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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Return address on a transaction on: August 15, 2011, 12:39:52 PM
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how can I use the JSON-RPC to get a transaction's "return address"?  If I need to refund bitcoin, how can I get that address?

Many thanks!

2  Other / Politics & Society / The revolution is funded by bitcoin on: July 21, 2011, 05:04:40 PM
Today Lulzsec wrote a public letter to the US FBI.  It's a manifesto, a declaration of independence.!/LulzSec/status/77771916794011648

Later, Greg Maxwell released a 33 GB torrent of public-domain scientific papers, along with his own declaration of independence:

Lulzsec is anonymous and Greg Maxwell is not, but both are accepting bitcoin donations, the currency of independence.

Is this good or bad for the bitcoin experiment?  Will you support them?
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Is it OK to join a pyramid scheme if you're in early? on: June 22, 2011, 04:36:26 AM
There's a fun new game where you can double your bitcoins:

The operator is very open about how it works:

  • New players pay off old players x2
  • The game ends after nobody plays for a week
  • The operator keeps the btc left in the pot at the end of the game

There's even a Google Spreadsheet showing all the contributions, fees and the payouts.  Kudos to Jordoss for running such an open and transparent game!

Since it's no secret that those at the bottom of the pyramid will lose their bitcoins, is it moral to play if you get in early?

Or is it immoral to participate in an activity that is guaranteed to enrich a relative few at the expense of the relative many?

Full disclosure -- my greed won out, and I bought in!  It's only been running for a day, so chances are people who join now will get a double!

And it's all in fun, right?
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