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1  Economy / Service Discussion / Help please? (Don't know where this goes) on: February 24, 2015, 12:26:08 AM
I am trying to look for services like ---- but I have been reading they might be scammers? as the past 2 hours I've tried ordering something through them, when I click "Order Now" even with filling out 100%, it keeps saying "Server Error, please try again."

Is there any services/sites that are legit and semi-fast that I could use, to input a URL, shipping details, etc, I send them BTC and they buy it for me in USD?

And sorry in advance, I didn't really know where to put this thread, lol.

-Melwinder Smiley
2  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTS] League of Legends Account on: January 27, 2015, 06:31:22 AM
So I don't really know how many people play or have heard of League of Legends in BCT forums, but I wanna sell my League account. It's a level 30 Bronze II account, I have 72 champions, god knows how many skins (around 35+ with some ones that are unavailable permanently) 3 rune pages, currently has 161 RP and 5195 IP on the account - I've had it since Season 1, I've probably put around $300 or so into it but I just don't play it anymore, I play Heroes of the Storm a lot more.
The summoner name is "" and anyone is free to look it up and look at the champions and rune pages and such..
I am looking for at least 0.1076 BTC ($28.00 USD as of 10:30 PM PST 1/26/2015) and I hope that is a fair offer as I've spent a lot more than that in champions/skins.
3  Economy / Gambling / Superbowl Bets??? on: January 21, 2015, 10:20:06 AM
So this is a thread, and it's for gambling/sportsbook people, is anyone going to be betting on the Superbowl, if so which team and how much?
Seattle Seahawks VS. New England Patriots

I might put in 0.1 for ML Patriots into NitrogenSports even though my home-team is Seattle Seahawks
4  Economy / Investor-based games / Noticing a [Ponzi] Pattern..... on: January 18, 2015, 01:53:16 AM
Well as the subject entitles, I am seeing a Ponzi Pattern within the past couple weeks, along with there being what 20+ ponzi games in this section??? I've noticed that ALL of them, they don't have clear english and they have a lot of typos and their english is legit broken. I was reading a ponzi's site just about 10 minutes ago and it said this:
"100% transparent we make public our entire ledger so everyone can see that's happening."
So it leads me to believe, and many people may have already had the same guess, is that these Ponzi games that are popping up so much lately are most likely from China, Russia, Japan, Germany, those areas.
Correct me if I am wrong, but it just seems like all of these makers have amazingly broken english lol
5  Economy / Economics / Today is the day I goofed up.... on: January 15, 2015, 10:31:08 AM

that first link was from 2 days ago
and the 2nd one was from just now...

WHY would my bank allow this transaction from coinbase???
I meant to type $13.31 WORTH of BTC, not literally 13.31BTC

 Angry Angry
6  Economy / Long-term offers / Looking for a 6.5 BTC loan + 20% Interest / 2 Collaterals on: January 13, 2015, 07:44:57 AM
Hey everyone, so I was looking for a 6.5 BTC loan so I can use towards some miners, 20% Cloud mining + the rest real mining.

Repayment Time: Repayment + 20% Interest (by end of term), payment every 1 month, until it is paid off.
Payments every 1 month for 8 months (Estimated) : Est. 1 btc (every 1 month) + 8 months + 20% interest = 8 BTC
Collateral(s): This bitcointalk username/pass/Secret Q+Answer + my League of Legends Username and Password (level 30, 60+ skins approx, been playing since about Season 1 or 2)

I will also be upgrading the cloud mining part every day or two approx 10% of my balance each day in order to reach that goal of 9 months even quicker as an added bonus.
Thank you and I hope I am able to get this loan to finally be able to start my dream of mining big Smiley
7  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTS] STEAM Account 117 Games 2k+ Hours on: December 28, 2014, 09:24:53 AM

I would like 0.41 BTC ($131.10 USD as of 1:24 AM PST time 12/28/2014), negotiable if interested
8  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTS] or [WTT] Origin Account on: December 27, 2014, 06:38:51 AM
I want to sell my Origin account (Pic of games below) for 0.03, or I want to trade it for 1 month of Patron Service for the game ArcheAge (Trion Worlds)
Willing to negotiate Smiley

9  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTS] btctalk account on: December 24, 2014, 10:30:25 AM
I would like to sell my bitcointalk account, I don't use it as much as I would have hoped when I first signed up, Jr. member as you can see, I am asking 0.031
Thank you!
10  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTS] STEAM Account for BTC on: December 24, 2014, 06:51:18 AM
I am wanting to sell my Steam account:

I would like to get at least $700 USD (Approx 2.073 BTC) and it's valued at a much higher rate, I have 117 games approx plus played some free to play games, my most played game is Counter-Strike: Source at a whopping 1803 hours. I really need the money as times are getting tough. I only really play Free to play games on steam anymore so having over 117+ games in my library-list is just getting cumbersome and I would like to pass down this account 6 years old still in good standing to someone who will actually use the potential of this account with all of it's games!
11  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / BFGMiner won't detect ASIC USB??? on: March 21, 2014, 10:19:21 PM
I don't know where to post this in, but can anyone help me Sad I bought 3 Antminer U2 USB ASIC Miners (Picture 1) and only can get one out of three of them to work (picture 2) it would be much much appreciated if someone can help me or PM me or whatever.... I even tried to do "M +" and type in all sorts of things that could have worked, such as \\.\COM20 (19, 18, 5, etc when I put it into diff USB slots) and even antminer:all again, and antminer:\\.\COM____ but nothing won't work... They all show the red light, but when I run the miner, only one of the blue ones shows it blinking green...

Pic of the 3 USB Miners plugged into a Powered USB Hub

Picture of the BFGMiner detecting only one (AMU0), the .bat file, and the bfgminer folder I Have
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