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Slow transactions for a bit (few days, even weeks!!) before a consensual fork is MUCH MUCH safer and better for everyone involved, than a consensus-less hard fork with 75%! Unless you wish harm on the project.
Hey XT fan boys, lets hear you deny this statement.
| looks like there is a bitcoin subreddit, but no one can talk about XT and there is an XT subreddit but you can only praise XT and Gavin (peace be up on his name) Now, we have NOXT. bring all your articles, news, ideas, about why forking like this is a terrible idea. cheers.
The "XT Fork" (better said, a POS alt*) and those behind it make not even a pretense to work through process involved with bitcoin developmen t. (*This is not intended as a slight toward any other alts, as here in this post I am focusing solely on XT.) Instead of abandoning their useless project, or at least conceding that their alt is operating essentially outside of the development funnel (by this I mean BIP process), the developers of XT, via their latest presentation of XT give nothing more than an attack on bitcoin (albeit one that, more than anything, is designed to sidetrack real discussion necessary to resolve the issues so as to achieve some level of consensus in block size debates). Curiously, XT is not even truly the implementation of BIP 101; the actual proposed implementation of BIP 101 as proposed at is found here: is currently a closed issue.) It's probably valid to call into question why Mike Hearn in particular persists with this project at all, as he has been its biggest cheerleader. Some reasons may be: 1) His interest in attacking bitcoin in the past (seems to be a recurring pattern) His employment (has come up before) - QinetiQ, Google, etc - it's simply not unreasonable to ask why he's pushing it so hard when nobody wants it. 3) Various reasons mentioned here: 4) His disinterest in following what is actually happening with votes on legitimate proposals (e.g. Garzik's BIP 100) in the blocks. (Caveat ~ one doesn't see the BIP 100 yet in bitcoin/bips because it won't appear for another couple weeks, supposedly. The miners' voting is already happening however.) Even according to we see that XT runs minimal nodes in comparison to the rest of nodes being run across the network. BIP 100 itself is anticipated to be submitted w/ implementation in the next 2 weeks and many miners are already voting on BIP 100 (as per Jeff Garzik, from a post 08/12/2015 12:46 PM -0400 to this mailing list) . It is an insult to see Hearn fling the XT turd into the community repeatedly. How then to end this XT madness? "The ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. The ring must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this." - - Lord Elrond Do not download this loathsome XT thing. Cast it back into the fires from whence it came. - -Odinn
I need to know if I have to point my hashers elsewhere. I'm not going to be part of this XT crap.
I came across this site, and it has some really cool paper wallet designs. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use it though. I save the page but i don't see any folders with it where i can replace the default design. Can someone give me a raging clue? Thanks
no 12, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 42, 48, 54, 56, 60, or 1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, 877 or 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796 or even 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 Just fucking add seven! 1966, 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994, 2001, 2008, 2015? __________________________________________________ 1966 don't need to be an economist to see a pattern here! And I'm fairly certain everyone here is familiar with the .com bubble of 2001, and the 2008 housing "crisisisisis derp derp" Oh, and then you got this crazy bitch from IMF getting wet talking about sevens! just keep in mind that bitcoin has NEVER seen an economic crisis. Last time we had one, bitcoin was in Satoshi's stomach! Brace yourselves.
|' Please respectfully post all the issues that you see with his arguments. Not reasons why you think we actually did go to the moon, but what is factually wrong with his evidence. Thanks
I went to a friend's beach-house this weekend wearing my bitcoin shirt, and of course the conversation came up  . There was this girl who was against bitcoin (with zero knowledge about the topic of course) and we started talking about the "intrinsic value of bitcoin" Derpina: Bitcoin has no intrinsic value! You can't do anything with it. Me: Well, you can move value effortlessly from point A to point B. Derpina: You can already do that! I buy stuff online all the time! I've also payed people with my bank account online. What's the issue? (Then it hit me, she was complaining earlier about the physical move she had done earlier this month. How it it was a bitch etc etc ) Me: Remember when you said you moved your house? Derpina: yes?! aaand Me: What if you could move all your stuff from the old house to the new house without help from anyone? last week, you had to call your friend to help you move, then you had to rent a truck etc etc right? What if you could just say "couch, go from house X to house Y" and BAM it went? Sure, you were able to move your stuff, but you were at the mercy of your friends helping you, not to mention the truck company where you rented the truck and you have to pay them and trust them and hope they don't fuck up your couch. Now, remember, the bigger the house you're moving, the harder and more expensive it gets. Also The further from current house you're moving to, again the harder and more expensive it gets. ( And some times you simply can't!) Same with the way you move value today. You are at the mercy of the banks. With bitcoin, you can say "like a good neighbor, Blockchain is there! hey blockchain, can you move 40000 BTC from this account to this account!?" and BAMMM there it went. No permissions from anyone, no filling out form, no appointment, nothing! As easy as leaving a Facebook comment for someone. Now, isn't that a valuable piece of technology? Derpina, HAHAHAH hmmmm I don't know, I'll have to look into it more. Me: There you go 
Finally got around to setting one up. It's sitting on my desk at work 