pissed so i tried everything possible to fix theese 2 missing mhs, and Afterburner was the answer.. I tweaked the settings again to 1130/2150 and now i got 30 mhs each card :-)!!

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Miningrig on: January 15, 2019, 11:52:49 AM
Hi guys.

finally i've gotten into mining, and i chose to mine ethereum with a gpu mining rig. (i've made my calculations, and it is profitable with my equipment, and the kwh price where i live)

I chose to build an open-air mining rig and my question is about moist - im planning to place the miningrig in a garage where there is access to the cold air from the outside.

Should i use some kind of box to place over my mining rig? Is moist gonna be a problem?

Please enlighten me with your experiences.

sorry if this is not the right forum to start the topic, and for my English  Roll Eyes

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