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1  Economy / Services / [OPEN] Looking for writers for on: September 07, 2017, 09:40:27 PM
Some friends and I are starting a new blog, - we're looking for contributors, paid (up to $50 per post) or not to write thoughts about altcoins and upcoming ICOs, specifically ones they don't like for some reason. You should be proficient in English, as well as be accurate and possibly funny. We currently use to host the blog and have not published anything yet. You'll need to provide a sample of your writing, an altcoin you'd like to write about, then we can negotiate price. I'm happy to pay via btc.

Fill in a quick application here -
2  Economy / Digital goods / [WTS] $10 Amazon gift card on: August 16, 2013, 07:53:18 PM
A $10 USD gift card. I don't really need it; offers, happy to escrow if you want.
3  Economy / Service Discussion / Am I being impatient with MTGox? on: January 21, 2013, 10:36:34 AM
Personally I don't think 3 weeks to restore my account is acceptable.

Am I being impatient with MTGox or not?

Danny, Jan 21 19:28 (JST):

We sincerely regret for the inconvenience. We are still waiting for the update from the Developer and I will update you once the issue is fixed.

Thanks, Team

Russell Smith, Jan 19 19:44 (JST):
Could I have non-canned response and a date please.

Danny, Jan 18 21:22 (JST):

I apologise for the delay. We will update you as soon as possible.

Thanks, Team

Russell Smith, Jan 18 03:27 (JST):
Hi guys,

This is getting ridiculous!

How long am I going to have to wait?


Danny, Jan 12 00:41 (JST):

I apologise for the delay. We will update you as soon as possible.

Thanks, Team

Russell Smith, Jan 11 19:49 (JST):
It's been nearly 2 weeks; please can you escalate this?

Danny, Jan 11 19:47 (JST):

Thank you for the email. We are still waiting for the update from the Developer and I will update you once the issue is fixed.

Thanks, Team

Russell Smith, Jan 11 08:17 (JST):
Any updates?

Danny, Jan 01 18:00 (JST):

Thank you for the email. I have posted a request to the developer regarding this. Please note that we are running with limited staff due to Holidays and we need some more time to process your request.

Thanks, Team

Russell Smith, Jan 01 02:14 (JST):
If there is no way to get it back, then <removed> would be good, thanks!

Danny, Jan 01 00:33 (JST):

Thank you for the email. On checking further I can see that the account was disabled and in the mean time your username russ was used for another account. Please provide a new username that you would like to setup for the account.

Thanks, Team

Russell Smith, December 30, 2012 01:36 (JST):

I just issued a reset request 5 minutes or so ago and haven't go the email yet? How long should it take?

Danny, December 30, 2012 01:19 (JST):

Thank you for the email. We have been disabling inactive accounts due to auditing purpose, but I have enabled your account now and you can use forgot password link to get the login details

Please contact us for any further assistance.

Thanks, Team
4  Bitcoin / Project Development / AWS mturk, but paid for with bitcoins. Looking for alpha users on: January 17, 2013, 08:24:03 PM
Hi guys,

I've been working on a layer in front of the mturk api which allows you to pay for hits using bitcoin. . Basic features are complete and charging works the same as AWS; fee is only charged if the work is submitted. Rejections can be supported, but are disabled by default as this would be an easy scam and the only repercussions would be on me.

Just as Amazon Mechanical Turk collects a 10% commission on top of the amount you (the "Requester") have paid someone to complete your Human Intelligence Tasks (“HITs”), so do I. AWS's minimum commission charge is $0.005 per HIT, and the same for me.

So, in total using mturk via me is 10% + $0.005 per hit more expensive than using it directly.

e.g. a $0.20 reward for 3 assignments would cost: 3 * $0.20 * 1.1 * 1.1 = $0.726 rather than $0.66 directly on AWS.

I'm looking for two to three alpha users to try it.

Please PM me if you're interested

5  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTS] Apple 30in Cinema display (located in the UK) on: January 14, 2013, 05:53:23 PM
1 x Apple 30in Cinema display, boxed, great condition - no dead pixels or issues.
1 x Dual-link DVI to Mini display port adaptor

Located in the UK, GU31 area. Collection only as it's heavy and you'll probably want a demo.
6  Economy / Digital goods / [SOLD] Ingress invites x 2 via Oybee on: January 14, 2013, 09:48:32 AM
Selling 2 x Google Ingress invite codes for 0.5 BTC each; is is
7  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTS] Breaking my old rig on: January 06, 2013, 07:20:28 PM
Most of the components are old, but some might be useful for you guys. I'm now over in the US a lot, so this stuff has been in storage at a friends flat; it never gets used. Most of this is obsolete, but I'm happy to let it go cheaply if anyone is interested;

8 x 2G (16G) 184 pin DDR ECC Reg
2 x AMD Opteron 275 Dual core's
1 x workstation motherboard (dual socket 940, 8x ram slots, etc)
1 x Akasa Full ATX Case (Eclipse-62)
1 x WD Raptor 36G

Newer stuff;
1 x Galaxy Enermax 1000w PSU
1 x HP Microserver N40L, currently with 3x2TB WD Green's and a (120G, from memory) SSD.

Prefer collection from the UK, GU31. I can possibly ship somethings stateside or bring them back in a couple of weeks, if anyone is interested.

8  Economy / Goods / [WTS] Sonos Play:AMP and B&W 685's (will split) on: January 06, 2013, 07:12:01 PM
B&W 685's, ebony. These speakers are awesome and multiple winner of Sound and Vision Best of awards.

Sonos AMP is a great little network controlled amplifier + music player.

I've still got the box for the speakers and probably the original receipt for both. They're kinda heavy; I'm happy for someone to come and collect (UK, GU31 area) / make me an offer for shipping.

9  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTS] Elgato Turbo.264 (non HD, it's the older model) on: January 06, 2013, 06:56:26 PM
Elgato Turbo.264, useful for offloading video encoding for iPhones etc. It's the older model so no 1080p content encoding. It's boxed and complete and I can ship to the UK or the US.

10  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Mt Gox Trade API client on: April 12, 2011, 11:11:30 PM

Enjoy. Comments & feedback welcome.
11  Economy / Marketplace / Will code / work for bitcoin on: April 05, 2011, 05:41:15 PM
I'm interested in doing some coding / server stuff for coins...

I've got good experience with;

  • PHP
  • Node.js
  • HTML / CSS / Javascript
  • Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, Gearman, RabbitMQ
  • Debian, Ubuntu, AWS

I can help with deployment, setup, infrastructure, software design and general coding.

I'm also happy to invoice in BTC from a UK Limited company, should you require.
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