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1  Economy / Services / Need Professional Bitcoin/Litecoin Mining/Market Expert needed for 5-10% stake on: October 18, 2015, 10:35:00 PM
I wrote a longer post draft with a whole bunch of really unnecessary information about myself and my history in general then deleted it like an unsent love letter lol.
I know there's 1000 kinds of scams out there so let me make this clear -  I DON'T WANT ANY MONEY OR BTC FROM ANYONE
I apologize for the long post, if you read it all then I thank you and your already ahead of the game.

The Bottom line is, I need 1-on-1 help and guidance in creating a rather large mining operation for myself personally.
Its better explained below, but Im offering 5% of all production I do in separate parts, 5% for existing infrastructure I have and %5 for future infrastructure, both created under someone(s) guidance and support.

Several years ago I posted on a different popular marketing forum about my journey to start mining bitcoins ($13 at the time) and bought $5k worth of stuff that still sits on the shelf unused because I really couldn't get it set up properly and got sidetracked onto other projects

If and when talking with the right candidate I can show you proof of this, but really I only mention it to say that I'm serious and long term, and have been part of the community a long time. Sadly help back from my lack of certain technical knowledge and the inability to dedicate the amount of time needed to fully realize the markets full potential before the market changes so much that that profitability is lost.

I want to do it right this time. I want someone thats going to be my right hand go to man when I need advice or help setting something up, or am having technical issues, monitization help and advice (profitability etc etc)

I'm not a dumb guy, I'm not without my own technical areas of expertise, while I understand a lot about coins and mining, theres a lot I'm unashamed to admit I do not. And to learn it all in an appropriate timeline is daunting. I would rather have "on the job training" from an expert, and then I can pick things up quickly. Many questions Ill have and advice I will need you will find very stupid. But I'll try to keep blonde moments to a minimum. Examples are....

Is it more profitable to mine btc than ltc right now
How do I edit what text document to put what where?
Command line what? What do you mean command line I don't see a place for that. Oh ok.

Im not a man without means, and am serious about setting this up. Ideally you would have a strong technical and hardware expertise as well as economic expertise to be able to look at not just bitcoins but other cryto as well.

I want to start where I'm making about $250-300 a day within the next month or two.
That doesn't necessarily mean bitcoin itself, I'm extremely interested in litecoin mine also, almost more than bitcoin.
But really I will follow where ever the money is.

But I need facts I don't have, such as...

"At current rates per $100 desired profit a day you will need to put out X/th which will cost you Y amount in equipment such as this "insert reputable, shipping, available and existing mining product", which will make you that amount for Z long before the difficulty increases in the next "insert" months. And then will make you approx X2 amount for approx Y2 long"

I also have approx 40 computers right now that are all 4gb to 12gb ram, with 1-2gb video cards in them.
If possible we would find a way to put them to use and begin earning with them. I don't know if this is even possible.

In the end, if your still reading thank you!
"What do i need from you"

1) I need to be able to talk to you on skype when ever I need to, within reason of course. I will initially have a lot of questions, then i will take some time and come up with more, and we can formulate a game plan. Also a way to notify you in an emergency to get on Skype (ie whatsapp or text). The later is more for once everything's up and running and something explodes and i need help lol

2) Once we created a game plan, and I purchased whats needed, and I have the hardware, I would need you to teamviewer into any computers that needed them to be teamviewered into and set them up for max efficiency.

3) Basic ongoing support, help with any expansions I might do. I understand that I'm not paying you your % for when things are going good, but for when things are going badly and i need your help lol.

I do not want to go back and forth in bitcoin talk mail, or checking this post over back and forth. I will reply to people here, but preferably you will contact me on skype if your interested. Please either leave your skype here, or Pm me with it, and I will reply back to you.

I want to express 3 things clearly.......

1) Im not a moron. I am insanely skeptical and anything that you try to tell me that seems as if it might be a scam, even if its a really good one, I will probably not fall for because I always air on the side of caution.

2) I am incredibly serious for someone legit and interested and willing to spend a significant amount to get to my mining goal. When we talk if your interested about me and my areas of expertise and what I do and have done for a living Im more than willing to share, but I've done affiliate marketing for years (hence all the computers) and want to move onto something more steady, stable, and reliable.  I understand this might cost several tens of thousands of dollars.

3) Just to say, as a bonus, I do get free electricity lol. I have an approx 1000sq ft office with ac and utilities included. Though I do kinda "lol" every time i see people factoring in electric. Perhaps its because im in the NW united states where electric is very cheap anyways. The only way I would move everything from my 4300sq ft house is if I saw my personal power bill go to something incredibly high, its $350 a month or so now, so if it went to even 600 or 700 I'd prob keep it here for ease of use, but if it went to 1k+ i might bring it over to my free electric office.

Thank you so much for reading. I will be posting this in different places and forums as well while looking for that right person so dont take that as me being disingenuous, but instead that I'm seriously looking. Perhaps parts of it trying to find something to do with all the damn computers i already have and see if there's anything viable to do with them. When I comes to the long term person I work with, it will be the person that I feel I find the best plan with and feel the most comfortable with. The person that actually gets to the point of setting things up with me. If anyone just wants to help for the sake of helping, then thats awesome of you, and if something you tell me end up making me money I always take care of those that help me out, thats how I've been doing what I do for over 10 years in my industry while others fade in and out.

As a truly last and final part of this too long post, I do please ask you not to flame me on here. I know this isnt a typical request, and the temptation will be strong for you to say things like "Dude just read all the info you need is on here".
I know, I get it. But theres only so many hats a man can wear. And I want to do this with a basic to intermediate knowledge that can turn into something more advanced as I deal with it on a day to day basis. I want the benefit of your mistakes and learning, and am intelligent enough to know what I dont know, and when to seek expert advice. Thank you.

2  Economy / Currency exchange / WTT ANYTHING (bought from store) for Mgtox weighted price (special -10%) on: March 28, 2013, 01:06:02 PM
I have this ad in the services and goods section as well, but for the services section i thought i would add that......
Also, I will sell moneypaks or vanilla visa cards, or most gift cards as well, for the same -10%

Starting this service, I've been on the forum for years, asking a few people to try me out, and will reward you for doing so.

The FIRST 10 PEOPLE to place orders will receive 10% off!

This is a no games, no nonsense, no bs.

There are of course a couple of limitations...
1) It must be something bought at wal mart, or best buy, that can be bought with my credit card
2) The total order must be $300-500. (i dont want to deal with shipping $20 worth of stuff)
3) I will ship for free to the united states, ground shipping. International I will be asking an additional fee
4) No escrow. I'm not going to get caught up in that game. I will 1000% send you your product, you can look in my previous posts where I sold people silver coins for btc and delivered. I will ask that you leave a positive review once you receive the product.

If you would like to make an order please send me a pm with your Skype and we can go over details, and/or please mention it in the thread.
As soon as we talk, we will come to an agreed price, and then you will send the btc. At that time i will go to the store, and have it on its way to you the next business day. I will also provide a tracking number.

Good examples of things to buy would be an xbox 360, a ps3, etc etc. All items of course will be new.

Link to older thread where i sold silver coins for btc, and members responded that they recieved them safely
3  Economy / Services / WTS ANYTHING (bought from store) for Mgtox weighted price (special -10%) on: March 28, 2013, 01:02:46 PM
I will buy anything you want from wal mart or best buy, and sell you for bitcoins.
Starting this service, I've been on the forum for years, asking a few people to try me out, and will reward you for doing so.

The FIRST 10 PEOPLE to place orders will receive 10% off!

This is a no games, no nonsense, no bs.

There are of course a couple of limitations...
1) It must be something bought at wal mart, or best buy, that can be bought with my credit card
2) The total order must be $300-500. (i dont want to deal with shipping $20 worth of stuff)
3) I will ship for free to the united states, ground shipping. International I will be asking an additional fee
4) No escrow. I'm not going to get caught up in that game. I will 1000% send you your product, you can look in my previous posts where I sold people silver coins for btc and delivered. I will ask that you leave a positive review once you receive the product.

If you would like to make an order please send me a pm with your Skype and we can go over details, and/or please mention it in the thread.
As soon as we talk, we will come to an agreed price, and then you will send the btc. At that time i will go to the store, and have it on its way to you the next business day. I will also provide a tracking number.

Good examples of things to buy would be an xbox 360, a ps3, etc etc. All items of course will be new.

Link to older thread where i sold silver coins for btc, and members responded that they recieved them safely
4  Economy / Goods / WTS ANYTHING (bought from store) for Mgtox weighted price (special -10%) on: March 28, 2013, 01:02:11 PM
I will buy anything you want from wal mart or best buy, and sell you for bitcoins.
Starting this service, I've been on the forum for years, asking a few people to try me out, and will reward you for doing so.

The FIRST 10 PEOPLE to place orders will receive 10% off!

This is a no games, no nonsense, no bs.

There are of course a couple of limitations...
1) It must be something bought at wal mart, or best buy, that can be bought with my credit card
2) The total order must be $300-500. (i dont want to deal with shipping $20 worth of stuff)
3) I will ship for free to the united states, ground shipping. International I will be asking an additional fee
4) No escrow. I'm not going to get caught up in that game. I will 1000% send you your product, you can look in my previous posts where I sold people silver coins for btc and delivered. I will ask that you leave a positive review once you receive the product.

If you would like to make an order please send me a pm with your Skype and we can go over details, and/or please mention it in the thread.
As soon as we talk, we will come to an agreed price, and then you will send the btc. At that time i will go to the store, and have it on its way to you the next business day. I will also provide a tracking number.

Good examples of things to buy would be an xbox 360, a ps3, etc etc. All items of course will be new.

Link to older thread where i sold silver coins for btc, and members responded that they recieved them safely
5  Economy / Currency exchange / (LIMITED TIME) Buying BTC for mgtox + 10% with Moneypak MP on: March 13, 2013, 05:19:33 AM
In the past I have sold Gold and Silver coins for bitcoins and had positive ratings and reviews, I'm now going to provide a new service where I will allow you to very quickly turn your bitcoins into CASH!!! I am looking to buy a great deal of bitcoins, as I believe in bitcoins and have ever since i was selling bitcoins for gold over 2 years ago

I'm currently looking for a few people to test the service out, and give some good feedback. Please leave honest reviews.
The first 2 people to use and review the service will receive mtgox + 10%

I will load your Moneypak MP loadable Debit Card in one of two denominations $300 or $500 after i have received the bitcoins.
I'm not doing any smaller denominations

Please Pm me through the board and let me know which denomination you were interested in.
6  Economy / Goods / WTS 1oz Silver coins - 2.5btc SPECIAL ENDS MONDAY 6-27 - American Silver Eagles on: June 24, 2011, 06:24:28 AM
In my other thread I stated i was selling 10 - 1oz American silver Eagles at a special "getting to know me price"
I have already sold 3 of the 10 coins for this low introductory price.

2.5btc includes shipping, outside the us please add .25btc to cover extra shipping during this special

Get this special while it lasts!

After these 10 coins and established reputation, my price with be 4btc a coin with free shipping, 4.25 internationally

Send me a message and after payment you will have your coins shipped the next business day

This thread was in the old selling section, it seems they are doing away with the section so i thought I'd post it in this new one.

link to old thread;all
7  Other / Obsolete (selling) / WTS 1oz Silver coins - 2.5btc SPECIAL ENDS MONDAY 6-27 - American Silver Eagle on: June 20, 2011, 04:37:43 AM
**Limit of 1 coin per user.

This is purely "at cost" between...
shipping and handling,
the over spot price everyone pays (including dealers),
and for what I feel is the fair market value in bitcoins (meaning what I realistically get back for the BTC)

I'm offering this 2.5 BTC offer to only established members, to show I am a serious and legitimate businessman that
will be offering fair and honest trades. After the first 10 orders I will go to my normal pricing structure.

These will not be bargain basement prices, but they will be fair and legitimate. The bitcoin market obviously changes, as does the silver and gold markets, and finding a place in the middle is going to be my job and responsibility. I am going to make this as streamline for everyone else as possible.

Please send me a private message through the forum with your Skype Id if u have one
Orders will be send our via US 2-3 day mail the next business day after payment is received.

Thank you, and I hope to do a lot of business here in the future.

     Also, Some people have expressed to me that they would like to buy, however, don't meet the criteria.

If you want to buy and don't meet the criteria i previously listed send me a message and I'll consider others, as long as you make sure to still leave a fair and accurate review of me and my service and coins
8  Economy / Marketplace / selling- 1oz American Silver Eagles 2.5 btc on: June 20, 2011, 01:37:03 AM
*note this has been edited to reflect my current special.

Hello Everyone!

Today I am launching a new service here for the bitcoin community that I hope to be groundbreaking event that will help bring hard backing to bitcoins.

I am currently offering gold and silver coins I presently own, from my own collection, for bitcoins.
These are coins I have currently, in stock, and on hand. I really only deal in US and Canadian Coins.

In these uncertain economic times, gold and silver are a worthy investment, and with the worldwide economic system on the brink of collapse, gold and silver are your best hedge against everything from hyperinflation to surviving a currency collapse.


**Limit of 1 coin per user.

This is purely "at cost" between...
shipping and handling,
the over spot price everyone pays (including dealers),
and for what I feel is the fair market value in bitcoins (meaning what I realistically get back for the BTC)

I'm offering this 2.5 BTC offer to only established members, to show I am a serious and legitimate businessman that
will be offering fair and honest trades. After the first 10 orders I will go to my normal pricing structure.

These will not be bargain basement prices, but they will be fair and legitimate. The bitcoin market obviously changes, as does the silver and gold markets, and finding a place in the middle is going to be my job and responsibility. I am going to make this as streamline for everyone else as possible.

Please send me a private message through the forum with your Skype Id if u have one
Orders will be send our via US 2-3 day mail the next business day after payment is received.  

Thank you, and I hope to do a lot of business here in the future.

The bitcoin has just become gold backed.
9  Other / Beginners & Help / What would you ideally like to be able to buy with bitcoins on: June 19, 2011, 06:07:23 AM
As for me, I'd love to be able to buy things tangible, so a nice steady bitcoins to dollars that was easily transferable, like forex.
10  Other / Beginners & Help / VOTE HERE!Will your bitcoins come from buying, trading, or mining on: June 18, 2011, 11:25:19 AM
Would like to know where most people think their bitcoins either come from or will come from, wouldn't you? Vote yourself to find out!
11  Other / Beginners & Help / How many real life friends/family/co-workers have u told about bitcoins on: June 18, 2011, 11:10:15 AM
Kinda a simple question. How much of a ripple in the pond are you? Also how long have u known about bitcoins as more than just a word
(if even that much)

Family          3
Friends         7
Co-workers   2 (i have my own small office)

Total            12 people in less than 2 weeks

How about you guys?
12  Other / Beginners & Help / Step by step guide to selling bitcoins you earn on: June 18, 2011, 11:01:18 AM
Someone should make a step by step guide for selling bitcoins for your favorite currency.

Because at the end of the day, bitcoins are wonderful, but if we want a real world influence we need a steady stable exchange and influx of money into the system

So while there are exchanges, some of them still may seem a little bit mysterious to the layman. And maybe a step by step guide with several different options to make a bitcoin turn into $15 USD in my wallet, or $15 in my wallet into 1 bitcoin, would help people feel more comfortable.

Because right now, its

"use mtgox"
"use tradhill"

People need things dumbed down, especially if we want to cater to the masses of the great unwashed
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