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1  Local / 한국어 (Korean) / 암호 화폐 추적에서 메뉴 바 on: October 19, 2018, 04:26:11 PM
700 개 이상+전
을 한 눈에서 가장 인기 있는 암호화 통화'최신의 가격 메뉴 바

동전 가격에+30 통화
시 동전 가격에서 이상+30 가장 많이 거래되는 통화에 달러,는 파운드,유로 더

사용자 정의 메뉴 표시줄 보기
재물은 완전히 사용자 정의와 기능을 제공합 관리하는 환경 설정

대상 당신의 목표를 설정하는 알림입니다. 재물이 알려 할 경우 가격은 당신의 안타 대상

도 관심이 있는 경우 또는 투자에서 다른 동전을 참조하십시오 얼마나 많은 돈을 주머니에

Windows App v0.2.7

2  Other / Beginners & Help / Diablominer Pool and Solo mining question on: June 17, 2011, 10:55:09 PM
I've been battling with learning how this works for about 4 days now. I've managed to get diablominer to work for me using the pool. I'm not too sure on what I'm seeing at the bottom of the screen. I average around 400 mhash's, at least I think.

I'm assuming that mhash 401.1/402.8 means that 401.1 is realtime because it fluctuates and 402.8 stays the same meaning it's an average. At first I thought that those were the numbers both cards were pushing.

Anyway, I'm running 2 6850's. Crossfire is disabled. Catalyst 11.5b and sdk app 2.4. There are monitors hooked up to both cards. There's a crossfire cable in place. Both gpu's report full load according to msi afterburner. Diablominer reports that it's connected to both cores (barts 1 and 2). I start the program by going to the c drive and shift right clicking the diablominer folder to open a cmd with the path already specified. Then I type out the start command diablominer-windows.exe -u xxxxx -p xxxxx -o -r 8332 -v 19 -w 192.

All is well and good except for the fact that I read on here that people with single 5870's are pushing around the same hash rate as me.

I've also read on here that people are starting their miners in java directly, but, according to the original diablo3 post, I'm doing it the right way.

So, which way is the right way? Why are my 2 card's producing the same hash rate as a single card?

Another thing is that I've been 100% unsuccessful at solo mining. I have the bitcoin daemon. I start it with the -server command. It starts. I have the config created and it's right (i've tried about 4 different suggestions). When I start diablominer, it gets as far as connecting to the first gpu core and stops.

So, yeah, lol. I'm at a loss here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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