No Ponzi BS here, just good old fashioned low minimum, low house edge Mini Bac!

Watch the Spreadsheet here:
https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en_US&key=tVCpKagojy6owXU-nGiJ-0Q&authkey=CLPKpskN&hl=en_US#gid=0(I have ran through the first 5 hands so that nobody is sitting down to a cold table)
Place your Bets
(.02 Min - .05 Max) at the addresses below
I will draw cards every 1/2 hour so long as there is at least one bet
Before I start to display cards, I will place a {NO MORE BETS} Flag in the card area, any bet yet to be confirmed will be allowed for this round, any bets placed after the flag is up will be placed for the next hand, please check the spreadsheet or ask in the chat if it is ok to bet.
Note, I will also place an {AFK} flag in the card area when I think I will be away for more than 1/2 hour. You may still place bets but it may be awhile before cards are drawn.
Max bets will be raised sometime after I know this works, at least a few hands.
Cards will be drawn according to the rules here:
http://wizardofodds.com/baccaratAny more questions, just ask!
I have created a list of cards at Random.org for Mini Baccarat. This list is in an excel file with the following SHA1 checksum: 7a5f7c67b98dd69ca9aca7b221fd1aca7f851234 created here:
http://hash.online-convert.com/sha1-generator After the game is over I will upload the excel file for all to see.
Cards are simply used from the top of the list as needed. The first card was a ten of hearts, therefore 10 cards were burned for a total of eleven. 27 cards were used for the first 5 hands, I can post all 38 cards used so far in order if anyone wants
All bets, cards, payouts, etc will be recorded after each hand in the History Tab (spreadsheet page 2)
Good Luck and enjoy, I am waiting for that first bet!

First Hand could be as early as 9:10am UTC!